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JAN. 2022

In the January 2022 newsletter, I highlight the efforts of each City operation and
department. In January, the Fire Department prioritized the mental health and
overall wellbeing of our service members and personnel by starting nutritional
and wellness programs. The City Clerk's Office is currently developing a new
redistricting strategy by partnering with Best Best & Krieger. The Police
Department has shown significant progress in assisting our homeless
community through our partnership with City Net, and Public Works has given a
new face to eleven of our baseball fields through multiple enhancements.

Furthermore, the Community Development Department recently kicked off the

cannabis application process, and our Engineering Department continues to
complete CIP projects with progress being made in one of our newest
development, McSweeney Farms.

I am proud to be working alongside a passionate team dedicated to our

community and I am thankful for your readership, and hope that our updates
help you stay well-informed and knowledgeable of all the work and contributions
we are putting in to improving our City.

Chris Lopez
DECEMBER 27, 2021 - JANUARY 20, 2022

Building & Safety

New Projects Submitted 519
Plan Reviews Performed 166
Permits Issued 353
Inspections Performed 1313
Emails Received 6270
Front Counter Visits 328

Code Enforcement
Cases Created 42
Current Active Code Cases 781
Foreclosure Cases Monitored 145
Cases Brought into Compliance 62
Emails Recorded to Cases 61
Counter Visits 26
Phone Calls 31

Email Responses 777
Phone Calls 180
Counter Visits 120
Planning Inspections 14
Home Occupation Permits Issued 11
Plan Checks 228

Public Records Act

The City Clerk’s Office has launched GovQA, the City’s new Public
Records Act (PRA) Program, making the PRA Request process
more efficient and allowing records to be more easily accessible
to the public. To date, 48 requests have been processed through
the new system. This new program offers a feature to allow
popular or common requests to be accessible to anyone who visits
the portal. As requests accumulate, frequently requested
documents will be added to the search bar, similar to a Google or
Bing drop-down list. The City Clerk’s Office can now monitor and
review page or folder (document) visits. This new tool is also
improving the way departments handle and deliver documents. All
requests are stored in the GovQA database making multi-
department requests less challenging to review and deliver to
requestors. Visit GovQA


The City Clerk’s Office is working closely with Best Best & Krieger,
the City’s partner in developing a strategy for the Redistricting
Process. With the new census data provided in 2021, information
will be applied and analyzed in fulfillment of the 2022 Redistricting
Process for the boundary maps for the City of Hemet’s Districts.

The City Clerk’s Office developed a 2022 Redistricting page on the

City’s website, allowing for a general narration of the redistricting
process. The page is interactive in allowing residents to email
correspondence to the City Clerk and verify what district they live
in. Social Media Announcements are soon to follow. For more
information, visit:

Staff Highlight

Deputy City Clerk Brandon Yoshida took the lead in covering the
City Clerk’s Office while Covid exposure affected the office in
early January. Other Covid exposures also affected multiple
teams, including the City’s Planning Division. Among covering the
regular duties in the City Clerk’s Office, Brandon was asked to
assist the Planning Division. While the City Clerk and Planning
secretary and back-up secretary were on leave, Brandon clerked
the Special City Council Meeting and immediately following
adjournment, he clerked the Planning Commission Meeting in the
same night. Brandon worked with multiple departments/Divisions:
IT, Planning, and City Manager to safeguard a seamless process.

Following the meeting, he was complimented by members of the

Planning Commission, City Manager, and Community Development
Director. Brandon continues to show his commitment in assisting
residents of the City of Hemet and being an asset to the

Mobile App
Our Hemet Police Department (HPD) is currently making
improvements to the City of Hemet Police Department’s
mobile app. Improvements are pending and changes
include a more user-friendly ability for fireworks
violations to be reported through the system. These
improvements were established prior to New Year’s Eve
in the event that community members can report
fireworks violations without calling the Police
Department’s Communication Center. The Hemet Police
Department Application is downloadable on the app store
for both iPhones and Androids.
Moreover, HPD’s server room recently received updates
resulting in enhancements in internet and Wi-Fi
capabilities for sworn and non-sworn staff. These much-
needed updates provide staff the ability to work more
efficiently throughout the department building.

Community Engagements

Hemet Police personnel were honored to be involved in

various community events related to the holiday season
with a focus on the City’s Strategic Plan. Such events
included a Toy Drive which was made possible by
donations from community members and businesses; a
caravan of local law enforcement agencies to spread
cheer to doctors, nurses and hospital staff; and officers
from the Traffic and ROCS Bureaus giving gift cards
instead of tickets to provide positive reinforcement to
drivers and encourage safe driving habits.

Partnership with City Net Updates

In partnership with the Hemet PD ROCS Team, City Net

successfully housed two homeless individuals in the
month of January. This marks the first two individuals
housed with the City of Hemet’s housing vouchers—a
significant foundational step to address the homeless
matter in Hemet. Although City Net will be providing
monthly updates as part of their services, City Net’s first
week deserves a brief snapshot of their services and
activities. On December 1, 2021, a Facebook post tagged
several council members from the San Jacinto and
Hemet valleys which pointed to a homeless encampment
on Buena Vista, south of Esplanade Avenue.

Partnership with City Net Updates (cont.) Coffee with A Cop

Law enforcement officers and City Net responded to The Hemet Police Department held its
the post and headed out to the encampment to offer first “Coffee with a Cop” event on
services which garnered a positive response. City Net January 13, 2022 at the Starbucks on
personnel were able to provide resources to those in West Florida Avenue. The event
the encampment, followed by contacting the person welcomed dozens of members of the
who created the FB post and update them on how the community and provided a neutral site
issue was resolved. for the public to get to know HPD
officers and ask questions. This is
On the second day, City Net personnel took the another great example of fulfilling the
initiative to offer services to several people at Weston Community Engagement Goal in the
Park, followed by the third day on December 6, 2021 Strategic Plan.
City Net having the opportunity to meet the rest of the
Hemet Police Department’s ROCS Team. One of their
very first calls together was regarding an
encampment on Kirby Street with City Net connecting
the homeless individual to housing services AND
driving him to Riverside to get him checked in for
housing. On the fourth day, City Net personnel were
active in the area of the Hemet Valley Mall providing
more resources and services to homeless individuals
in the surrounding areas. The City of Hemet is proud
to partner with City Net as they have been a
tremendous asset to our community and to our Law
Enforcement Officers. We continue to look forward in
making strides with the non-profit organization
towards improving the overall Quality of Life in

City Net Dashboard Metrics

January 2022 - Hemet, CA

*POLM = Path of Life Ministries


City Net: Exit Information (cont.)

Outreach Contacts reflect the number of interactions for the specific purpose of reaching out to
unsheltered homeless neighbors in a process of building trust and offering a support toward the
long-term goal of connecting them with emergency shelter, housing, or critical services; and
providing urgent, non-facility-based care. These activities are intended to help homeless
neighbors to obtain appropriate supportive services, including assistance in obtaining permanent
housing, medical health treatment, metal health treatment, counseling, supervision, and other
services essential for achieving independent living; housing stability case management; and
other Federal, State, local or private assistance available to assist the program participant in
obtaining housing stability. This number can be duplicated in any given reporting period. This
number refers to adults only and does not include any children if they were present.

Street Exits are defined by HUD and enumerate in the HUD systems Performance Report, and City
Net uses these designations for all street exits achieved through the efforts of two or more
agencies working together within the context of the homeless collaborative in the city. HUD
designates some of these street exits as "temporary" and some as "permanent", and City Net
exercises discretion to count as exited those homeless neighbors who have a reasonable plan in
place to move from temporary shelter to permanent housing.

Client Engagement reflects the current number of homeless neighbors who are voluntarily
engaged in a formal, written case management relationship with City Net. Clients sign permission
to allow City Net case managers to work with them to achieve progress on a mutually agreed
upon plan to attain housing and supportive services. Case mangers follow-up with housed clients
for 6 months after housing to ensure a successful placement. Active cases are engaged once a
week on average and are considered inactive after 90 days of no contact.

City Net Success Highlights

While conducting community outreach, a

City Net case manager approached a client
who was sleeping in a local grocery store
parking lot. Case managers introduced
themselves to the client and explained the
various types of services we provide to
individuals experiencing homelessness. The
client stated that she had been homeless in
Hemet for a few weeks due to being kicked
out of her family's house. The client stated
that she didn't want to be on the streets but
couldn’t find a shelter that would accept
her. Case managers immediately began
assessing the client’s options after getting
to know her a little better and were able to
secure her a bed at the Set Free Women's
Ranch in Lake Elsinore, California. Case
managers provided transportation to the
shelter where the client will happily be
staying for the next year. In late December 2021, the Hemet police
department made contact with two
In early December 2021, City Net case clients who were staying in an
managers engaged with a couple while encampment at a local abandoned
doing outreach at a local park in Hemet. The shopping center. Hemet PD contacted
couple explained they were experiencing case managers to come assist the clients
homelessness after a series of medical with resources and housing opportunities.
issues and shortfalls that made it difficult Case managers were then made aware
to maintain employment and housing. The that both clients were deaf and were
male partner explained that he had been interested in a shelter if available. The
homeless for more than a decade and his clients expressed that their disabilities
girlfriend for over five years. Both clients made it difficult to communicate and
had numerous wagons of their personal navigate finding shelter. After
possessions they carried with them, assessment, case managers determined
protected only by a blue tarp. Case that both clients had been homeless for
managers began to assess both clients for less than 30 days and had sufficient
housing opportunities in Riverside County income to support themselves with
and after a few weeks of intensive case housing. However, the clients disclosed
management were able to place both clients that they stopped receiving SSDI benefits
in the City of Hemet Hotel Program. The which was inhibiting their ability to find
clients were connected to a social security housing and asked for assistance to
advocate and are actively pursuing reinstate their benefits. City Net was able
employment opportunities to support their to get the two in contact with the Social
journey to permanent housing. The couple is Security Administration and were able to
currently awaiting their turn of availability get the clients’ benefits reinstated within
from the County of Riverside’s housing one week. The clients were placed in the
assistance program. The clients have Hemet Hotel Program, where they are
expressed their gratitude to City Net for currently building their savings and are
helping them find this opportunity. preparing to seek out permanent housing.

The Wrap Restraint System

The Hemet Police Department's Perishable Skills
Defensive Tactics Cadre comprised of Sgt. Gabriel
Gomez, Officer Jared Florez, Detective Jared
Preston, and Officer Dominic Del Bono recently
provided departmental training on "The Wrap." The
Wrap restraint System is designed to subdue a
combative or uncooperative subject by placing them
in a comfortable and safe restrained position that
protects the volatile subject, the public, and officers.
Recent legislative changes to the Government Code
7286.5(a)(2) under Assembly Bill 490 provided the
Hemet Police Department with an opportunity to
research new technologies. Due to the dangers
associated with positional asphyxia, “The Wrap”
Restraint is a safe solution which allows a combative
subject to sit in a position of recovery while safely
securing them for transport. The advantages the
Hemet Police Department hopes to gain by utilizing
this restraint system is the ability to stop conflicts
safely, quickly, and upon first contact by positioning
the subject in an upright/seated position of recovery.
Staff Highlight

This will aid in swift de-escalation and provide timely

HPD would like to
medical care as needed.
recognize Public
Information Social Media
Social Media Growth
Officer Alan Reyes as he
has exemplified leadership
The Hemet Police Department’s social media
and innovation in his
platforms saw exponential growth in 2021. Content
relatively short time being
reach and the amount of people content posted
with the department. He
reaches on Facebook has increased by 34%
continued the
compared to years past with the Facebook page,
Department’s social media
recently reaching 25,000 followers. Instagram
presence, identified
continues to be the fastest growing platform for
needed equipment and
Hemet PD with around 1,200 new followers. Hemet
resources to improve upon
PD also plans on introducing new, long-form content
the HPD’s social media
to begin utilizing the Department’s YouTube channel.
postings, presented new
graphic designs for police
vehicles and is currently
working on enhancements
to the Department’s app.

New Year Kick-Off

Our Hemet Fire Department (HFD) started off
the New Year with a list of exciting plans for
2022. The Department is establishing a new
Wellness Program to provide staff lectures,
various workouts, and nutritional and
behavioral health information. The program
will also include lab blood work and a physical
assessment, a 12-lead EKG/Treadmill and
provide fitness journals for each employee.
This program was well received by the
department with Captains Mike Spitsnaugle
and Efrain Vargas spearheading the new
initiative as program managers.

A Peer Review Team was created to connect

HFD representatives from each discipline to
foster overall situational awareness,
transparency, succession planning and
ensuring internal processes are followed (i.e.
Peer support, HazMat, USAR, and etc). HFD’s
newly formed Peer Support Team gave a
presentation to our Command Staff on
January 6, 2022 outlining their goals for 2022
and discussing the varying programs that are
available to benefit our HFD staff and

To add, HFD recognized the month of January

as Fire Fighter Cancer Awareness Month to
help reduce the risk of occupational cancer
through awareness and prevention.

New Fire Engine

Our new fire engine is still at KME in Jurupa
Valley for customization. When KME has
completed the initial customization stage, it
will then go to Fire Station 4 in Hemet where
the apparatus committee and Chief Kuhlman
will map out equipment locations on the
emergency vehicle. The engine will then be
driven to Johnson Equipment for four weeks
for final detailing. Battalion Chief Kevin
Kuhlman has set a projected goal for in-
service use beginning in March of 2022.
HFD’s current recruitments are moving forward with Fire Prevention Officer interviews which
were completed the week of January 10, 2022. Staff is hopeful in finding the best and most
qualified candidate to fill the Prevention Officer position.

Medical Professional Appreciation

Our Fire Department expressed their love and appreciation to our ER Staff at the Hemet KPC
Global Medical Center who heroically save lives and treat patients during COVID surges and in all
medical emergencies. To demonstrate our support for our medical professionals, Fire Battalion
Chief Lloyd visited KPC Global and brought refreshing and energizing treats to our health care

Training Center Update

On an exciting note, a meeting to build HFD’s future Training Center was held on January 18,
2022. Our Fire Department anticipates a community ground breaking event with a Measure U sign
in April 2022 (see photos on page 4). Chief Majchrzak is also working on an Acting BC taskbook.
This task is given to the Captains who are interested in taking the upcoming assessment which
will be taking place in late February. Lastly, our Fire Prevention Program is currently under

Battalion Chief Lloyd is currently working with our CSG Representative on new building
inspections. Once HFD’s new Fire Prevention Officer has completed the hiring process, she will
begin working with other city inspectors and partners to streamline efficiency.

The Hemet Fire Department saw a call volume increase of 4.3% in 2021 from 2020 with a total of
17,876 incidents. This trend will continue as new homes are built in Hemet and as population
increases in Hemet and in Riverside County overall. The Hemet Fire Department (HFD) had a total
of 221 calls for service between December 27, 2021 and January 6, 2021. Of the 221 calls, 4
were fire-related, 165 were medical-related, and 52 were other miscellaneous calls. Between
January 6, 2022 and January 20, 2022, Fire answered a total of 575 service calls. Of these calls,
13 were fire-related, 403 were medical-related, and 159 were miscellaneous calls.

All fire-related Bureaus are ensuring our Strategic Plan action items are being captured.
Brubaker Park Ballfield Refresh

Public Works staff completed the

review of the Consultant’s report on
Brubaker Park for the necessary
rehabilitation of the 11 ball fields and
coordinated a response from City

Work has since then commenced on

the rehabilitation of the ball fields to
include infield and outfield
maintenance which was completed
on January 31, 2022. Public Works
staff is w drafting the request for a
new proposal for management
services for the Brubaker Park
baseball complex.

The Department is also working to

award a purchase order to the
landscape architect for the
renovation of Rodighier Green.


The Well 12 Rehabilitation project is

awaiting submittals and staff is
preparing for the commencement of
the project.

The Tank 2 recoat project contractor

is mobilizing on site and work
commenced on January 10, 2022
with the vendor blasting and making
repairs to the interior of the tank.

Work continues on the Well 2A

rehabilitation/repair with initial
cleaning, and repairs are being
finalized with expected completion
and start up at the end of January.
This well provides 50% of the City’s
current supply of potable water.
Some projects are experiencing slight
delays due to contractors dealing
with the Omicron upsurge of COVID.

Lastly, staff submitted 66 locations

CIP # 5716 Well 2A Rehab
to the JPIA Concrete Rehabilitation
program and is coordinating with a
vendor for a final cost proposal. Tank 2 Re-Coat

Good Job! Management Kudos to Administrative
Assistant Dan Cortese Assistant Carmen Garcia

Dan Cortese took the lead on the Public Works Administrative

coordination of the issuance of Assistant Carmen Garcia has
the required permits from the provided excellent customer
California Department of Fish service to the many residents
and Wildlife in order to allow the who call in for Public Works
City to adequately maintain their services. Her care and
drainage channels. He has commitment to the City is
exhibited extraordinary evident in every interaction
leadership and is a great asset she has with the community!
to the Hemet team!
Service Improvements
The Hemet Community Development Department continues to hold weekly and
monthly meetings with builders and developers to assist in completing their
projects. This process flushes out any delays on both the city and applicant
sides to move the projects forward all the while improving the communications
process to reduce delays and prevent miscommunications.

Planning Commission
At the January 4, 2022 Planning Commission meeting, Site Development Review
(SDR) 20-002 Modification No. 1 (a request to modify an approved senior
apartment complex) was approved. At the same meeting, the Conditional Use
Permit (CUP) 21-008 H&H Plastic for site improvements and renovations to an
existing 15,852 square feet building was approved. It will be utilized for a plastic
recycling and processing center, where plastic bottles are cleaned and
processed into small pellets for shipping. The General Plan Amendment (GPA)
21-001 Housing Element to adopt the revised Housing Element of the Hemet
General Plan was forwarded with a recommendation to the City Council for an
approval. The current Housing Element will be updated in accordance with State
mandated requirements for the 2021-2029 6th housing element cycle.

Increasing House Inspections

The Building and Safety Division recently added a temporary consulting
inspector to assist with residential house inspections during the uptick in
activities. Similarly, the Community Development Department in general has
seen a surge by the home builders who are now building specs (building prior to
selling the houses). We are expecting approximately 40-50 permits a month on
new home constructions for the next two to three months.

Cannabis Permits
The City has officially launched the Commercial Cannabis Business Permit. A
recent Zoom meeting was held with potential operators, landowners, and
business owners who all had great questions and discussions concerning this
topic. Information is available on city’s website at

Staff Highlight
Our Community Development Department would like to
highlight our Senior Planner, Mina Morgan who has
taken greater responsibility in the Senior Planner role
working in a fast-paced environment. His duties
include analyzing complex land development
applications, providing information to developers,
property owners and the public regarding rules and
regulations, and processing of planning and zoning
applications. More recently, Mina has processed
multiple development applications that received
Planning Commission approval.
The Hemet Engineering Department collaborated with Public Works
to develop a new CIP for FY 21/22 through FY 22/23. A five-year CIP
is in the works for upcoming fiscal year.


CIP # 5537 Stetson Avenue Bridge

CIP # 5613 Traffic Signal, Warren and Auto
CIP # 5640 Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program
CIP # 5685 2017/18 Slurry Seal
CIP #5686 2017/18 Pavement Rehab
CIP # 5687 Kirby Street Improvements (Devonshire to Menlo)
CIP # 5688 2018/19 Slurry Seal
CIP # 5689 2018/19 Missing Link Sidewalks and ADA Ramps
CIP # 5700 Whittier Ave Resurfacing
CIP #5703 2019/2020 Accessible Sidewalks and ADA Ramps
CIP #5704A 2019/20 Pavement Rehabilitation – Ph. 1
CIP #5704B 2019/20 Pavement Rehabilitation – Ph. 2
CIP #5705 2019/2020 Slurry Seal
CIP #5707 2020/2021 ADA Improvements
CIP #5710 2020/2021 Citywide Slurry Seal
CIP #5714


CIP #5507 State Street Waterline Improvements

CIP #5542 Esplanade Avenue Widening (Warren to Sanderson) (San Jacinto Project)
CIP #5598 Echo Hills and Santa Fe St. Water Improvements – Ph. 3
CIP #5651 LED Safety Lighting and Ped Countdown Signal Heads
CIP #5653 Citywide Sewer Main Replacement/Re-lining
CIP #5655 Echo Hills Tank Site and Waterline Improvements
CIP #5661 Oakland Ave. and Santa Fe St. Water Main Replacement
CIP #5690 Citywide Street Improvements (pavement rehab)
CIP #5696 Hemet Valley Bikeway Connect
CIP #5704 2019/2020 Pavement Rehabilitation
CIP #5706 Esplanade Avenue Widening (Warren to Sanderson)
CIP #5708 Traffic Striping Maintenance
CIP #5709 2020/2021 Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation
CIP #5711 2020 Pavement Management Program Update
CIP #5712 Latham Street Improvements
CIP #5713 2020/2021 SB1 Pavement Rehabilitation
CIP #5714 Kirby St. and Arbor Pkwy. Water Main Replacement
Tank 2 Re-Coat
Well 2A Rehabilitation
Well 15 & 16 Treatment


CIP # 5697 McSweeny – Phase 1 punch list

CIP # 5698 McSweeny Parkway Crossing over Cactus Valley Wash
CIP # 5699 State Street – Crossing over Cactus Valley Wash:

Looking west along McSweeny parkway. Looking southeast toward the upstream
Median and parkway curb and gutter for of cactus valley wash with McSweeny
both directions of travel on McSweeny parkway crossing on top of the bridge
parkway and street subgrade structure.

There are many more projects in the works. You can

view the entire CIP on the City's website:

On December 27, 2021, the State Department raised

fees for obtaining a Passport Book by $20.00. On
Monday January 10, 2022, the cost to customers to
obtain their passport with a one to two-day delivery
increased as well. Fees collected by City staff time
remain the same. These fees are established by the
State Department which the City has no control of.
Library staff has implemented the recently established
user fees which went into effect January 1 , 2022.


Letitia Bowles has completed her recertification as a

passport agent; recertification for passport agents is
done annually. Letitia and Kathye Caines have
successfully served a total of 46 applicants in
December 2021.

Library Card Stats and Vendors

Our library staff has provided the community with 71

new Library cards in the month of December. Since the
Library changed its hours of operation on
Wednesdays, the month of December saw a dramatic
increase in foot traffic. Additionally, staff members
are working with vendors to fix mechanical issues
with one of the DVD cubies. However, all reading
material is still available for public consumption.

Community Engagement

We would like to recognize the Human Resources

Division for the first few interviews held January 20,
2022 in order to fill the Library Associate II position
which has been vacant since May of 2021.

Due to COVID-19, the Friends of the Library and the

Hemet San Jacinto Genealogy Society (HSJGS) closed
for operations in December. Fortunately, the Friends
of the Library reopened on January 26, 2022 and
HSJGS reopened February 5, 2022. If you are looking
for help in using any of the Library databases, be sure
to use Niche Academy which is available on the
Library’s website along with other resourceful tools.

Giving Back to Our Community

In addition, the Library has food donation bins for the Community Pantry in the Main area
of the library and encourages our community members to donate non-perishable goods.

The Scanner for the 24/7 Kiosk is operational again! This simplifies the patron experience
with checking out their requested items.

IT Collaboration

Staff is working with IT to prepare public computers for use with an anticipated live date
of February 2022. Staff is also receiving training on Beanstack which is a database
provided by the California State Library. This equips our librarians and assistants the
necessary skills and tools to perform well in all aspects of their jobs.

Staff Highlight

We would like to give our thanks to Letitia Bowles for setting up Niche Academy and
Beanstack for our Library and members of the public. Beanstack is a self-guided tool for
tracking books or hours read and will be most useful during our summer reading activities!
Kathye Caines has completed her recertification as a passport agent; this recertification is
done annually. Kathye also worked with Ericka Murphy and has received training to utilize
The Hemet Information Technology Division (IT) continues to assist our employees and
various departments through the Help Desk. On January 12, 2022, IT released an RFP for
Citywide Firewall replacement. Furthermore, IT continues to work on a server and RFP
storage which is expected to be released in February along with the conversion of
departmental file storage to Microsoft Teams, the redeployment of our Public Library
systems, and the deployment of Canon Uniflow to improve our printing and scanning
capabilities. Moreover, we updated the Council District map on the City’s website.


Helpdesk Tickets Opened In the Last 2 Weeks: 35

Helpdesk tickets closed in the last 2 weeks: 50
Total received e-mail in the last two weeks: 58,411
25% Spam/Blocked
79.75% Allowed
1 Employee Impersonation E-mails
2 Phishing
6 Scamming Emails
PEG TV Internet Stream: 2 views
YouTube Stats: 836 views
Watch Hours: 96.8 hours
New subscribers (451 total): 2
Website visits: 12,285
45.5% from desktop computers
54.5% from mobile devices
Top four website search keywords at
“covid testing”, “jobs“, “covid test” & “business license.”

Antonio Ramirez (a Robert Half temporary employee)
joined the City’s Information Technology team in
December 2021. Before his service with the City, Antonio
worked in Information Technology for Loma Linda Medical
Center, Kaiser Permanente, and the City of Riverside. With
his extensive technology background, Antonio quickly
adapted to our systems and continues to assist City Staff.
Antonio’s primary duty is covering our Help Desk, allowing
Ty Melton and Gus Chavez to work on several critical IT
Finance Department
After the User Fee Study was adopted by Council November 2021, the
Hemet Finance Department worked with all City Departments to
ensure fees have been updated in all City Software and documents.

Moreover, with the help of the Accounting Manager and Principal

Accountant, Payroll Specialist Crystal Chesvick worked diligently to
get all “Essential Worker” Premium Pays approved by Council out to
employees in the next payroll cycle. A great deal of behind-the-scenes
work is required by the Finance Department in order to process these
special payments. New Fees were implemented effective January 1,

Utility Billing Division

The Utility Billing Division has been busy processing Business License
renewals with nearly 800 renewal payments processed in the last
week. It is expected that business owners should start receiving their
2022 Business License in the mail very soon.

Staff Highlights
The Finance Department would like to welcome back Principal
Accountant Kaleena Beasley from Maternity Leave. Kaleena’s
dedication to the City and the Finance Department are greatly

Payroll Specialist Crystal Chesvick took the lead in getting all

premium pays out to employees. While she received a lot of support
from Tiffany, Kaleena, and Norma, Crystal lead the largest portion of
this project. She continuously takes the time needed to assist all City
employees who have questions about their pay and deductions. She is
appreciated by all.

Human Resources Division

The Hemet Human Resources Division updated the Performance
Evaluation to include the City’s Strategic Plan Goals. HR staff does a
great job staying proactive in keeping ourselves informed on COVID-
19 mandates and guidelines from local, state and federal agencies.

Veronica Allen has continued work on staff reports for the CDBG-CV
Round 1 and Round 2 small business awardees for council review and
approvals as well as compiling a staff report for ARPA SLFRF
proposed projects. Lastly, the 2020 Underwriters Report for
submission to the CJPIA is completed.

With the guidance and efforts made by Management Analyst Veronica

Allen, service agreements with eCivis were approved by Council and
service agreements with the Ferguson Group have been approved with
the purchase order completed.
With your help, staff can track and quantify all requests for
services that received. This helps us track trends and plan for
preventative work. Below is a summary of the requests we
received in December.
City Hall 951-765-2300

Business License 951-765-2358

Building Inspection Request 951-765-2428

Engineering Questions 951-765-2360

Report Public Works/issues

Submit Project Application/ 951-765-2375

zoning & Property Questions

Obtain Planning Review/ 951-765-2475

Permit Questions

Report/Fix Code Violation 951-765-2339
Pay Utility Bill 951-765-2350



@cityofhemet City Hall Hemet Library
445 East Florida Ave. 300 East Latham Ave.
Hemet, CA 92543 Hemet, CA 92543

City of Hemet Police Department Council Chambers

450 East Latham Ave. 450 East Latham Ave.
Hemet, CA 92543 Hemet, CA 92543
Fire Department
510 East Florida Ave.
City of Hemet Hemet, CA 92543

Text Hemet to 22828 for City Manager Updates.

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