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2.5 Survey data mining with a gender perspective

Import necesary modules

In [27]: import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import numpy as np

Reading data
In [28]: df_gender = pd.read_csv('data/prepared/Survey_on_Gender_Equality_At_Home/Survey_on_Gender_Equality_At_Home_2_c

Explore and clean

In [29]: df = df_gender.copy()

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Out[29]: Year Region Country Internet_Penetration Gender a1_agree a1_neutral a1_disagree a2_opps_other a3_yes ... d6_wait d7_bore

0 2020 Canada 95 to 100% Female 93 1 5 7.40 54 ... 33 3

1 2020 Canada 95 to 100% Male 92 2 5 7.62 59 ... 31 3

2 2020 Canada 95 to 100% Combined 93 2 5 7.55 56 ... 32 3

North States
3 2020 70 to 75% Female 90 3 7 7.42 50 ... 36 3
America of

North States
4 2020 70 to 75% Male 89 4 8 7.88 64 ... 28 2
America of

5 rows × 92 columns

The columns are labeled with names that are not clear, we can rename them and filter the database to keep only the variables that are
now of interest.

In [30]: df = df[['Country','Gender','Internet_Penetration','a1_agree','b7_full']]

Let's see the values of Internet_Penetration

In [31]: print(df['Internet_Penetration'].unique())

['95 to 100%' '70 to 75%' '75 to 80%' '40 to 45%' '45 to 50%' '35 to 40%'
'80 to 85%' '85 to 90%' '15 to 20%' '65 to 70%' '5% or less' '60 to 65%'
'.' '10 to 15%' '5 to 10%' '50 to 55%' '55 to 60%' '25 to 30%'
'20 to 25%' '90 to 95%' '30 to 35%' '50 to 65%']
It seems that we need some work here. We will remove the dot (which corresponds to regions not countries) and take the first value and
change the type of data to numeric.

In [32]: df = df[df['Internet_Penetration']!='.']
df['Internet_Penetration'] = [float(df.loc[i,'Internet_Penetration'][:2])
if df.loc[i,'Internet_Penetration'][1].isalnum()
else float(df.loc[i,'Internet_Penetration'][:1]) for i in df.index]

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Let's see the values of Equal_Rights

In [33]: print(df['Equal_Rights'].unique())

[93 92 90 89 91 94 84 76 80 82 79 86 87 95 81 78 83 88 97 96 49 65 69 71
75 61 73 68 74 85 67 77 64 19 72 70 66]
There is an outlier (19), we can see to which country it correspond to before removing.

In [34]: df[df['Equal_Rights']==19]['Country']

Out[34]: 299 Benin

Name: Country, dtype: object

In [35]: df = df[df['Equal_Rights']!=19] #Remove outlier

Now, we will plot three relations. The first between Internet penetration and Equal rights perception, the second between Internet
penetration and self access of money, and finally on Equal rights perception and Self access to money. We will see a scatter plot and a a
linear regression to see the tendencies of the relation between these variables.

In [36]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(3,1,figsize=(10,15))

title='Internet penetration vs Equal rights perception',xlabel='',ylabel='')
df_female = df[df['Gender']=='Female']
title='Internet penetration vs self access of money',xlabel='',ylabel='')
title='Equal rights perception vs Self access of money',xlabel='',ylabel='')

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It looks like there is a positive relation between the three variables. We can test this statistically with a correlation proof, which gives a
mesure of the relation of the variables.

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In [37]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,6))


In [38]: df_gender = df

Survey on Future of business

In [39]: df_business = pd.read_csv('data/prepared/Survey_on_future_business/Survey_on_future_business_good_clean.csv')
df = df_business.copy()

In [40]: df.head()

Out[40]: value statistic variable country total_asked who_was_asked

0 I'm not sure 17 bus_cdt_text AE 187 Owners/Managers of SMB Businesses

1 No 142 bus_cdt_text AE 187 Owners/Managers of SMB Businesses

2 Yes 24 bus_cdt_text AE 187 Owners/Managers of SMB Businesses

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value statistic variable country total_asked who_was_asked

3 NaN 4 bus_cdt_text AE 187 Owners/Managers of SMB Businesses

4 I'm not sure 5 bus_cdt_text AL 75 Owners/Managers of SMB Businesses

First, the variable "statistic" is the number of responds in each category. Then, to calculate the percentages this columns will be divided by
"total_asked" and multiplied by 100.

In [41]: df['statistic'] = round(df['statistic']/df['total_asked']*100,2)

The names of the countries are in alpha-2 code, then, to obtain information we need to match it with the names of the correspondent
countries. To do that we downloaded a csv with the apha-2 code and their correspondent countries from this list Let us open this list.

In [42]: df_codes = pd.read_csv('data/prepared/Country_Code.csv')


Out[42]: Country Alpha-2 code Alpha-3 code Numeric

0 Afghanistan AF AFG 4

1 Åland Islands AX ALA 248

2 Albania AL ALB 8

3 Algeria DZ DZA 12

4 American Samoa AS ASM 16

There are more variables here, we will take only the relevant ones, "Country" and "Alpha-2 code"

In [43]: df_codes = df_codes[[ 'Country','Alpha-2 code']]

Now , we can merge the two tables.

In [44]: df = df_codes.merge(df,left_on='Alpha-2 code',right_on='country')

We will take only the variables of interest: "gen_opn_1_text", "gen_opn_2_text" and "own_fem_text". This is a different process than before
because the variables are listed in a column. First we will eliminate the columns that we will not use anymore as "country",
"who_was_asked" and "total_asked", then we will take only the rows that coincide with the variables that we are interested in from column
"variable" and rename these variables.

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In [45]: df.drop(columns=['country','who_was_asked','total_asked'],inplace=True)
df = df[(df['variable'] == "gen_opn_1_text") | (df['variable'] == "own_fem_text")]

In [46]: df.replace(['gen_opn_1_text','own_fem_text'],['Self_perp_equal_rights','Owner_female'],inplace=True)

Now, we can take a look of the values that the chosen variables takes.

In [47]: print(df['value'].unique())

['Agree' 'Disagree' 'Strongly agree' 'Strongly disagree' nan

'All owners are female' 'Exactly half' 'Less than half' 'More than half'
The value nan correspond to blanck spaces, with no information, there are several ways to deal with this values, in this case we will drop

In [48]: df.dropna(inplace=True)

In [49]: df

Out[49]: Country Alpha-2 code value statistic variable

0 Albania AL Agree 37.33 Self_perp_equal_rights

1 Albania AL Disagree 2.67 Self_perp_equal_rights

2 Albania AL Strongly agree 53.33 Self_perp_equal_rights

3 Albania AL Strongly disagree 2.67 Self_perp_equal_rights

4 Albania AL All owners are female 4.00 Owner_female

... ... ... ... ... ...

914 Zambia ZM All owners are female 0.74 Owner_female

915 Zambia ZM Exactly half 5.15 Owner_female

916 Zambia ZM Less than half 5.15 Owner_female

917 Zambia ZM More than half 2.21 Owner_female

918 Zambia ZM None 9.56 Owner_female

919 rows × 5 columns

The table in this form is too difficult to read. We will create new variables that combine the variables and their values, to obtain an structure
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similar to the Survey on Gender Equality.

In [50]: for var in df['variable'].unique():

for val in df[df['variable']==var]['value'].unique():
df[var+'_'+val] = [df.loc[i,'statistic'] if (df.loc[i,'variable']==var)
& (df.loc[i,'value']==val) else np.nan for i in df.index]
df = df.groupby(['Country']).sum().drop(columns=['statistic'])

Out[50]: Self_perp_equal_rights_Strongly Self_perp_equal_rights_Strongly O

Self_perp_equal_rights_Agree Self_perp_equal_rights_Disagree
agree disagree ow


Albania 37.33 2.67 53.33 2.67

Algeria 28.57 23.43 20.57 12.00

Angola 25.00 7.14 56.63 3.06

Argentina 17.50 0.42 63.75 5.00

Australia 26.24 2.97 58.42 1.98

... ... ... ... ...

of Great
24.37 3.05 56.35 3.55

States of
28.26 1.09 52.90 4.35

Uruguay 19.23 0.00 63.08 6.15

Viet Nam 20.25 3.80 50.00 11.39

Zambia 36.76 7.35 39.71 3.68

106 rows × 9 columns

These are many variables and we want a simple analysis, then we will group them in only four categories. The concernings of equal rights

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will be grouped only in "agree" (containing "agree" and "strongly agree") and "disagree" (containing "disagree" and "strongly disagree"),
and "Female_owner_Half_or_more" which is the percentage of respondents that said that half or more business are owned by a female.

In [51]: df['Equal_rights_agree'] = df['Self_perp_equal_rights_Agree'] + df['Self_perp_equal_rights_Strongly agree']

df['Equal_rights_disagree'] = df['Self_perp_equal_rights_Disagree'] + df[
'Self_perp_equal_rights_Strongly disagree']
df['Female_owner_Half_or_more'] = df['Owner_female_All owners are female'] + df[
'Owner_female_Exactly half'] + df['Owner_female_More than half']
df['Female_owner_less_than_half'] = df['Owner_female_Less than half'] + df['Owner_female_None']
df = df[['Equal_rights_agree','Equal_rights_disagree','Female_owner_Half_or_more',

Out[51]: Equal_rights_agree Equal_rights_disagree Female_owner_Half_or_more Female_owner_less_than_half


Albania 90.66 5.34 13.34 9.33

Algeria 49.14 35.43 4.00 21.71

Angola 81.63 10.20 6.12 19.90

Argentina 81.25 5.42 12.50 9.58

Australia 84.66 4.95 19.31 6.93

... ... ... ... ...

United Kingdom of Great Britain and

80.72 6.60 13.70 11.17
Northern Ireland (the)

United States of America (the) 81.16 5.44 16.67 6.16

Uruguay 82.31 6.15 19.23 6.93

Viet Nam 70.25 15.19 6.96 8.22

Zambia 76.47 11.03 8.10 14.71

106 rows × 4 columns

Finally we can see the relation between variables in the following scatter and regression plot.

In [52]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(9,5))

title='Equal rights perception vs proportion of female owner of business',xlabel='',ylabel='')

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Now, we can see how to use more than one survey at time. We can merge these databases using the countries as the fix variable.

In [53]: df_business = df.reset_index()

df = df_gender.merge(df_business,on='Country')
df_female = df[df['Gender']=='Female']

Out[53]: Country Gender Internet_Penetration Equal_Rights Access_Money Equal_rights_agree Equal_rights_disagree Female_owner_Half_or

0 Canada Female 95.0 93 75 85.97 4.07

3 Australia Female 70.0 92 78 84.66 4.95

6 Cambodia Female 40.0 94 36 80.00 2.43

9 Indonesia Female 35.0 84 19 82.29 8.14

12 Japan Female 80.0 84 50 72.02 17.78

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

230 Nigeria Female 5.0 85 21 74.11 13.94

233 Senegal Female 45.0 84 33 73.61 11.12

236 Female 50.0 88 19 77.93 9.01

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Country Gender Internet_Penetration Equal_Rights Access_Money Equal_rights_agree Equal_rights_disagree Female_owner_Half_or

239 Uganda Female 15.0 87 26 77.84 12.66

242 Zambia Female 15.0 90 25 76.47 11.03

82 rows × 9 columns

Last, let's see the relation between the variables "Access_Money" and "Female_owner_Half_or_more" and "Internet_Penetration" and
"Female_owner_Half_or_more". Remember that they were originally in different surveys.

In [54]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(15,12))

title='Self access of money vs Female_owner_Half_or_more',xlabel='',ylabel='')
title='Internet penetration vs Female_owner_Half_or_more',xlabel='',ylabel='')

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From the survey on gender equality we can conclude that the internet penetration has a positive correlation with the
perception of equality and with the full access of females to the household funds. Also the perception of equality in
rights have a positive relation with the access to funds.

When we look at the survey about the future of business we see that the percentage of persons who think that
women and men should have equal rights is positively correlated with the percentage of persons that said that the
proportion of business owned by females are the half or more.

We were able to merge the two databases and compare variables from both of them, and see that there is a
positive relation between full access to household funds, and internet penetration with more female owners of

This is a very simple example of the information that can be extracted from these two surveys, using data analysis
techniques and computational tools. This kind of information evidences the importance of having access to good,
organized and meaningful data.

In [ ]:

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