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Promotive and Preventive Health Aspect in CHN 2

CHN & Facts on Healthcare in PH LECTURE

I. INTRODUCTION Health Promotion

● Nursing is a profession aimed at helping the population achieve ● Health promotion means the development of behaviors that
better health thru their own hands. improve bodily functioning and enhance an individual's
● As a science, it relies heavily on an understanding that the key ability to adjust to a changing environment.
towards genuine development is investing health and healthcare
of peoples regardless of age, sex, gender, religion and color Disease Prevention
(Sumile, 2018). ● Disease prevention involves efforts to reduce or eliminate
● Health is a shared reality. It enables people to achieve their full vulnerability to risks that might enhance the possibilities
potential. that an individual or group will incur disease, disability, or
premature death

● A major purpose of the health promotion and disease
prevention approach, both for individuals and an entire
population, is to recognize the health problems for which
preventive efforts can result in the more appropriate
utilization of health services and improvements in health

III. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

● This approach to health highlights the importance of
lifestyle and personal behavior in improving personal health
status and in maintaining health and functioning, both
physical and mental.

Health Promotion
● Health promotion is a behavioral and social science that
draws from the biological, environmental, psychological,
physical, and medical sciences to promote health and
prevent disease, disability, and premature death through
education-driven voluntary behavior change activities.
● Health promotion is the development of the individual,
II. Public Health-Why is it important?
group, institutional, community, and systemic strategies to
● Public health focuses on improving and protecting community improve health knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behavior.
health and well-being, with an emphasis on prevention among The goal of Health promotion is to determine the health
large groups of people. Those with public health degrees keep behavior of individuals and communities as well as the
communities healthy through child wellness, disease prevention, living and working conditions that influence their health.
education, disaster relief, clean water, access to healthcare, and
● Most people rarely thinks about our role in Public Health until a
● Health promotion improves the health status of individuals,
crisis occurs.
families, communities, states, and the nation.
● Public health practitioners works on a daily basis to keep all
● Health promotion improves the quality of life for people of
people healthy and safe, all over the world, by preventing
all age groups.
diseases and injuries.
● Health promotion reduces premature death.
● Public health initiatives such as vaccinations, family planning,
● By concentrating on prevention, health promotion helps in
health policies, and clean air and water policies have increased
reducing costs both human and financial which involves
life expectancy of people around the globe.
individuals, employers, families, insurance companies,
medical facilities, communities, and nations would spend
on medical treatment.



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[CHN 2] 5. Promotive and Preventive Health Aspect in CHN– Prof. Rodel Ninofranco

�Spreading awareness among people for healthy money on the program which causes high out of pocket
behavior. Health promotion communication involves spending and further widens the gap between rich and poor.
newsletters, health fairs, and announcements.
● EDUCATION 2. Out of the 90 million people living in the Philippines, many do
� Empowering actions and behavior change through not get access to basic care. The country has a high maternal
increased knowledge. and newborn mortality rate, and a high fertility rate. This
● MAKING POLICY AND SYSTEMS creates problems for those who have especially limited access
� Making systematic changes by improved laws, rules, to this basic care or for those living in generally poor health
and regulations to encourage and awareness. conditions.

Disease Prevention 3. Many Filipinos face diseases such as Tuberculosis, Dengue,

Malaria and HIV/AIDS. These diseases pair with protein-
● Disease prevention means specific, population-based, and
energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies that are
individual- based interventions for primary and early prevention,
becoming increasingly common.
aiming to minimize the burden of diseases and associated risk
factors. Disease prevention differs from health promotion
4. The population is affected by a high prevalence of obesity along
because it concentrates on specific efforts aimed at reducing the
with heart disease.
development and severity of chronic diseases and other
5. Healthcare in the Philippines suffers from a shortage of human
medical resources, especially doctors. This makes the system
Prevention run slower and less efficiently.
� Primary prevention aims to avoid the manifestation of 6. Filipino families who can afford private health facilities usually
a disease (this includes the activities to improve health, choose these as their primary option. Private facilities provide
behavioral, and medical health risks and actions to a better quality of care than the public facilities that lower
decrease them at the community level, nutritional and income families usually go to. The public facilities tend to be
food supplementation). in rural areas that are more run down. These facilities have
● SECONDARY PREVENTION less medical staff and inferior supplies.
● Secondary prevention deals with early detection when this
improves the chances of positive health outcomes (this includes 7. Only 30 percent of health professionals employed by the
activities such as evidence-based screening programs for early government address the health needs of the majority.
detection of disease). These prevention programs focus on Healthcare in the Philippines suffers because the remaining
keeping people healthy. 70 percent of health professionals work in the more
expensive privately run sectors.
Key Points
8. To compensate for the inequality, a program called Doctors t
Health is an end-point that reflects the success of multiple other goals. the Barrios and its private sectors decided to build nine
Because the determinants of health are so broad, progress in improving cancer centers, eight heart centers and seven transplant
health is a reliable indicator of progress in implementing the overall centers in regional medical centers.
9. The Doctors to the Barrios included Public-Private Partnerships
Health promotion is a key element of the New Public Health and is in a plan to modernize the government-owned hospitals and
applicable in the community, the clinic or hospital, and in all other service provide more up to date medical supplies.
settings. One of the major goals in the field of health promotion and
disease prevention is to identify risk factors for disease so that information 10. More than 3,500 public health facilities were updated across the
about these risk factors can then be shared with people. Our hope is that country.
people will use this information to change their behavior to lower their
disease risk. IV. Philippines under Covid-19
● The Philippines currently has the second highest number of
new COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia, with over 116,000
reported cases at the time of writing. Since the beginning of
the pandemic, nearly 1 million people have been infected by
the virus and 17,000 people have lost their lives to COVID-
● Healthcare access in critical state
● Health workers still at risk
● Added challenges for those most at-risk
● ‘Red-tagging’ continues amid the pandemic

Top 10 Facts on Healthcare in the Philippines

1. The WHO refers to the Filipino Healthcare System as “fragmented.”

There is a history of unfair and unequal access to health services
that significantly affects the poor. The government spends little
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