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10 Heterogeneous Mixture Examples

Here are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures:

1. Cereal in milk is a great example of a heterogeneous mixture. It consists of

a solid cereal in liquid milk.
2. Oil and water form a heterogeneous mixture.
3. Orange juice with pulp is a heterogeneous mixture. The components are
unevenly distributed, plus they exist in two phases. Juice is a liquid and
pulp is a solid.
4. Sandy water is a heterogeneous mixture. It consists of two phases that
readily separate.
5. A pepperoni pizza is a heterogeneous mixture. You might get a pepperoni in
one bite, yet not in another.
6. Concrete is a heterogeneous mixture of cement, gravel, sand, and water.
7. A chocolate chip cookie is a heterogeneous mixture. You may get different
numbers of chocolate chips with each bite.
8. A tossed salad is a heterogeneous mixture.
9. A sandwich is a heterogeneous mixture.
10. Ice cubes in a soda are a heterogeneous mixture. The ice and the soda
are two distinct phases of matter (solid and liquid). Interestingly, soda
before you open it appears to be homogeneous. Once you release the
pressure, it’s heterogeneous because the gas bubbles and liquid are two
phases. Let it go flat and it’s once again homogeneous.

Other examples include smoke, salad dressing, a mixture of sand and sugar,
and gravel. In contrast, examples of homogeneous mixtures include air, salt
water, and steel

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