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Maguiwe, Loverson O.


1. It is easier to organize data and retrieve it when there is little or no dependence between
programs and data. Why is there more dependence in a file approach and less in the database
- There is more dependence in a file approach and less in the database approach because a file
approach has no mechanism for tagging, retrieving, and manipulating data, as database
approach does have this mechanism and the data pieces are organized about entities.

2. Spreadsheets have become quite powerful for data management. What can be done with
database management systems that cannot be done with spreadsheet applications? Give
several examples
- Database management systems does all the work, including structuring files, storing data, and
linking records. A file itself is a database and while a database itself is a collection of several
related files, the program used to build databases, populate them with data and manipulate the
data. An example of this is which is a database management system that allows
users to find demographic information by only entering the area zip code.

3. What is the difference between a database and database management system?

- The difference between a database and a database management system is that a database is a
structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways, while
a database management system does all the work, including structuring files, storing data, and
linking records.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented databases?

- The advantages of object-oriented database are that it gives quick updates of data sets and the
relationships among them and the reduction of data redundancy, while the disadvantages
includes the dependence between applications and the data wrapped together, changing the
structures of tables in a relational database does not require changes in applications that use
the data in those tables. It also limits the ability to enter ad hoc queries in an ODB that is to
enter queries at will.

5. What is the relationship between a website’s local search engines and online databases?
- The relationship between a website’s local search engines and online databases is so it is
accessible to people not only for browsing appealing web pages but to search and find useful
information. The web would be useless if the databases online are not accessible.
Maguiwe, Loverson O.

6. DBMSs are usually bundled with powerful programming language modules. Why?
- DBMSs are usually bundled with powerful programming language modules because
programmers can use the module to develop applications that facilitate queries and produce
predesigned reports.

7. DBMSs are a component of every enterprise application, such as a supply chain management
system. Why?
- DBMSs are a component of every enterprise application, such as a supply chain management
system as it is currently on the market to accommodate the relational model. It is a clear idea of
the different entities and how they can relate with one another and it is an easy way to keep
track of business services done with customers.

8. What is SQL? in which database mode does it operate? Why is it so popular?

- SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it has become the query language of choice for
many developers of relational DBMSs. SQL is an international standard and is provided with
most relational database management programs. it is so popular because of its easy-to
remember intuitive commands.

9. What is a data warehouse? How is it different from a transactional database?

- Data warehouse is a large, typically relational, database that supports management decision
making. It differs from a transactional database as transactional database is copied into the data
warehouse, which is a separate data repository, it does not update with daily transactions such
as sales, billing, cash receipts, and returns.

10. Why is it not advisable to query data from transactional databases for executive decision
making the same way you do data warehouse?
- It is not advisable to query data from transactional database for executive decision making the
same way data warehouse is done because transactional database contains current data
information, which is disposed of after some time and the data in data warehouse is
accumulated and might reflect many years of business activates.

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