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Course: PHD 1
Assessment 2: Considering the two concepts of leadership,ie. “Leading with a Heart”
and “Leading from Within”, cite at least three different situations in your work place
where you had manifested the perspectives of the two mantras of leadership. Follow
the basic rule of “STAR”.
According to the report presented by ma’am Loraine Anne Marcos, she stated that
“Leadership is not a role we play, it is who we are”, and I agree from that statement
that the things we do and the way we behave match our values, and these values were
of course, as an educator, were manifested in my work place.
Like for example, as a teacher, I always show my care to my learners, there was one
time before pandemic, when one of my honor students didn’t attend school for almost
a week, so I visited her at home and learned that she was confined at the hospital for
three days because of dengue. After a few days she was released from the hospital and
I decided to visit her at home to give all the lessons she missed, her parents thanked
me for my efforts and told them that it is my job as a teacher to show my care and love
to them because inside the school, I am their second parent.
Another situation that had happened where I manifested the perspective of the two
mantras of leadership was during my second year of teaching. “Honesty is the best
policy”, we always see this whenever we enter to a classroom, so we educators, as a
role model, we should always show them honesty, there was a situation where three of
my students were late from my subject, I asked them the reason and one of them told
me that one of the teacher gave them work to do, I went to the teacher and asked
about it but the teacher told me that they were lying. I told them to read the sayings
that was posted at the top of the board ten times and reflect from their doings. They
were able to realize their fault and apologized. I gave them punishment by cleaning the
room and told them that they should always show honesty to everyone because
honesty is not just about telling the truth, it’s about being real with yourself and
During my grade 9th class adviser last 2019, there was a point in time when there was
a contest per grade level at school for classroom beautification and cleanliness and we
were given a week to prepare for that. As a leader of my students, it was my role not
only to ensure my team met our deadlines but also to motivate them. I assigned the
roles and responsibilities of each students for them to work as a team, they did their
work properly with love and care, and as a result, we won the second place. I was so
happy and expressed my appreciation for them for having a good job well done.

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