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In the 21st century, problems of science and technology have been the main focus for
scientists and mathematicians. They are using the concepts of mathematics in different fields of
specializations as a necessary tool to obtain the significant results of their experiments and
programs such as forecasts the behaviour of one variable given the other known variables, develop
vaccines for any unprecedented bacterial and viral infections and diseases, locate the epicentre of
any earthquakes and estimates the possible damages, create programs and algorithms, and other
undertakings that made mathematics as inevitable.

With these tangible evidences, would you consider mathematics as a science or as an art?
What is the nature of the world without mathematics? Is mathematics considered the queen of
science given that Number Theory is the queen of mathematics, and sciences and other discipline
use numbers as a tool to express their ideas and concepts? With your interest, active participation
and attendance during the teaching and learning process these questions will be addressed.
Though problems of science have been the chief interest for mathematicians there are still
other motivations for mathematical works. One of these is the search for beauty. Certainly, there
many theorems, axioms and algorithms that have no bearing on science but that appeal to many
mathematicians as beautiful such as the Fibonacci sequence, Pascal’s triangle and other numerical
patterns and their applications to our daily lives, nature, and in the world in general.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:

1. Specify mathematical patterns in nature and regularities in the world;
2. Recognize mathematics as a science and as an art;
3. Make and test conjectures based on their own exploration especially when the material
presented is carefully chosen;
4. Appreciate the beauty of mathematics and its application in our daily lives.

Mathematics inNature
The existence of mathematics in our environment is undeniable. The shapes and heights of
the buildings, the speed of the moving vehicles, the formations of mountains and terrains, the
growth of the plants and pistil formations, and the human daily activities such as the way we buy in
the market, asking weights and prices of any commodities, and even in dancing; they all involve
numbers, and needless to say, mathematics.
Mathematics as a Science
Basically, mathematics is a science of numbers and magnitudes. Everything that involves
quantity and its equivalent and those activities and experiments that show direction are
mathematics. Generally, mathematics is a science because it follows the scientific procedure from
problem to conclusion.

Mathematics as an Art
Math is an art because it can deduce any data or set of informations into forms without
losing any informative details through graphs, diagrams, statements and figures.

Illustration 1: Graphs
Classroom population 50

∙ Male 20
∙ Female 30

Pie graph

Classroom Population

Female, 30,

Male, 20, 40% Other, 30, 60%

Illustration 2 : VEDIC MATH
23 x 32 = ?
∙ Draw 2 horizontal lines and not in the far distance below draw
another 3 horizontal lines for the multiplicand 23.

∙ Also draw 3 vertical lines across the horizontal lines and another 2
vertical lines not far distance to the right for multiplier 32.

∙ Then count all the dots or vertices for every group.

∙ Group 1 the unit digit or the lower right (in case of 10 or more retain
the unit digit and add the ten digit to the next group) in this case
only 6.

∙ Group 2 is the sum of the diagonal group counts ” say” 4 + 9 = 13,

since 13 exceeds 10 retained 3 and carry over 1 to the next

∙ Group3 the hundreds or possibly the thousands digits, in this case 6

+ 1 = 7.


9 4

9 + 4 = 13 3 Carry 1

23 x 32 = 736

Diagram Binomial equivalent

1 (�� + ��)0

1 1 (�� + ��)1

1 2 1 (�� + ��)2

1 3 3 1 (�� + ��)3
1 4 6 4 1 (�� + ��)4

1 5 10 10 5 1 (�� + ��)5
1 6 15 20 15 6 1 (�� + ��)6

…………………………………………….. …………………. .
……………………………………………………………………….. .

……………………………………………………………………………….. . (�� + ��)��

Example: Simplify (�� + ��)5

(�� + ��)5 = x5 + 5x4y + 10x3y2 + 10x2y3 + 5xy4 + y5

The digits coloured red above serve as the numerical coefficients
of our answer. Note that our answer might be in the forms of
(�� + ��)5 = 1x5 + 5x4y + 10x3y2 + 10x2y3 + 5xy4 + 1y5

Dr. OLRUGSTAVE, a mathematician and a psychiatrist, promotes a new
approach of diagnosing patients. Every patient who comes to visit his clinic will just
select 3 numbers that correspond to every letter of his name.
0 = O, 1 = L, 2 = R, 3 = U, 4 = G, 5 = S, 6 = T, 7 = A, 8 = V, 9 = E.

One day, Nikka and Algasher visit the clinic for consultation regarding
the BSMATH course they are going to take looking if it fits their field of
interest. Without much ado Dr. Olrugstave told them to choose 3 numbers
from 0 to 9 to determine how interested they are in mathematics.
Nikka chose 143 while Algasher select 761. To determine their
interest towards Mathematics these are the following steps.

Step 1. Be sure that the 3 numbers are not repeated.

Step 2. Scrutinize if the unit digit of their chosen number is greater than
the hundred digits to avoid negative difference. Otherwise, retain
Step 3. Subtract the number from the reverse of the chosen number or
the Chosen number will be subtracted by the reverse of it.
Step 4. Add the difference from step 3 and its reverse.
Step 5. The corresponding sum will be substituted directly by their
corresponding equivalent letter of the doctor’s name for the female
Step 6. The sum reveals the result or her interest in mathematics.
Step 7. For male patients multiply 40 to the sum of step 5 ( 40 is the interna
tional mortality age average for men being the head of the family).
Step 8. Substitute the product per digit by their corresponding
equivalent letter of the doctor’s name.
Step 9. The product divulge his interest in mathematics.

Example 1: Nikka-------------143

341 – 143 = 198

198 + 891 = 1089

by substitution
1 = L, 0 = O, 8 = V, 9 = E

Thus, LOVE

Example 2: Algasher ---------761

761 – 167 = 594

594 + 495 = 1089
1089 x 40 = 43560

By substitution
4 = G, 3 = U, 5 = S, 6 = T, 0 = O


As per result the doctor’s diagnosed that both Nikka and Algasher were both
interested in mathematics with an adjectival rating of LOVE and GUSTO

Fibonnaci sequence is an array of numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and so
on and so forth. These numbers were found by adding the two preceding numbers i.e,

∙ the 1 is found by adding 0 and 1

∙ the 3 is found by adding 1 and 2
∙ the 8 is found by adding 3 and 5
∙ the 55 is found by adding 21 and 34
∙ the 144 is found by adding 55 and 89
Mathematically, it is represented by this rule

F n = f n-1 + f n-2
Where f n-1 and f n-2 are the two preceding numbers. Actually, the sequence was known in India
hundred years ago but it was an Italian mathematician, Leonardo Pisano Bogollo, who published it
and called it Fibonacci sequence. For better understanding and appreciation on how this sequence
thrives in the environment. You may watch the short movie by Cristobal Vila and Prof. John Adam at entitled Nature by Numbers.

The beauty ofNumbers

What are numbers? Someone says, one, two, three, four, five or thousands, millions, billions,
trillions. Nowadays, the most sophisticated computers could accommodate only 36-digit number or
undecillion but there are still numbers beyond this. Thus, numbers are abstract ideas because
without losing our generality (WOLOG) numbers are unbounded and unsaturated.

Hierarchy ofNumbers

Complex Numbers
(a + bi)
Real Numbers Imaginary Numbers
( i, 2i, √−4, √−16, etc)

Rational Irrational
(π, √2, √3, ….)

Integers Non-Integers

Positive Zero Negative Fractions Decimals

Natural Numbers
Definition of Terms

∙ Numbers - are abstract ideas. We count things using numbers. There are many ways in
which we can classify numbers.

∙ Complex Numbers – Any number that can be written in the form of a + bi where a and b are
real numbers, a is called the real part while bi is the imaginary part.

∙ Real Numbers – The union of all rational and irrational numbers.

∙ Imaginary Numbers – A non-real number that is usually a multiple of i which is the square
root of -1.

∙ Rational Numbers – Any number that can be expressed as a fraction a/b where a and b are
both integers but b could never be zero.

∙ Irrational Numbers – Any number that cannot be represented as a fraction. ∙

Integers – Consists of the whole numbers including its negative and Zero. ∙

Zero – Neither positive nor negative.

∙ Natural Numbers – Sometimes called counting Numbers. An integer greater than zero.

Numbers’ Name based on the number of zeros

The digit zero plays a gigantic role as we count very large number. It helps to track
these multiples of 10 because the larger the number is, the more zeros are needed.
Name Number of zeros ScientificNotations

Ten 1 1 x 101

Hundred 2 1 x 102

Thousand 3 1 x 103
Ten Thousand 4 1 x 104

Hundred Thousand 5 1 x 105

Million 6 1 x 106

Billion 9 1 x 109

Trillion 12 1 x 1012

Quadrillion 15 1 x 1015

Quintillion 18 1 x 1018

Sextillion 21 1 x 1021

Septillion 24 1 x 1024

Octillion 27 1 x 1027

Nonillion 30 1 x 1030

Decillion 33 1 x 1033

Undecillion 36 1 x 1036

Duodecillion 39 1 x 1039

Tredecillion 42 1 x 1042

Quattuordecillion 45 1 x 1045

Quindecillion 48 1 x 1048

Sexdecillion 51 1 x 1051

Septen-decillion 54 1 x 1054

Octodecillion 57 1 x 1057

Novemdecillion 60 1 x 1060

Vigintillion 63 1 x 1063

Centillion 303 1 x 10303

Googol 100 1 x 10100

Googolplex 1 x 10googol

Remarks: Scientific Notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too big or too small to be
conveniently written in decimal. It is commonly used by scientists, mathematicians and engineers
in particular because it can simplify certain arithmetic operations.

Divisibility test is the process of determining if one number can be divided by another
number without actually completing the process of division. Some of the numbers were not given
emphasis because they are composite numbers and their divisibility usually follows the divisibility
of their factors. The table below shows the divisibility of some of the numbers.
Number Procedures Illustrations

2 A number is divisible by 2 if it 976 is divisible by 2 since 2 can divides 6.

ends with 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8.

3 If the sum of its digits is divisible by 3. 10629 is divisible by 3 since

1+0+6+2+9 = 18 and 3 can divides

4 All numbers whose last two 3924 is divisible by 4 since 4 can

digits is divisible by 4. divides 24.

5 All numbers ends with 0 and 9,834,055 is divisible by 5 since its

5 is divisible b 5. last digit is 5.

6 Since 2 x 3 =6 ,then it must satisfy 789,312 is divisible by 6 since it

the divisibility tests of both 2 and ends with 2 and 7+8+9+3+1+2 =
3. 30 and 3 can divides 30.

7 Truncate the number by dropping 7 divides 14,406 since,

the tens and ones digits. Double the 2(144) + 06 = 288 + 6 = 294
remaining number and add to the 2(2) + 94 = 4 + 94 = 98,
two digit number that had been Clearly, 7 divides 98.
dropped. The rule is applied more
than once for large number.

8 All numbers whose last three digits is 736,808 is divisible by 8 since 8 can

divisible by 8 divides 808.

9 Since 3x3=9 it implies that it will 14.256 is divisible by 3 since

follow the divisibility tests of 3. 1+4+2+5+6=18 and 9 can divides 18.

10 If the last digit of its numeral is 0. 356, 450 is divisible by 10 since the
unit digit is 0.

11 If the sum of its digits in the odd 11 can divides 6,083,957 since,
places (starting from the right) less (7+9+8+6) – (5+3+0) = 30 – 8 =
the sum of its digits in the even 22 and 11 can divides 22.
places is divisible by 11.

13 Multiply the unit digit by 4 and add 13 divides 16,991 because

the product to the number 4(1) + 1699 = 1703
represented by the remaining digits. 4(3) + 170 = 182
If the sum is divisible by 13, then the 4(2) + 18 = 26 which is divisible by 13.
given number is divisible by 13. The
operation may be repeated until the
is small enough so that divisibility by
13 is obvious
17 Multiply the unit digit by 5 and 17 divides 323 because
subtract the product from the 32 - 5(3) = 32 – 15 = 17 and 17
number can divides itself.
represented by the remaining digits.

19 Double the unit digit and add the 19 divides 2,128 since
product to the number represented 2(8) + 212 = 16 + 212= 228
by the remaining digits. 2(8) + 22 = 16 + 22 = 38
2(8) + 3 = 16 + 3 = 19 and 19
can divides itself.

31 Triple the unit and subtract the 31 divides 451,453 because

product from the number 45145 – 3(3) = 45145 – 9 =
represented by the remaining digits. 45136 4513 – 3(6) = 4513 – 18
= 4495
449 – 3(5) = 449 – 15 = 434
43 – 3(4) = 43 – 12 = 31 and 31
can divide itself.

Multiplicity is the process of determining the product of two numbers without actually
completing the process of multiplication. In the other words, it is the shortcut methods of the
multiplication process. This technique is very useful to the students and to those who will take
examination where calculators are not allowed.
Situations Procedures Illustrations

A. Numbers ends with 5

1. Oddness of both ∙ Multiply the ones digit 95 x 75 = ?

the tens digit. i.e, 5 x 5. This serves 5 x 5 = 25
the tens and ones
digits of the product.

∙ Multiply the tens digit. ∙ 9 x 7 = 63

Add the product and the
smaller number 63 + 7 = 70
among the two tens
∙ Determine the 9–7=2
difference of the
digit. Be sure that the
result is positive. 2÷2=1
∙ Divide the difference
by 2. 70 + 1 = 71
∙ Add the quotient to the
∙ Combine the recent Thus,
sum and the product 95 x 75 = 7125
5 x 5 = 25. Thus, the

2. Evenness of both ∙ Multiply the ones digit 105 x 65 = ?

tens digit. i.e, 5 x 5. This serves 5 x 5 = 25
the tens and ones
digits of the product.
∙ Multiply the tens digit. ∙ 10 x 6 = 60
Add the product and the
smaller number of 60 + 6 = 66
the two tens digit.
∙ Determine the
difference of the 10 – 6 = 4
digit. Be sure that the
result is positive.
∙ Divide the differenceby 4÷2=2
∙ Add the quotient to the 66 + 2 = 68
∙ Combine the recent
sum and the product Thus,
of 105 x 65 = 6825
5 x 5 = 25. Thus, the

3. Evenness and ∙ Multiply the ones digit 115 x 85 = ?

Oddness of tens i.e, 5 x 5 and add 50. 5 x 5 = 25
digit. This serves as the tens
and ones digits of the 25 + 50 = 75
∙ Multiply the tens digit. ∙
Add the product and the 11 x 8 = 88
smaller number
among the two tens 88 + 8 = 96

digit. 11 – 8 = 3
∙ Determine the
difference of the
digit. Be sure that the
result is positive. 3 ÷ 2 = 1.5
∙ Divide the differenceby
2. 96 + 1 = 97
∙ Add the quotient (the
integer part) to the
∙ Combine the numeral Thus,
75. Thus, the 115 x 85 = 9775
B. Numbers with unlike
unit digits.

1. Product of two ∙ Take the difference of 98 x 97 = ?

numbers nearest 100 and the 100 – 98 = 2
to one hundred. multiplicand.
∙ Take the difference of
100 and the 100 – 97 = 3
∙ Multiply the two
differences. This 2 x 3 = 6 (could be written
serves as the unit and as 06)
ten digits of the aimed
∙ Subtract the
multiplicand by the 98 – 3 = 95
difference between
100 and multiplier.
∙ Subtract the multiplier
by the 97 – 2 = 95
difference between
100 and multiplicand.
∙ Be sure that the two
previous differences Both 95
are equal.
∙ Combine the equal
differences with the
product of the
computed tens and Thus,
unit digit. 98 x 97 = 9506

2. Product of the ∙ Take the difference of 189 x 193 = ?

numbers nearest 200 and the 200 – 189 = 11
to two hundred. multiplicand.
∙ Take the difference of 200 – 193 = 7
200 and the
∙ Multiply the two 11 x 7 = 77
differences. This
serves as the unit and
ten digits of the wished
∙ Subtract the 189 – 7 = 182
multiplicand by the
difference between
200 and multiplier.
∙ Subtract the multiplier 193 – 11 = 182
by the
difference between
200 and multiplicand.
∙ Be sure that the two Both 182
previous differences
are equal.
∙ Double the equalled
difference. 2 x 182 = 364
∙ Combine the equal
difference with the Thus,
product of the 189 x 193 = 36477
computed tens and
unit digit.

C. Other techniques in

1. Using perfect ∙ Take the square of the 35 x 37 = ?

square. smaller number. 35 x 35 =1225
∙ Determine the positive
difference between 37 - 35 =2
multiplier and the
∙ Multiply the difference 2 x 35 = 70
by the smaller
number. 70 + 1225 = 1295
∙ Add the product and
the square of the
smaller number.
∙ The sum is the product Thus,
we wish for. 35 x 37 = 1295

2. Using Cross ∙ Multiply both unit 43 x 21 = ?

Multiplication digits. The product
serves as the unit digit. 3x1=3
In case the product is

more than 10 carry 3x2=6

over the tens digit.
∙ Take the product ofthe
unit digit of the
multiplicand against 4x1=4
the tens digit of the
∙ Similarly, take the
product of tens digit
of 6 + 4 = 10 (carry over 1) = 0
the multiplicand
against the unit digit of
the multiplier.
∙ Add the two products.
This serves as your
tens digit. Add the
carried digit from the
product of unit digits if
there is any. Again,
carry over if the sum is 4x1=4
more than 10 to the 3x1=3
hundreds digit.
∙ Distribute your 4 + 3 =7
multiplicand to
theunit 7+1=8
digit of themultiplier.
∙ Add the product
respectively. Thus,
∙ Add the carried 43 x 21 = 803
number from the
digit if there is any.
∙ Then combine the
truncated digits and
thus the product of the

Mathematical Symbols andNotations

Mathematicians are fond of using mathematical jargons to express its ideas and concepts.
These notations plays a gigantic role as we go along with our course. The following are the
mathematical symbols that you might be encountered in the succeeding topics.
Symbols UnicodeNames Representations

∀ For all or for any Proof jargon

∃ There exists Proof jargon

∋ Contain as number or Proof jargon

such that

⇒ Implies to Implication
⇔ Bi-conditional If and only if or iff

∴ Therefore Concluding statement

∣ Divides a ∣ b , a can divides b

∤ Does not divide a ∤ b, a cannot divides b

∑ Capital letter Sigma Summation notation

∈ Element of a set Proof jargon

µ Small Mu Population Mean

π pi Ratio (Circumference &

diameter of a circle)

⍴ Small letter Rho Rank Correlation

σ Small letter Sigma Standard Deviation

∨ Logical OR Disjunction

�� Logical AND Conjunction

∼ Tilde Operator Negation


Test I. Answer the following questions intelligently;

1. In your own opinion what will happen to the world without mathematics? 2.
What are the relevance of mathematics in your chosen field of concentration?
3. Would you consider mathematics as a queen of science?
4. Provide the 15 numbers from the left ofthe Fibonacci sequence.
5. Expound why mathematical jargons are important to the scientists,
mathematicians and engineers?

Test II. MATCHING TYPE: Match Column 1 with Column 2. Write your answer in capital
letter on the blank provided before the number. Erasure is highly prohibited.


1. An art A. Neither positive nor negative B. IrrationalNumbers

2. Zero C. Disjunction
D. Real Numbers
3. Fibonacci sequence E. Principles of Math’l Induction F. 1 x 10n
4. ∀ G. ImaginaryNumber H. For all
5. An abstract ideas I. Numbers
J. Vedic Math
6. Natural Numbers K. Conjunction
L. There exists
7. ∃ M. Mathematics
N. Pascal’s Triangle
8. Use for counting things O.Such that
P. A science
9.Scientific Notation Q. ComplexNumbers R. Integers
10. PMI S. Positive Integers
T. Leonardo Pisano Bogollo

Test III. Perform The Following:

1. Use Vedic mathematics principle to obtain the product;

a) 54 x 36 c) 29 x 42
b) 27 x 23 d) 31 x 50

2. Simplify using Pascal’s Triangle;

a) (2x + 1)5 c) (a + b)7

b) (5 – y)4 d) (3m - 4n)6

3. Use shortcut method to determine the product of the following;

a) 125 x 85 e) 96 x 94
b) 75 x 55 f) 84 x 91
c) 95 x 135 g) 187 x 199
d) 115 x 115 h) 64 x 38

4. UseScientificNotation to find the product ofthe following;

a) Centillion x googol
b) Septillion x Octodecillion
c) (1 x 1018 ) x (1 x 10100)
d) (1 x 1027) x (1 x 1057)

5. Determine the divisibility of the following statements;

a) Is 3 divides 839, 223?

b) Is 6 divides 839, 223?
c) Is 9 divides 9,645, 174?
d) Is 11 divides 19,472,530?
e) Is 13 divides 1,570,855?
f) Is 17 divides 541,008?
g) Is 19 divides 10,809,556?
h) Is 31 divides 833,556,024?

6. Find the summation ofthe following;

10 2
a. ∑ ��

14 4
b. ∑ ��

c. ∑ (2�� + 5)

d. ∑ 35��

e.∑ (2�� + 5)

7. Verify the diagnoses of the following doctors using the specified chosen numbers of
the patients; (fictitious names just for illustration purposes)

a) Dr.SPORTSRAVENan American Mathematician and Psychologist.

1) Gemma --------------------- 357
2) Danilo------------------------835

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