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a. Some people are biologically predisposed to become criminals.

I agree with this statement. However, this is not the only factor that
conditioned someone to become a criminal. I believe that genetic and
environmental factors also contribute to antisocial behavior. However, genetic
evidence indicates that there is not a single gene, or even a small number of
genes, that predict an increased risk of antisocial behavior. Therefore, I
believe that the society around you can influence your behavior as a person

b. Crime is a consequence of poverty.

I agree, but I regard that crime is not only due to poverty, also people can
become in a criminal due to another reasons like mental diseases. However,
I consider that poverty is the main reason and below I will explain why.
Poverty causes many crimes, as, if a person was not poor and had faith in
himself, he would not face the thought that he should search another ways to
get money. Being poor, which could be caused by different reasons, makes
a person unhappy, incapable to earn enough money, to buy anything he
wants or at least something necessary.

c. A criminal cannot be reformed.

I do not agree with this statement, because, I believe that a criminal can be
reformed, the important thing is that he has the desire to change and to be a
person of good for society, if we ask ourselves how to make people change
their thoughts, The idea becomes difficult, although the main thing is to see
what things influence so that people become criminals, the shortage of
money, family problems, poorly paid work, among others and so these causes
are eliminated from the roots, to give them another chance to people.

d. To reduce crime, we just need more police.

I agree, the death penalty would be the best punishment for dangerous
people, who have killed or even done some harm to a child, this is
unacceptable, and these people know no limits and will not stop, even when
they are jail.

e. Some criminals deserve the death penalty

I agree, in the case of hazard criminals, death penalty is necessary. It sounds

very cruel, but there are several criminals who do not show repentance about
their acts. I regard that death penalty is especially necessary with criminals
who have committed offenses against children. For me that is unacceptable.

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