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25 전쟁의 기억과 사회주의적 개발의 서사

한설야의 <성장>
The Memory of 6.25 War and the Narrative of Socialistic Development

저자 이경재
(Authors) Kyung Jae Lee

출처 현대소설연구 ,(41), 2009.08, 217-245(29 pages)

(Source) The Journal of Korean Fiction Research ,(41), 2009.08, 217-245(29 pages)

The Society Of Korean Fiction


APA Style 이경재 (2009). 6.25 전쟁의 기억과 사회주의적 개발의 서사. 현대소설연구(41), 217-245

이용정보 성남시도서관사업소
(Accessed) 2020/02/18 04:03 (KST)

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6.25 전쟁의 기억과 사회주의적 개발의 서사
-한설야의 ≪성장≫論-

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: , , , 6.25 , , , , ,

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성남시도서관사업소 | IP:125.141.125.*** | Accessed 2020/02/18 04:03(KST)
The Memory of 6.25 War and the Narrative of
Socialistic Development

Lee, Kyung-Jae

Han sul ya suggested in his novels that all children should

grow up as citizen with nationalism in their mind and they are
supposed to be responsible for the future of North Korea. In the
novel Growth , Kyung duk’s innocence as a child and his
purity are devices to adorn effectively the ideology of the ruling
class which is, in fact, far from innocence and purity. Kyung
duk is a character who intensifies aggressive nationalism based
on cold war strategy. Collective memory of the Korean war was
manipulated in order to arouse people’s hatred against United
States, to brainwash them into glorifying North Korea and to
induce them into sacrificing themselves for the interests of the
nation. Since the independence from Japan in 1945, children has
been regarded as warriors for anti-American policy and as
workers for economic rehabilitation in North Korea. Han sul ya’s
Growth glorify a life of an individual which serves the
nation. What growth mean in the novel Growth is to comply
with the demands of the nation and this could be achieved in the
novel when each individual abandon its personality to be a part
of the nation. The children or youths in the novel Growth

성남시도서관사업소 | IP:125.141.125.*** | Accessed 2020/02/18 04:03(KST)

are continuously called for as warriors serving the doctrine of
nationalism and productivity.
However, the novel reveals little cracks in the rigid ideological
doctrine. The cracks are found in ‘Kyung duk’s constant silence’
and ‘In soon’s incurable disease’. Those two symbols are interpreted
as symptoms of text, which open room for criticism against
doctrine of nationalism and productivity, the official ideology of
North Korea. Considering the purge of Han sul ya, it is analysed
that the potential criticism against the ideology was manifested
unconsciously in the novel.

Key words: Growth, Child, Youth, 6.25 War, Speaking, Hospital, Nationalism,
Shock Work, Productivity First Ideology, Symptom

투 고 일 2009년 5월 30일 심 사 일 2009년 6월 29일-7월 12일

게재확정일 2009년 7월 13일 수정마감일 2009년 7월 27일

성남시도서관사업소 | IP:125.141.125.*** | Accessed 2020/02/18 04:03(KST)

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