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BAED-CARE2101 Caregiving NCII (Week 1 – 20)

It is an instrument which is used for listening to the action of the heart, lungs, etc., usually
consisting of a circular piece placed against the chest, with tubes leading to earpieces.

It is a kitchen device which is used for slicing food. It requires less physical effort than
an ordinary knife and makes neater slices
-Electric knife

If you suspect the sick or injured person needs emergency medical care, tell a nearby person
to call the local number for emergency medical services.


If you can avoid the triggers that lead up to an angry outburst. This approach shows what
kind of coping dealing difficult behavior?

-Try To Break The Pattern

Convert  15 ml =            tsps.
-1 tbsp

Occupational health and safety is the promotion of health and safety of every working man.


The promotion and maintenance of the well-being of workers.

-Occupational health and safety

It is used to determine a child's BSA

The correct answer is: nomogram

It is an apparatus which is used in destructing microorganisms in containers like feeding

bottle through boiling
The correct answer is: Bottle Sterilizer

Proper hand washing is the first line of defense against the spread of illness to other people.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Illness and disability affect everyone differently. Some people who need help from others
become easily irritated.

The correct answer is: Excessive Complaints And Angry Behavior

fill the carafe with water according to the number of cups of coffee you need to make. This
is the first preparation used in a coffee maker.

The correct answer is 'True'.

A vessel usually rounded which is used for holding liquid to maintain heat or coldness.
The correct answer is: Airpot 

Unplug the iron and allow the unit to cool before storing it, is the first step on preparation
of using iron.
The correct answer is 'False'.

Saying “It’s no big deal” won’t help, it may even make the customer more angry. 

The correct answer is 'True'.

It is a hazard means removing it completely.

The correct answer is: Eliminating

The best method of control measure is through substitution.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Convert 36 °C =            °F
The correct answer is: 69.9 °F

Occupational hazards and risks can be prevented.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Twisting the body when doing a task is important to avoid ergonomic hazard.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Performing repeated movements in the workplace are an example of biological hazard.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Cover them with a warm blanket, comfort them, and try to keep them calm.
The correct answer is: Provide Care

A wet gown is considered contaminated.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Providing improved tools and equipment to workers to prevent hazard is an example of
engineering control.

The correct answer is 'True'.

It is a hamper that is used for holding dirty clothes for washing or wet clothes for drying. It
may also be used for sorting clean clothes to be folded.

The correct answer is: Laundry basket

This thermometer may be inserted into the mouth under the tongue, under the armpit or
into the anus. 
The correct answer is: Digital Thermometer

It comes from working with infectious materials.

The correct answer is: Biological hazard

One of the step in cleaning blender is clean the funnel and blender lid with liquid soap and
The correct answer is 'False'.

It is an instrument which is used for listening to the action of the heart, lungs, etc., usually
consisting of a circular piece placed against the chest, with tubes leading to earpieces.

The correct answer is: Bandage

Convert 5kgs to lbs.

The correct answer is: 11 lbs

In cleaning any electrical device, it is basic to always turn it on and plug. 

The correct answer is 'False'.

First aid consists of the care provided to someone with a major injury
The correct answer is 'False'.

You may use a vacuum with hose attachment to clean inside the washer.
The correct answer is 'False'.

It is an instrument for measuring temperature.

The correct answer is: Thermometer

Every caregiver should take part in determining the hazards and risks in the workplace.

The correct answer is 'False'.

This medication prepared for insertion into the rectum.

The correct answer is: Rectal drugs

You may clean the aneroid gauge, valve, and inflation bulb by wiping with slightly damped
cloth or alcohol pad.
The correct answer is 'True'.

If your blender is glass, you can use a damp soapy rag, or an all-purpose kitchen spray
cleaner, or a mixture of baking soda and water.
The correct answer is 'False'.

Hazard is the possibility that somebody could be harmed by these and other hazards and
the indication of how serious the harm can be.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Monitor your tone of voice is under what managing challenging behavior?

The correct answer is: Think about what you say and how you say it.

Types of thermometer that may be inserted either into the rectum through the anus (rectal
temperature, into the mouth under the tongue (oral or sub-lingual) or armpit (axillary

The correct answer is: Clinical Thermometer

Occupational hazards and risks can be prevented

The correct answer is 'True'.

This thermometer measures the heat coming from the eardrum.

The correct answer is: Ear Digital thermometer

It is a multi-tasking tool which is used to slice, dice, or whip food ingredients.

The correct answer is: Food Processor

It is a long-handled spoon with a deep bowl at the end for serving food specially broth or
The correct answer is: Ladle

The indication of how serious the harm can be.

The correct answer is: Hazard

Provide basic medical care to someone experiencing a sudden injury or illness

The correct answer is: First Aid
“What should we have for breakfast today, oatmeal or eggs?”
What kind of dealing a difficult customer?

The correct answer is: Give Him Chances To Make Decisions And Be In Control.

It is a cloth or brush which is used in removing dirt and dust.

The correct answer is: Duster

You can always control the other person’s behavior but you can control your response to it.
The correct answer is: False

It spun from the delicate threads of silkworms, originated in China.

The correct answer is: Silk

Damages such as crack, broken or torn should be repaired or replaced immediately to avoid
any form of accidents

The correct answer is 'True'.

It is the most popular material used for tools and equipment, but is more expensive. It is
easier to clean and shine and will not wear out as soon as aluminum
The correct answer is: Stainless Steel

 Methods of preparing sandwich involves spreading the bread with the required ‘spread’.
The correct answer is: Spreading

It is a stainless steel sieve used to strain foods. Is a bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in
it, used for draining food such as pasta or rice.
The correct answer is: Colander

The"green salad" or "garden salad" is most often composed of leafy vegetables such as

lettuce varieties, spinach, or rocket (arugula).
The correct answer is: Green salad

It refers to practices that will bring down the amount of trash we dispose by avoiding the
amount of unnecessary packaging of the products and reducing the waste toxicity.
The correct answer is: Reuse

It is a very shallow skillet with very short sloping sides

The correct answer is: Omelette or crepe pan

It is made from flax, linen is one of the oldest textiles in human history. It is extremely strong
and durable, and can be fairly heavy, yet feels light and cool against the skin.
The correct answer is: Bathrrom

A person under health care.

The correct answer is: Patient

Handle and use tools and materials with extra care and attention.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Classify the following floor types accordingly. Write the initial HF for hard floor and SF for
soft floor. Put your answer on your notebook.
The correct answer is: SF

It consist of medical professionals, organizations, and ancillary health care workers who
provide medical care to those in need.

The correct answer is: Environmental sanitation

An all purpose vacuum for dry and wet surfaces.

The correct answer is: Hydro vacuum

It is a large pad for supporting the body, used as or on a bed. May consist of a quilted or
similarly fastened case, usually of heavy cloth, that contains hair, straw, cotton, foam rubber,
etc.; a framework of metal springs; or they may be inflatable.

The correct answer is: Bed Pad

It is a tall and semi-wide pot  with  straight sides used for cooking and storing soup stocks.
The correct answer is: Stock pot

Store cleaning tools, supplies and materials that is easily reach of children.

The correct answer is 'False'.

This machine removes water in clothes and linens by 50% thereby reducing the weight of
these items and makes them ready for dryer.
The correct answer is: Extractor

A sheet tailored to form pocket for a mattress with elastic edges. The edge may also contain
a drawstring to secure the sheet more firmly and to be used only as bottom sheet.
The correct answer is: Fitted Sheets

Known as hand antiseptic which is an alternative to hand washing with soap and water.

The correct answer is: Hand sanitizer

It refers to the preparation of a given number of sandwiches for a given number of

customersrefers to the preparation of a given number of sandwiches for a given number of
The correct answer is: Portioning

The ability to understand the patient’s situation, perspective and feelings. This attitude
The correct answer is: Show Empathy

Wash urinals with warm water and detergent, using powder cleanser. Scrub any deposits off,
paying particular attention to edges and corners.

The correct answer is 'True'.

An approach that tries to emulate nature through recycling nutrients and water from human
and animal wastes in a hygienically safe manner.
The correct answer is: Ecological sanitation

Hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human contact with the hazards
of waste.

The correct answer is: Sanitation

A food is food meant to be eaten directly using the hands, in contrast to food eaten with a
knife and fork, chopsticks, or other utensils.
The correct answer is: Finger food

It spun from the delicate threads of silkworms, originated in China.

The correct answer is: Wool

Classify the following floor types accordingly. Write the initial HF for hard floor and SF for
soft floor. Put your answer on your notebook.
Ceramic tiles

The correct answer is: HF

These are buttered bread shapes baked in the oven until crisp and brown.
The correct answer is: Croutons

It  is the application of a spread like mayonnaise, mustards etc. to the  loaded sandwich.
The correct answer is: Piping

It is a thermally insulated chamber  used  for  the heating, baking or drying of a substance. 

The correct answer is: Oven

Maintaining eye contact communicates care and compassion. This attitude shows...
The correct answer is: Maintain Eye Contact

It is used to refer to various small implements with a broad, flat, flexible blade used to mix,
spread and lift foods. It is used to turn or lift foods on broilers, griddles and grills.

The correct answer is: Spatula

Used to eliminate dust particles from carpet surfaces, upholstered furniture and even hard
The correct answer is: Vacuum Cleaner

A linen that protects the pillows

The correct answer is: Pillow Case

These are small servings of food and beverages which help in increasing the appetite
The correct answer is: Appetizers

A process of recovering and converting materials that can be used as raw materials to
produce another new products
The correct answer is: Recycling

These are the discarded household, commercial waste non-hazardous institutional and
industrial waste, street sweeping, construction debris, agricultural waste and the non-
hazardous and non- toxic solid waste are the main concerns of reduction.

The correct answer is: Solid Waste

It is a nylon, tinned or stainless steel screen stretched in wood or aluminum frame used for
sifting or pureeing.

The correct answer is: Drum sieve

It is the process of washing, starching, and ironing clothes and linens.

The correct answer is: Solid Cotton

It is made from flax, linen is one of the oldest textiles in human history. It is extremely strong
and durable, and can be fairly heavy, yet feels light and cool against the skin.
The correct answer is: Linen
Bathroom is considered as the most traffic area inside the house.
The correct answer is 'True'.

One study found good communication to be a key factor in improving patient outcomes.
This attitude shows..
The correct answer is: Open Communication

Place all your cleaning supplies and sponges in a plastic bin that you can store in your upper
cabinet, or easily tote anywhere
The correct answer is 'False'.

It consist of medical professionals, organizations, and ancillary health care workers who
provide medical care to those in need.
The correct answer is: Health Services

A rectangular cloth bag stuffed with feathers, foam rubber, or other soft materials, used to
support the head when lying down.
The correct answer is: Pillow

Don’t use abrasive materials when washing chinaware.

The correct answer is 'True'.

It spun from the delicate threads of silkworms, originated in China.

The correct answer is: Washer

It is a nylon, tinned or stainless steel screen stretched in wood or aluminum frame used for
sifting or pureeing.

The correct answer is: Laundering

It is not fitted but should ideally match the color of the fitted sheet which is spread evenly
across the bed, with the finished side facing down.
The correct answer is: Flat Sheets

It is a nylon, tinned or stainless steel screen stretched in wood or aluminum frame used for
sifting or pureeing.

The correct answer is: Laundering

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