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1. Why is it important to inform before missing an appointment?

Because that way the other person can accommodate her schedule so as not to waste time
that day

2. Why are there excuses?

All excuses seek to justify the mistakes that were made. Man has always feared being singled
out or criticized, that is why many times it is easier to make endless excuses

3. Why does work exist?

Work is a basic and central role in life for human beings, due to the amount of time we
dedicate to work, because it allows the satisfaction of economic needs

4. Why does the responsibility exist?

A person is characterized by his responsibility because he has the virtue not only of making a
series of decisions in a conscious way, but also of assuming the consequences of the
aforementioned decisions and being responsible for them.

5. Should we be courteous to cancel an appointment?

Yes so that the person does not feel offended and also so that they can prepare to do
something else that day

Occasionally, due to the very busy work days of business professionals, one will be forced to
cancel a scheduled appointment to fulfill another obligation. Common reasons for canceled
appointments include, but are not limited to: scheduling conflicts, illness, social obligations,
and work mandates (or company-instituted guidelines that affect workers' schedules and are
designed to meet a certain goal). Whatever the reason an appointment is canceled, it is
important that the person responsible for the cancellation call the person (s) who are expected
to attend the meeting as soon as possible, to inform them of the change and provide them
with the maximum amount of time to restructure. his own schedule. Also, the more courteous
it is to quickly inform a fellow business specialist of a cancellation, the greater the chances of
rescheduling or agreeing on a different day and time for a previously scheduled meeting.
Lastly, the rescheduling process is usually completed over the phone, as it is a personal form of
communication through which interest and attention can easily be conveyed. Here is an
example of a typical phone call to cancel a business appointment: Tempt: Hello, Jared? It's
Jack. I am calling to inform you that, unfortunately, I will not be able to keep the appointment
we have scheduled. I have contracted a terrible flu and have already been out of work for a
couple of days. Lotner: Sorry to hear that Jack, I hope you feel better soon. Tempt: Thank you.
And trust me, I wish I could, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Lotner: It's not a problem, I
just got over the illness a while ago, so I know what you're going through. Tempt: Yes, it is
hard. But if it's open I'd love to reschedule it for next week, when I'm feeling better. Lotner:
That would be great! What day and time were you thinking? Tempt: Since I'm reprogramming,
as long as it works for you, it's good for me. Lotner: Thank you! Are you working next Tuesday
at nine o'clock, maybe during breakfast? Tempt: Sure you do! I'll see you at your office, if you
want. Lotner: Perfect. See you later and you will feel better soon. Tempt: I will. Thanks again.
Note that the call was efficient, comprehensive, and forwarded; the caller did not hesitate to
inform the other person of the cancellation, which would simply have wasted more time (and
reduced the chances of rescheduling the appointment). Speed and speed are important
components of a successful business appointment rescheduling phone call.


Inconvenience: Not very convinced

Successful: exitoso

Appointment: Cita

Hesitate: dudar

Better: Mejor

Rescheduling: Reprogramar

Scheduled: Programada

Guidelines: Pautas

Illness: Enfermedad

Common: común

Easily: fácilmente

Schedules: horarios

Comprehensive: exhaustivo

Forwarded: reenviado

Whatever: lo que


Reprogramming: reprogramación

Agreeing: estar de acuerdo

Amount: monto

Through: Mediante

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