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A Valuable Servant



1. Find information about Harriet Beecher Stowe and

write a few lines about her.

American writer and abolitionnist, 1811 to 1896, part

of the anti slavery forces

2. Identify the characters present or mentioned in the

text. Say how they afre related.

Tom sought Miss Ophelia, who had treated him with

marked and respectful kindness. Mrs St. Clare

3. How many dialogues are there in the text? Identify

each dialogue and say who is speaking, what the first character wants fron the other, and whether the other character
agrees or not.

2 dialogues between miss ophelia and tom and after miss ophelia and st claire

4. Explain what Tom’s master had decided.

5. True or false? Justify your answers.

A. Ophelia doesn’t like Tom B. Ophelia is optimistic. C. Tom chose the right person to defend his case. true

6. Suggest why Tom goes to see Miss Ophelia instead of Mrs St. Clare. must be afraid to go see the mistress, fear she
wont give what she promesed, hard hearted, old fashioed, ohelia doubts he could get what he wants

7. How does Miss Ophelia first react? Deduce the meaning of “sharply”. Showing her strong refusal, in an unpleasent

8. Explain Mrs St. Clare’s two arguments. salves always want what they don’t have, and they can't take care of
themselves, too valuble savle too hard to replace him

9. According to Mrs St. Clare, why does Tom want his freedom?
Tom is so steady, industrious, and pious
10. Why does Mrs St. Clare object to Tom’s demand?
He would get a bad master, she thinks she is doing a faver to tom
11. What new problem does Miss Ophelia bring up? Deduce the meaning of “humbug”.
If she sales him he will get a bad master. Humbug means nonsense
12. What detail does Miss Ophelia mention in her last argument? What for?
the husband when he died wanted to give tom his liberty, it was his last wish. She is trying to make st clare feel guilty

1. Comment on Miss Ophelia’s attitude throughout her dialogue with Mrs St. Clare. kind
hearted, she defends tom

2. Why do you feel about the intentions of the writer while writing this text?
3. Miss Ophelia meets Tom again after this scene. Imagine their dialogue.

Im so sorry st clare wont listen and she doesent want to give you your freedom


1. Pick a synonym for each adjective: religious praticing hardworking conscientious reliable

2. Explain how the phrase “quite as well as is worth while” (l.32) can be understood.

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