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1. Match the structure with the function or characteristic.

Structure Function or characteristic

A. Epidermis a. Insulation
B. Langerhans cells b. They participate in immune responses
against microbes that invade the skin.
C. Hair erector muscle c. Water proofing
D. Merkel cells d. 8% of the epidermal cells
and produce melanin.
E. Fat cells e. A pigment that contributes to color
and protection from sun's rays
F. Sebaceous gland f. Heat retention
G. Dermis g. Heat loss
H. Melanin h. Protection from infection
I. Keratinocytes i. Located in the deepest layer of the
where they contact part of a sensory neuron
and detect different aspects of touch sensations
J. Hair j. Makes hairs stand on end
K. Sweat gland k. secretes sebum, a substance that lubricates
the hair within the follicle as well as the skin itself
L. Blood capillaries in the l. Makes skin tough
M. Melanocytes m. Come from red bone marrow
and migrate to the epidermis
N. Keratin n. Constrict or dilate to control heat loss
O. Hair, Nails, Oil glands o. Skin’s accessory organs
and Sweat glands
2. epidermal ridges/ dermal papillae/ capillary loop/ sweat pore/ oil gland/ meissner corpuscle/ arrector pili muscle/ hair follicle/
hair root/ eccrine sweat gland/ apocrine sweat gland/ lamellated (pacinian) corpuscle/ sensory nerve/ adipose tissue/ hair shaft/
cutaneous vascular plexus/ papillary vascular plexus/ free nerve ending/ epidermis/ papillary region/ reticular region/ dermis/
subcutaneous layer/ vein/ artery

of the
a. Read the following case and answer all the questions.
5. Complete the table with the statements bellow.

Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Melanoma

- Deadliest form of skin cancer

- Most common form of skin cancer
- Second most common form of skin cancer
- Can spread quickly to other parts of the body if not diagnosed early.
- Often appears as red bump, scaly patch or sore that doesn’t heal.
- Often found on head, neck and arms.

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