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1.1 Background of Study

At this era, gadgets provide more benefits for human life and greatly
helpful human’s work without exception, starting from children into adults.
Especially with the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, to prevent transmission, the
government has made a Work From Home (WFH) policy. The implementation of
WFH has been set since March 2020 so people also need a tool to complete all
their tasks from home. That is by using the mobile phone.

We choose to discuss about the importance of mobile phones for children's

learning process because mobile phones are one of the important means to
participate in learning during a pandemic. With mobile phones, we do not only
get material from the teacher, but we can look for additional material through the
internet. Especially now a days, there are many learning applications that can
help students in the learning process from home.

Based on the explanation above, those are the reasons of the writers write
this scientific paper entitled “Mobile Phone,the Most Important Means of
Learning Process for Children in Pandemic”.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based of the background of study , the writers formulates three main
issues that will be discussed:
1. What is the role of mobile phones for children’s learning process in
2. What is the impact of mobile phone for children’s learning process in
3. How is important the mobile phone for children’s learning process in

1.3 Objective of the Study
the objective of this paper are:
1. Understanding the role of mobile phones for children’s learning process
in pandemic.
2. Understanding the impact of mobile phone for children’s learning process
in pandemic.
3. Understanding how is important the mobile phone for children’s learning
process in pandemic

1.4 Significance of the Study

The benefits drivered from this paper are:
1. Writers
To increase knowledge for writers in the important of mobile
phone for children’s learning process in pandemic.
2. Education Practitioner
To give knowledge and understanding the importance and the
impact of using mobile phone for children’s learning process in
3. School
To be used for portfolio and resources at MA NU Banat Kudus
about the importance of using mobile phone for children’s learning
process in pandemic.
4. Public
To give knowledge about the role, impact and importance of
using mobile phone for children’s learning process in pandemic.



2.1. The Definition of Mobile Phone

According to Wikipedia, a mobile phone is an electronic telecommunication

device that has the same basic capabilities as conventional fixed line equipment,
but can be carried anywhere and doesn’t need to be connected to the telephone
network using cables.

According to Thomas J and Misty E: "mobile phones are a telephone that

provides personal assistant functions and facilities internet connecting that can
connect users with virtual world such as through social media and others. The one
through with this social media, humans can interact with many people at a time".

It can be concluded that mobile phones are communication tools that can help
human work by providing internet facilities without using cables and can be taken

2.2 The Definition of Pandemic

According to Wikipedia, pandemic is an epidemic of a disease that spreads

over a large area, for example several continents, or throughout the world.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a pandemic is an outbreak that

occurs over a large geographic area (such as several countries or continents) and
usually affects a large proportion of the population.

A pandemic is a disease outbreak that spreads simultaneously everywhere,

covering a wide geographical area. It is an epidemic that spreads rapidly to almost
all countries or continents. A pandemic is also a disease outbreak that everyone
should be aware of, because this disease spreads unnoticed.

2.3 The Definition of Learning Process

According to Syaiful Sagala, the learning process is a form of educative

interaction, namely a form of interaction that is conscious of the goal, meaning
that the interaction has a specific purpose. Furthermore, Knirk and Gustafson said
as quoted by Syaiful Sagala, the learning process is a systematic process through
stages. design, implementation and evaluation.

According to Correy learning is a process by which a person's environment is

intentionally managed to enable him to participate in certain behaviors under
special conditions or produce responses to certain situations, learning is a special
subset of education.

Learning is assistance provided by educators so that the process of acquiring

knowledge and knowledge, mastering skills and character, and forming attitudes
and beliefs in students can occur. In other words, learning is a process to help
students learn well.

In this paper the author uses a literature study in the form of book reviews or
internet reviews according to the title of scientific papers to answer the
importance of handphones for children's learning process during a pandemic. The
data that has been obtained is then analyzed, developed, and presented the author
in writing. This scientific paper uses a descriptive method with the following steps

1. Preparation or planning

Before writing a scientific paper, what must be done is choosing a problem

topic, formulating objectives, exploring the topic, identifying readers, and
determining the scope of the scientific work that we will make according
to the title. Some of these things are part of the planning.

2. Search ideas

The idea of writing is obtained from a large interest of the writers on

Mobile Phone, the Most Important Means of Learning Process for
Children in Pandemic.

3. Formulate the problem

The problem is combination of reality and expectations.

4. Processing information

Information collected through the study of literature by studying books,

ebooks, and articles on the internet that serves to strengthen the necessary

5. Conclusion and suggestion

At the end of this scientific paper will draw some conclusions and
suggestion in order to facilitate the reader in understanding this scientific
paper. Conclusions are obtained after referring.

1.1 Role of Mobile Phone for Children’s Learning Process in

The presence of a smartphone as a media to support the learning process is

very much needed for the implementation of the system. Accompanied by the
internet, the sophistication of smartphones to access various kinds of information
will be faster and easier and the learning process between teachers and students
will also be more interactive. The following is the role of mobile phones as a
learning tool for children during a pandemic:

1. Smartphone as Information Center for Students

In this pandemic era, mobile phones provide a lot of information

for children from various media. students can find information about the
material taught by the teacher at school. The internet provides a variety of
information that students need in learning. Nowadays, there are also many
learning applications that make it easier for students to find information.
According to (Laurillard, 2007) he argues that by using
smartphones in education, this technology has a central role to be used as a
means of conveying information to students through mobile device

2. Smartphones as Communication for Students

Mobile is a communication tool used between teachers and

students. Starting from exchanging information, sending learning
materials, to giving assignments. In addition, it is also a communication
tool between students to ask questions related to learning and school

3. Smartphones facilitate Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM)

With the many features and applications in smartphones,

smartphones are increasingly popular and can be used as a means of
teaching and learning activities, teachers and students can take advantage
of the features and applications of the smartphone. For example the use of
google classroom, quizziz, zoom, google meet, etc.
4. Eliminate boredom when studying

With various interesting features, students can learn according to

their own wishes. The material can be in the form of writing and videos
accompanied by sound so that children can learn in a relaxed manner and
not get bored easily. Students can also study while listening to music so
that learning becomes relaxed.

1.2 The Impact of Mobile Phone for Children’s Learning Process in

A. Positive impact of mobile phone for children’s learning process in

1. Making it easier for children in the distance learning system

This is of course very necessary during a pandemic. At this time all

students use mobile phones to study online through media such as zoom
meetings, google meet, or it can also be via whatsapp, e-learning, google
classroom and others that have been prepared by the teacher. Even though
cannot meet face to face, the learning process can still be done face to face
with online.

2. More Free Time

Before this pandemic hit Indonesia, school children usually went to

school from morning to evening. However, during this pandemic, learning
is usually not carried out until the afternoon. For some students, this free
time can be used to increase their creativity at home such as playing

music, singing, exercising, drawing, painting, and so on which are their

3. More Relaxed and Focused on Learning

At school, not a few children are disturbed in their concentration in

studying, whether it's because of noise in class, joking with friends,
chatting about unimportant things, sleeping in class and so on. Meanwhile,
if you study online at home, these things are avoided and can increase the
focus of learning in children.

B. Negative impact of mobile phone for children’s learning process

1. Mobile Phone Abuse by Children

There are many cases circulating because of the misuse of

cellphones by children, including lying to their parents. For example,
the child asks for money to buy a quota for online school purposes,
even though the child uses it not for online school but to play social
media such as Instagram and Tiktok which are very busy being used
among teenagers, even minors have also used it a lot. Finally the child
is addicted and skips online school without the knowledge of the

2. Lack of Mingling with Friends

Excessive use of cellphones in this case can lead to a lack of
mingling with other friends to lead to individualism or selfishness. It is
rare for children when they meet them to play traditional games such
as hide and seek, gatrik, stilts, bekel ball, congklak, jump rope, and so
on. They were just busy with their cell phones when they met. And not
a few children who gather they only make obscene tiktok videos for
the sake of fame. If this continues to happen in Indonesia, these
traditional games could become extinct and no longer be known in the
next generation of young people. Even though this traditional game
needs to be preserved so that it doesn't become extinct.

3. Difficult to Buy Internet Packages and Unstable Signal

For people whose economy is middle to lower, of course, it

becomes an obstacle to online learning, because not a few remote
communities also find it difficult to buy internet packages and also the
signal is not stable in their area. Usually their money is used to buy food
and their needs, but in this case they also have to set aside money to buy
internet packages. It is also difficult to buy internet packages for those
whose parents have lost their jobs due to the current pandemic.

1.3 The Important of Mobile Phone for Children’s Learning

Process in Pandemic
In this pandemic era, mobile phones are the most important means for
children's learning. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the government is
holding a distance learning system or known as online. All of these online
learning activities are centered on mobile phones. Therefore, students are
required to have cellphones as a learning tool during the pandemic.

Mobile phones make it very easy for students to do virtual learning. The
existence of a smartphone as a means of supporting the learning process, is
very much needed to implement the system. Accompanied by the internet,
the sophistication of smartphones to access various kinds of information will
be faster and easier. The learning process between teachers and students will
also be more interactive.

The use of gadgets as a learning tool is expected to be effective for the

learning process. Learning activities will be more active, effective, and fun
as the principle in learning that learning is a fun activity. And with the use of
gadgets, both teachers and students can know the application of information
and communication technology in the midst of the demands of this

increasingly sophisticated era, so that they do not experience technological

Online learning can encourage students to be creative, access as many

sources of knowledge as possible, produce works, hone insights and
ultimately shape students into lifelong learners. The creativity of students in
accessing various information can develop because they will seek material
from various sources and understand it. Students are also easy to hone their
interests and talents with their mobile phones so that they are able to produce
works of art.



A. Conclusion

The role of mobile phones in everyday life is very much needed for
purposes during the pandemic, especially children who study remotely or
dare. the following is the role of mobile phones for children as learning

1. smartphone as information for students.

2. smartphone as communication for students.

3. smartphone as facilitate of teaching and learning activities (KBM).

4. Eliminate boredom while studying.

The impact is also beneficial for children and teachers, the benefits of
it is the children can enjoy time together while learning, make easier for
children in the distance learning system, making it more relaxed and
focused for children while learning.

On the other hand, the negative impact is also caused by the use of
mobile phones, sometimes the learning process is not smooth due to
limited signal or internet packages. Children will also rarely see their
friends so they are less likely to strengthen friendships between children.

So, the mobile phone is the important tool to realize interactive and
fun learning for children in the pandemic.

B. Suggestion

1. With the assignment to make this paper, it will add the knowledge
that important mobile phone for learning process between teachers
and students.

2. To all readers, can give constructive criticism. so that in the future
it will be even better in compiling scientific papers. And what is
expected from the contents of this paper can be useful for the

3. The author hopes that children can use cellphones properly and
correctly so that they can be useful for learning that is applied to
the current online system.


Salma Prawiradilaga, Dewi. 2013. Mozaik Teknologi Pendidikan: E-Learning.

Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group.

Widyastuti, Ana dkk. 2020. Pengantar Teknologi Pendidikan. Medan:

Yayasan Kita Menulis.


Personal Data

a. Full Name : Khusnia Tazkiyatun Nafsiyah

b. Place and Date of Birth : Jepara, 28th December 2004

c. Home Address : Bendowangen 003/001, Mayong, Jepara

d. Phone : 0895800383622

e. E-mail Address :

School Data

f. Number Student : 9853

g. Class : XII Science One

h. School Name : MA NU Banat Kudus

i. School Address : Jln. KHM. Arwani Amin,Krandon, Kudus

j. Phone : (0291) 443143

Kudus, Februari 2022


Khusnia Tazkiyatun Nafsiyah


Personal Data

a. Full Name : Nabila Danis Nor Syafiqo

b. Place and Date of Birth : Semarang,15th April 2004

c. Home Address : Depoksari Raya street no.14c, Pedurungan,


d. Phone : 083108672675

e. E-mail Address :

School Data

f. Number Student : 9883

g. Class : XII Science One

h. School Name : MA NU Banat Kudus

i. School Address : Jln. KHM. Arwani Amin,Krandon, Kudus

j. Phone : (0291) 443143

Kudus, Februari 2022


Nabila Danis Nor Syafiqo


Personal Data

a. Full Name : Nada Nabila

b. Place and Date of Birth : Demak, 26th June 2004

c. Home Address : Pulosari,Karangtengah,Demak.

d. Phone : 082223399197

e. E-mail Address :

School Data

f. Number Student : 9888

g. Class : XII Science One

h. School Name : MA NU Banat Kudus

i. School Address : Jln. KHM. Arwani Amin,Krandon, Kudus

j. Phone : (0291) 443143

Kudus, Februari 2022


Nada Nabila


Personal Data

a. Full Name : Nafachat Bilqis Az-Zukhruf

b. Place and Date of Birth : Wonosobo, 9th June 2003

c. Home Address : Sambek 01/02 Wonosobo

d. Phone : 081391359812

e. E-mail Address :

School Data

f. Number Student : 9894

g. Class : XII Science One

h. School Name : MA NU Banat Kudus

i. School Address : Jln. KHM. Arwani Amin,Krandon, Kudus

j. Phone : (0291) 443143

Kudus, Februari 2022


Nafachat Bilqis Az-Zukhruf


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