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Research question: Should artificial intelligence replace people that work in terms of

agriculture and maintain crops in good condition?

Topic: Digital world
Centre number: CO061
Candidate name: Juan Nicolas Angel Jimenez
Candidate number:0062

Should artificial intelligence replace people that work in terms of agriculture and
maintain crops in good condition?

The farming around the world it is reaching a point where many people are no longer
dedicating themselves to agriculture and it is becoming a problem because there is a lack of
people who want to dedicate themselves to agriculture, due to this in many parts of the world
there are no crops for consume. Also, when agriculture is practiced it is known that there is a
large percentage of the product that is lost because maintaining a crop farm becomes a very
heavy task because the person in charge has to be aware of many factors such as the PH, the
exact time in which the culture has to be removed so that no part is damaged. For this reason,
many organizations at a global level have agreed that a solution to this problem that affects us
at a global level is to create machines that can do this work for farmers or can collaborate to
achieve an objective, which is that the product can be sold in top condition and don't miss out
on any of it. This would work in a way that does not completely replace humans but also helps
them to obtain a better result in the product to be sold.

Evaluation of sources

During my research process I checked many sources about the IA in the agriculture. Firstly
the” Robots in Agriculture: State of Art and Practical experiences” and “ories.pinduoduo-”, this sources talk about the same
thing and they allowed me to learn and know more about the implementation of AI in the
agricultural sector because of this, I suggest that the source is valuable according to its purpose
because this is to inform internet users how it would be implemented in agriculture and what
are the main causes and consequences of this in the future that could affect the human, this
also helps more users to support the project. The source is also valuable for its content since it
talks about how the technology could be implemented in the world of agriculture and what
methods could be used to implement it, is suggests different types of AI implementation such
as a robot that is automated to measure things in crops such as PH and percentage of water,
there is also a robot that helps in greenhouses measuring in the same way and collecting
information to remove crops at the exact moment for a better sale. The source also says that
measurements will be taken of air humidity, temperature, solar radiation, and all of this to be
able to harvest the crop in the best condition and not miss any. The other method that he
mentions is the robots that collect the seeds and crops for when the one who sends the signal
when the crop can be removed oversees removing them to have it at the exact moment,
depending on the source, planes that would fumigate and protect you would also be used. the
crops. The evaluation of this source is that it says many things that can be achieved, but it does
not mention or consider the money that should be invested in this great project, nor its
effectiveness. It also says many things that are scientifically exceedingly difficult to achieve as
it is removing the cultures at the exact moment.


During all my research process I came to the conclusion that what causes this project to be
invented are many factors such as the need to not lose any percentage of the product that is
damaged because it was not harvested on time and this implies that a large part of money is
lost and can reach the point of not even generate any kind of profit and get to the point that the
producer decides to retire from agriculture because it does not generate a sufficient amount of
money to generate profits. Another cause for the implementation of AI is that as nowadays we
want to replace humans in a large part by robots and that these do their heavy work so that
humans can live in tranquility, also for humans to enjoy the products in perfection and not
have to worry about the lack of raw material and look for it around the world when robots
would already be making a part of the raw material also implementing that AI serves not only
for agriculture but for other sectors of commerce.

Some of the consequences that the implementation of AI may bring to the agricultural sector
are that it may reach a point where robots will replace humans in many sectors, because of this
it may create an unemployment rate, because there would no longer be work for farmers and if
it is implemented in agriculture it will be implemented in more aspects such as medicine,
cooking, etc. If this were to happen, many families that do not have access to this new
modality of depending on a machine will suffer from poverty, consequently they will reach the
point of starvation and death. Another of the great consequences that the implementation of the IA
would bring would be the great cost of this since it would not be easy to make machines to supply a
city and if that is not possible, less to a country or an entire world. this would be a significant expense
that would cause the currency to have an inflated price due to the excess of man-made things, and
people who may not always have access to a system of obtaining food products derived from the
agriculture of a machine They will suffer looking for food as there will come a point where humans
will not make any more food and the AI will do everything. According to many religions, that a
machine replaces man and his work would be considered a sin, so there would be no support from all
over the world to maintain that project.

In Colombia trying implement this type of thing as it is a great technological project that implies a
very high value, since the country's economy is not in the best moment due to the fact that the
presidential elections caused a lot of fear in different inhabitants and consequently to this the
currency had a Inflation if it could be said that the country is not at its best economically and less to
try a project that does not have 100% certainty that it will work and be promoted in the most
economical way, Colombia also suffers from poverty and the displacement due to this people need a
job so the country is not willing to waste job opportunities simply so that people with high resources
can benefit and those with few resources can be even more affected by it. Also a solution that could
be useful in the country and is at the midpoint of implementing it and it would not be to implement it
for certain sectors and that it is not the robot that does everything and it can be 70% the man does
the work and 25% the robot verifying the process and getting the best version of the product to be

For this project there are different perspectives around the world, many admit it and it favors
their economy or other factors, others on the contrary disadvantage them due to
unemployment, but there is also the perspective in which the country would like to increase its
economy and change its form of work they cannot because of their religion. An example in
which they favor and approve the project is the United States, since it has a very low rate of
unemployment and poverty compared to other countries globally, so this could help people
with resources to get the best product and at the best quality. Also an example in which it
cannot be implemented 100% is Colombia since it has a very high unemployment rate and this
does not allow it to be implemented since if it is implemented it would be changing man for
AI and jobs would be lost, too the case of many countries that manage religions that say that it
is a sin for the human being to be replaced by an invention of their own and so they would like
to improve their economy they could not because it would be against their beliefs.

Local Perspective

The perspective of the city of Bogota could vary from the national perspective since in Bogota
there is not so much agriculture or fields to cultivate, so implementing robots and machines
that do the work that is done far from the city could help the city The city is also more stable
economically and it is easier to set up establishments in which technology is used as an
agricultural method.

Course of action

the things that could solve this problem of trying to apply a system that changes how human
life and its functioning can be observed, is to do it partially, a perfect example is to establish a
system in which the human sows the crop and applies its water properly and the machine will
take your information such as PH, acidity, radiation, water, and thus be able to get the machine
to warn and the human being can collect the food correctly. A solution for countries that could
not apply it due to their economy would be simply to apply a computer that measures the data
automatically instead of throwing away a large number of expensive machines, thus the same
objective would be reached with a result not quite different from that implemented and money
and resources are saved

My perspective and conclusions

Having a complete investigation about the subject, I was able to observe the different
perspectives that existed on the subject and I was able to reach the conclusion that my point of
view before the investigation was completely different from the one I have now. My point of
view before was that because the implementation of AI was not done since it helped the
human being in many things such as having the most accurate measurements and times to
obtain more consistent results for a better product and in the case of an export, a better export
or a better sale, but after a lot of research, I came to the conclusion that this implementation to
the world of agriculture is not necessary at all, since it has a very high cost that not many
countries would be able to pay easily, In addition, a result is obtained that is very similar to
what is done with an agriculture made with the hand of the human being.


Sparrow, R., & Howard, M. (2022, October 23). Robots in agriculture: prospects, impacts,

ethics, and policy. Springer Link. Retrieved September 1, 2022, from

Roldan, J. J. (2017, December 20). Robots in Agriculture: State of Art and Practical Experiences.

IntechOpen. Retrieved September 1, 2022, from

Robotics In Agriculture: Advantages And Disadvantages. (2019, July 18). Roboticsbiz. Retrieved

September 1, 2022, from

Snow, S. (2015b, April). Bringing the Farmer Perspective to Agricultural Robots. Reaserch Gate.

Retrieved September 1, 2022, from


Spikman, O. (2021, July). Farmers’ perspectives on field crop robots – Evidence from Bavaria,

Germany. Science Direct. Retrieved September 1, 2022, from

Redhead, F. (2015, April 18). Bringing the Farmer Perspective to Agricultural Robots. ACM

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Crean robot que pretende revolucionar la agricultura vinícola. (2021, November 5).

ContextoGanadero. Retrieved September 1, 2022, from


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