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1. How does moral character developed?
Our moral character is develop and influenced by the experiences that happened
across our lifetime and to the people that surrounds our environment. Other than that,
development of moral character may also happen when we face issues and dilemmas
that challenge our moral judgements.

2. Discuss the stages of moral development, and how do we get to the highest level,
conscience-based moral decisions?
The moral development by Kholberg is determined by six stages divided into three
The Level 1 is the Pre- Conventional, discusses that our moral actions is
determined by the rewards or punishment we may acquire upon doing it. In stage 1:
Obedience and Punishment orientation refers that a child tend to obey in order to avoid
punishment wherein if they receive a punishment it is considered as morally wrong. In
stage 2 : Instrumental Orientation also under level 1 indicates that we behave and act
based on our own interests, only if we also benefit from it.
Level 2 which is the Conventional refers to the moral development that focuses on
the acceptance of social rules or society with regards to what is morally good. In this
level we also have 2 stages, the first one which is the Stage 3 : ‘Good Boy and Nice Girl’
Orientation refers to the action an individual make based on standards of other people
of what is good or ‘nice’ to do. The behavior or actions we make involves on how it
affect our relationship from other people. The second one is the Stage 4: Law-and-Order
Orientation, this moral development happens when we do actions abiding rules and
laws. It is the mindset which says that ‘we should obey the law because if we disobey it
anyone may do the same.’
And, in Level 3 : Post Conventional the individual do behavior or act on what
his/her own perspective of good or bad. In this level it develops an abstract
understanding of principle that involves his/her own judgements. In this level, we also
had two stages namely Stage 5 : Social Contract Orientation refers that everyone had
different opinions, perspective, values and behavior. It refers that when an individual
considered a law as unjust he/she acts on what that person believes to be morally right.
Lastly in Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principal Orientation refers that a person behaves and
act based on the universal ethical principle. Wherein, an individual act based on what
he/she believes to be right and may feel guilty if that person violates this principles.
In getting to the highest level of conscience-based moral decisions, you have to be
focused on what you perceived as good or bad regardless of the laws and norms which
includes societal judgements. You have to develop your morality and believe and trust
on your inner sense of right.
3. How can we develop virtue as a habit?
Virtue depicts a good trait of character, it is thinking of what is right and avoiding
what is good. It can be develop as a habit through learning and practices, and by
choosing what is the right thing to do when practicing moral judgments. According to
Aristotle, we can improve our character by practicing self discipline and that “We are
adapted by nature to receive [virtues] and are made perfect by habit” which means we
could acquire the virtue of righteousness by repeatedly performing right or just actions.

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