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Submitted by: Bryan D. Flores

BSED 2A – Major in English

Identify the examples below whether Ethical dilemma or Moral dilemma then explain the

1. It is an example of moral dilemma if the choice to make is to still go out with your
friends to get some hamburger even he/she is grounded, knowing that there may be
consequences if they got caught, the act of not following the orders of the parents is an
example of a moral dilemma because it is between choosing what is right and wrong, and
good and bad. His/her friends might be in trouble too because they are connected and
planned all of this.

2. In this example it is a moral dilemma when you choose between helping or not, but it
will become an ethical dilemma if you know you are capable and stronger than the others,
knowing that women, children, and the elderly are the priorities, but you still choose to
go save yourself first. It is about deciding about what is good for individuals in the

3. (Same answer in number 1 since it has the same question.)

4. In this situation, it is both Ethical and Moral since this scenario involves money and
knowing that there is a chance of returning it because it has a name, your choice number
one is to keep it and act like nothing happened, number two is to return it to the nearest
police station. It is both Ethical and Moral. Ethical because it is wrong the eyes of God
while it is still wrong because there is a law about stealing.

5. I will say something and talk to him about making it clear that making fun of other
people’s flaw is not funny. This is a moral dilemma because it is wrong to discriminate
and make jokes about other people’s physical appearances.
6. In reality a student will be desperate at times like that, if a student chose to copy
his/her homework then it will be a Moral dilemma even though there is no law that
copying other’s homework is punishable, however they can face plagiarism and it is
under the Ethical Dilemma because it is in the law.

7. I will tell what I saw because it can possibly be the stolen laptop, I know for a fact that
doing the right thing for the greater good can fit in the situation. I will not choose the
offer of his money because my reputation as a student and as a person is more important
than money.

8. This question is really hard to answer because it will tell how a person am I, but I still
think in this situation, making a report but not anonymously and confessing what
happened is the right thing to do because in the first place, it was an accident and it will
not be counted as a murder, it will only fall under to a homicide and by doing this it could
lessen my punishment in the law. It is an Ethical dilemma if you killed the guy
intentionally, but it will become a moral dilemma if you did not tell the police what

9. It is a Moral Dilemma because in the eyes of God it is wrong to have another partner
when you already have one. Also not telling it to the spouse of your friend will fall under
the Moral Dilemma because you will act like you did not saw anything even though you
saw them both.

10. I will convince my friend to surrender himself to the police because it is the right
choice and thing to do because we know for a fact that what he did is wrong plus another
man was brought in jail even if he did not committed the crime. It will be a Moral
Dilemma if I did not tell him or convinced him to surrender or if I did not tell the police.

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