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Question 1: Define (10 Marks)

1. Vibration mechanical oscillation (vibration) is a set of
phenomena observed at workstations, constituting the
transmission of energy from the vibration source to the human
body through various body parts that come nto contact with
the oscillating source while performing work tasks.
2. Occupational risk management Process by which work related
hazards are identified and the risk produced by their presence
in evaluated and estimated
3. Chemical Substances. are chemical elements and their
compounds either in their natural state or obtained by a
manufacturing process.
4. Physiology of Work . Work physiology is the subdiscipline of
ergonomics concerned with stress that Occurs during the
metabolic conversionI of biochemical energy sources, such as
glucose, to mechanical work
5. Para Occupational Diseases (Work Related Diseases). are
diseases of a multifactorial etiology in which work conditions
are one of several risk factors that affect the manifestation or
aggravation of the disease.

Question 2: True or False (15 Marks)

1. Occupational safety protects the workers life's , where as
ergonomics protects the workers health (true ) .
2. Vo2 max should be 40% for those with medium capacity ( false ) .
3. Preparations are mixtures or solutions composed of ≥ two
substances ( true)
4. Most European Countries haven' t their own list of occupational
disease except Sweden and Netherland (false)
5. The respiratory rate in adults may increase upto 50-60 breath per
min ( true)
6. Pneumoconiosis diseases are absolute certainly occupational
diseases (false )

Question 3: complete the following (15 Marks)

1. Occupational safety protects the workers life's where as
ergonomics protects the workers health
2. Different types of mental disorders may lead to
a- depressive reactions
b- hypertension
c- peptic ulcer disease
3. Properties of harmful factors include concentration,
intensity, length of exposure.
4. The scope of changes infunction of cardio-vascular system
depends on changes in both cardiac activity and
peripheral blood flow
5. The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic
and parasympathetic parts,
6. The significant systems are The cardiovascular and
respiratory systems, The musculoskeletal system

Question 4: choose the correct answer (15 Marks)

1. The new occupational safety and health (OSH) management
standard is
a- ISo 45001 b- Iso 9001
c- ISO 22000 d- ISO 14000
2. The three fundamental basic rules for protection of
ionization radiation are
a- justification b- optimization
c- Aimition d- All the previous
3. The time of physio-chemical interaction is
a- 10-15-10-12 sec b- 10-9-10-3 sec
c- 1 sec- 1 day
4. The negative consequences of occupational exposure to
whole body vibration are mostly related to
a- Skeletal system e.g spinal painsyndrous
b- Nervous system : e.g numbness or tingling of fingertips
5. All tho following are sources of dust emission except
a- Technological processes b- Nano-Technology
c- Magnetic Induction
6. Technical methods of prevention include
a- Elimination or limilation of vibration of the source
b- Remote control of vibration
c- Limition of vibration along its propagation route
d- All the pervious

Question 5: write a brief assay (10 Marks)

1. The intera-psychic methods These are based on changes in the
perception of the environment or ourselves in order to mitigate
the divergence between the surroundings and the entity
2. Stages of strategy development
1. In the first stage, which ended in the 1960s, industrialized
countries developed the first OSH-related laws.
2. In the second stage, which lasted until the 1980s, these
countries made intensive reforms and improvements to work
safety and health protection systems in Europe and the United
3. In the third stage, which started in the late 1980s and
continues today, asystematic approach to OSH management
methods was standardized and popularized globally
3. How to protect against optical radiation
1. The principal rule for protection is to avoid exposure.
2. Time of exposure should be minimized.
3. Distance from the source should be maximized.
4. The body should be shielded against radiation
4. . The levels of relating a certain diseases to occupational exposure
1. Certainty
2. High probability
3.Less than high probability
5. The expected diseases due to psychosocial strees
-Cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease and
- Distortion of the digestive system (peptic ulcer disease).
- Musculoskeletal disorders: Stress causes an increase in the
tension in striated muscles.
- Decrease in immunological resistance: Psychosocial stress is a
possible cause of a decrease in various aspects of the
immunological response

Question 6: Match (10 Marks)

Biological risk agents are micro-
organism and the structures and
substances they produce, the exert
Occupational risk harmful influence up on human
1 assessment (6)

This term is used to describe a

2 Ergonomics lukewarm or even a hostile position
towards a charge .
Are substances and preparation that
3 Stress in work places pose a hazards to human health or
the environment .
An adaptation of work stations ,
work processes and work
4 Depersonalization environment to the psychophysical
of the human body .
Is a psychophysiological response
to a situation in which the
5 Dangerous substance And environmental requirements exceed
dangerous preparation the capabilities of employees
Is the process by which work-
6 Biological hazards related hazards are identified(1)

Model II

Question 1:Define

1. preparations are mixtures or Solutions composed of two or

more substances.Occupational Risk Management.
2. Vibroacoustic is a field of science that deals with vibration and
acoustic processes observed in nature, engineering, machines
and equipment, means of transport, and communication, that
is, in the entire work and life environment.
3. Occupational safety and health management systems is a set of
interrelated or interacting elements used to establish
occupational safety and health (OSH) policies and objectives and
to achieve those objectives.
4. Stress in work place Is a psychophysiological response to a
situation in which the environmental requirements exceed the
capabilities of employees
5. Dust Solid particles of varying size and origin and remain in
air for a period of time.

Question 2:True or false

1. Exposure includes all medical uses of radiation for diagnostic test

and in radiation therapy true
2. Occupational safety and health level IV is self-motivated (true)
3. Over 7600 people die each day from work related accidents or
diseases (true)
4. Burnout is most often observed among young people with no more
2-3 years of professional experience ( true)
5. Severing , cutting, ejection are examples of mechanical hazards
6. the lasers that emit visible radiation in the wavelength range from
400-700nm false

Question 3: Complete the following

1. factors of health protection include full range of physical,

biological and chemical factors the highest admissible.
2. concentrations and intensities of harmful agents include
chemical, physical and dusts
3. the physiology of work depending up on characteristics of the
human body, in addition to the functioning and efficiency of
many body systems and organs.
4. Sources of stress are social and organizational layer of work
rather than the physicochemical work condition.
1. the musculoskeletal system Characterized by both motor
properties and the strength and resistance of muscles.

Question4: Choose the correct answer (MCQ)

1. Dust properties include

a. particles concentration
b. particles size
c. explosive properties of dust
d. all the previous

2. all the following are considered as reactive approach to the OSH

management in organization except .
a. hazards are dealt with reactivity
b. Risk controls are dependent on individual
c. OSH activity happens but is not planned
d. Risk Control are described in procedures

3. the time of Biological responses

a. 10sec - 1 day
b. 10-15 – 10-12 sec
c. 10-9 – 10-3 sec

4. Personal protective equipment's (PPE) include the following

a. protective cloths
b. mask
c. goggles
d. production technologies

5. occupational risk may be

a. strategic
b. operational
c. Financial
d. all the previous

6. all the following are types of mechanical vibration except

a. whole body vibration
b. Hand-arm vibration
c. nervous system

Question 5: write a brief assay

The ways of dealing with psychological level

1.Seeking information
2.Taking direct actions.
3. Holding back actions.
4. Intra-psychic methods.
1. How to Control vibrational exposure
1-Technical methods
□Elimination or limitation of vibration at the source.
Limitation of vibration along its propagation route.
Remote control of vibration sources.
Active control of vibration.
2. Organizational (or administrative) methods:
Shortening the vibration exposure time per work shift.
Designating special rooms for rest.
Relocating persons to other job positions.
Training employees to increase their awareness of the
associated with exposure to vibration and the safe operation of
machines and tools.
Administering preventive medical tests
2. What are the types of prevention of occupational diseases?
1.Primary prevention
2. Organizational prevention
3. Medical prevention
3. What are the stages of occupational risk management ? This
process is often divided into two stages:1. Occupational risk
analysis, which involves identifying hazards and estimating the
resultant risk
2. Occupational risk evaluation, which determines if the risk is
acceptable or if actions that will eliminate or lower it should be
4. Ionization radiation ( its types, hazards, Protection)
types:Occupational exposure, Public exposure ,Medical
Hazards: Physical interactions, Physico-chemical interactions
Medical effects ,Biological responses
Protection: Three fundamental basic rules: Justification
Optimization ,Limitation
Question 6 : Match

1 occupational disease the ability of a person to perform physical

is nonspecific response of the body to any
2 Cardiac output demand placed upon it.(6)

3 Dust is a portion of electromagnetic Spectrum

whose wave length ranges between 100nm-
4 optical radiation is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in
1 minute (2)
Refers to solid particles of different size and
5 Physical capacity origin which remain suspended inagas for a
period of time (3)
they are the diseases caused by occupational
6 stress exposurein work environment (1)

Model III
Question 1: Define
1. Para occupational diseases are diseases of a multifactorial
etiology in which work conditions are one of several risk
factors that affect the manifestation or aggravation of the
2. Laser radiation is electromagnetic radiation that is produced
by a specialized device known as LASER.
3. Electromagnetic field (EMF) is used to describe static electric
and static magnetic fields and time varying fields of frequencies
less than 300 GHz
4. Risk is defined as the combination of the probability of an
event and the severity of its consequences
5. Ergonomics is defined as an adaptation of workstations, work
processes and the work environment to the psychophysical
abilities of the human body.
Question 2 : True or false
1. Compliance with requirements of occupational safety and
ergonomics should perceived as humanitarian gesture of good will
( true )
2. solar radiation reaching earth's surface under clear sky contain 15%
of IR radiation ( false)
3. occupational safety and health level III is motivated by external
punishment ( false )
4. the respiratory rate in adults may increase up to 60 - 80 breath per
minutes ( false)
5. occupational safety protects the worker health whereas ergonomics
protects the worker life (false)
6. Crushing, Trapping, smashing are examples of mechanical hazards
( true)
Question 3: Complete the following
1. in work environment must be established to protect worker's
health and that of the next generations
2. labor protection aims to create optimal work conditions in terms of
ergonomics, physiology, and the psychology of work.
3. crushing_severing_ejection are considered as mechanical hazards
4. Sawing machine, screws, drill are examples of mechanical
5. Occupational exposure, Public exposure ,Medical exposure are
the types of exposure to ionization radiation.
6. Laser radiation is electromagnetic radiation that is produced by a
specialized device known as LASER.

Question 4:Choose the correct answer (MCQ)

1. organizational Methods of prevention vibration as
a. shortening the vibration exposure time per work shift
b. limitation of vibration along its propagation route
c. Reduce the field level in a larger area
2. Optical radiation spectrum is made up include the following
a. UVR
b. VIS.R
c. IR
d. x-rays
3. examples of mechanical hazard caused by sewing machines
a. severing, cutting, ejection
b. Crushing , smashing drawing in
4. occupational safety and health level II is
a. fear motivation
b. external punishment motivation.
c. external reward motivation
5. the harmful effects of chemical on the human body are
a. local effect
b. systemic
c. Remote
d. all the previous
6. the routes of Absorption of Dangerous substances and preparation
are a respiratory tract the following except
a. respiratory tract
b. skin
c. GIT( gastrointestinal tract
d. skeletal muscles.

Questions 5: write a brief assay:

1. What are the most important two critena to diagnose occupational

exposure ▪
1-Symptoms must correspond to the clinical presentation of the
disease in questin
2. The occupational exposure level must be high enough.
2. The symptoms of sympathetic Circuit related to stress mechanics
Pupil dilation.
Sweat-gland agitation.
Heart-rate acceleration.
Musculoskeletal blood vessel extension.
Stenosis of the blood vessels of the skin.
Acceleration of respiration rate.
Decomposition of glycogen in the liver
3. How to protect against optical radiation
1. The principal rule for protection is to avoid exposure.
2. Time of exposure should be minimized.
3. Distance from the source should be maximized.
4. The body should be shielded against radiation.
4. Cardiac cup output [Cop] is the amount of blood pumped by the
heart in 1 minute
5. factors affecting physical capacity
*Age- sex- Systematic physical training

Question 6 :Match

1 physical capacity Light Amplification by stimulated

Emissionof Radiation(4)

refers to hazards relating to work and

applies solely to persons employed in
2 poisoning Condions where they exposure to
ionizing radiation (5)
refers to the presence of ionizing
radiation sources in the environment, e.g
3 Noise , in potable water, air or soil and in
object - everyday use(6)
occurs when exposure to chemical
substances and preparations exceeds the
4 LASER limits of human capacity where the body
Can't remove the substances by digestion
or excretion (2)
all adverse, unpleasant , strenuous, or
5 occupational exposure harmfuloscillations of the elastic
the ability of a person to perform
6 public exposure physical Work and is measured as
maximal oxygen uptake ( vo2 max)

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