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Wound and Bleeding

Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. They include cuts, scrapes, scratches, and
punctured skin. They often happen because of an accident, but surgery, sutures, and stitches also cause

Types of wound (open and close)

Open- In open wounds, the skin is cracked open, leaving the underlying tissue exposed to the outside
environment, which makes it more vulnerable to bleeding and infections.

Abrasion- is a type of open wound that’s caused by the skin rubbing against a rough or smooth surface.

Incisions- These are most likely the result of a surgical procedure or skin cut with a sharp

Object; Like scalpels, knives and scissors Incisions are mostly linear in shape with sharp smooth edges

Lacerations- is a jagged, irregular or blunt breaking or tearing of soft tissues, often resulting from
mishandling tools and machinery and other accidents. Bleeding from a laceration may be rapid and

puncture- is a piercing wound that causes a small hole in the tissues. Such objects as nails, needles, ice
picks and other pointed objects can produce puncture wounds. Even if external bleeding is slight, there
may be serious internal bleeding resulting from internal damage to an organ (as in a gunshot wound).

Avulsions- is a forcible tearing or partial tearing away of tissues. It occurs in such accidents as gunshot
wounds, explosions, animal bites or other body-crushing injuries. Bleeding is heavy and rapid.

Closed- are usually caused by Direct blunt trauma sustained when Falling down Or in motor vehicle
accidents. Even with the skin intact, the damage can reach down to the underlying muscle, internal
organs and bones.

Bruise- Simplest of the close wound which bleeding occurs beneath the skin and blow to the body
damages of soft tissue layer.

Bleeding -Bleeding often occurs After an injury. Additionally, it Can be the result of a disease.

Bleeding occurs when blood Vessels become damaged.

Types of bleeding

External bleeding refers to bleeding that flows out of the body. Examples include nosebleeds and
bleeding from a minor skin cut.

Internal bleeding refers to bleeding that occurs inside the body. This can happen following damage to an
organ or an internal body part.
First aid kit

A first aid kit is a box, bag or pack that holds Supplies used to treat minor injuries including cuts,

Scrapes, burns, bruises, and sprains. Additionally a set of materials and tools used for giving
emergency treatment to a sick or injured person

Antiseptics & Cleansers

Every first aid kit or cabinet should be well stocked with antiseptic wipes such as alcohol for cleaning
and sterilizing a wound and instruments used in treating the wound.


Cleaning and covering a wound is great, but you must protect against infection, too.

Adhesive Bandages

Band-Aids are frequently used in any first aid situation, make sure your first aid kit has plenty of first aid
bandages and a variety of sizes for different purposes.

Gauze Rolls / Gauze Pads / Trauma Dressings

A complete first responder first aid pack includes items for stopping severe bleeding and protecting an

Wraps & Bandages

Latex-free elastic wraps and triangular bandages or triangle slings are a must. These are used for
splinting and binding.

Pain Meds

A complete first aid set-up needs aspirin, non-aspirin and other pain relief items in single-dose packets.

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