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Guerrero, Chester Emile P.

UTS- 14/ WS 3:00- 4:30


I am Chester Emile P. Guerrero studying at Centro Escolar University. I grew up in

a family that always think and care for each other, I can say that I was a lucky person
because I have a parents who support me and let me to choose my career in the future
because nowadays parent are the one who chooses the courses of their child. I am 5
foot 6 white skin tone. A little curly hair and I have 2 handsome and beautiful dogs. I
play basketball and mobile legends. I have a lot of friends around the campus.

I am Nursing student of Centro Escolar University. First year second semester,

before I take this course I wanted to be a pilot. That was my first choice ever since
when I was 5yrs old And then the following years I encountered math, algebra, statistic,
physics, all branches of math and that was my turning point to switch up my goal and
my chosen career in the future. and then when I was Gr.11 senior high school I made up
my mind to be a successful medical technology in the future because I like science
rather than the numbers or letters with numbers, when the college enrolment day come
I decided and ended up with bachelor of science in nursing because I realized I am
extrovert and I see myself in the lab wasn’t happy with the blood and urine around me.
By the way my mother was a Medical technology and also graduated in Centro Escolar
University. She was alumni in Ceu. she is the reason why I am here today in ceu. A side
from being extrovert. in nursing I see a lot of opportunity inside and outside the country
because of lack of nursing profession nowadays.

I have a dream to be a successful nurse abroad and having a fancy sports car and
make a lot of dollar by doing businesses abroad and the same time as nurse as well after
that I live comfortable in the US I will get my parents and living life in the states. Giving
them a plenty of money to travel around the world I think after that I can settle myself
to the women that I love and make a family also. And I want to help other people when
that time comes because being successful in life doesn’t mean you are higher person to
anyone else always be humble and helpful man. That’s why I study the best I could and
enjoy at the same time. And I am still learning to be a better person today and to the
future. god is good all the time.

After watching the discussion about this topic and site some resources regarding
to this theory (HUMANISTIC-EXISTENTIAL VIEW OF THE SELF) made realized that before
Enhance Community Quarantine or (ECQ). I am more connected in nature and the
people who surround me In my everyday activities in life. This topic was very applicable

Because today we suffer and sacrifice our daily activity like going to school,
dating, partying. Dealing with natural activities wasn’t able to do so. Because of this
pandemic we experiencing right now. The whole world stop doing activities and people
lock them in home to avoid this virus that rapidly spared around the world. In that case
we have a lot of time dealing with cellphone, computers, PS4,XBOX,PSP,TIKTOK or any
gadgets or apps on our device that we have today, we lost are connection with natural
world such as my connection with nature and people. Mostly we spend our days in using
technology and surfing internet without even noticing it and dealing a lot of time on it.
And we know that was not a good practice because communicating and socializing
should go naturally not technologically. Since we have everything nowadays to keep us
entertain with the help of this technology, we are unable to perform a close and long
lasting bond and appreciation with the nature or community that we have we take for
granted how the world beauty without those device and modernization.

But the technology doesn’t mean to destroy the world it is invented to make our
life easier and more productivity. With one click we can access what we want sharing
and getting the knowledge we need. But there are some circumstances that we cannot
control. For me technology is depending to the human if she/he uses gadgets for bad or
common good.

After watching the discussion about this theory by Erik Erikson we all have
know that Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development include trust vs. mistrust,
autonomy vs. shame/doubt, initiative vs. Guilt etc. conflict on each stage was clearly
explained. Since we have eight stages in life I think I am more on 5th stage. The
adolescence because I am dealing this stage right now so I can reflect more about it
According to this stage, you try to discover who you are as a person and you are
searching for. This fifth stage of Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development is
identity vs. role confusion and it occurs during adolescence from about 12-18 years.
During this stage adolescents search for a sense of self and personal identity, through an
intense exploration of personal values, beliefs, and goals

We are all aware that the adolescence is the transition from childhood to
adulthood is most important. Because this stage we are not children anymore we have
to take decisions that are so meaningful and important to our future we are becoming
more independent, and begin to look at the future in terms of career because this stage
we have to choose who we want to be in our future if you want to be pilot then go.
aside from that we will encounter relationships to other people rather it is a romantic
relationship or casual relationships and to our families we more responsible than before
for example taking care of your siblings or if you graduate you have a responsibility to
finance your siblings education. The individual wants to belong to a society and fit in

I realized that being adult is not that easy but with the guidance and wisdom that
I have in my head I will become successful man with my dreams I am still learning and I
trust the man above watching us

I understand myself better after reading and watching the video about the
discussion as a teenager we encounter curiosity and finding our self to be better every
each day the desire for knowledge serves as the root cause of curiosity. Just like Erik
Erikson, Erich Fromm and Carl Rogers without their curiosity we don’t have a better
understanding the self today. I explain how I understand myself better from every
theory that I have read and watched during the discussion.

In psychosocial stage of personality development by Erik Erikson I understand the

different stages of personality development that I am experiencing right now based on
the theory we have eight stages of psychosocial development. Which help me on how to
deal with my adolescence and understand more about it and also to my future stage
that I will encounter in the near future it help me a lot in terms of preparing and
knowing what will happen during that stage of personality development.

In humanistic existential view of the self by Erich Fromm I understand myself

more than before and guilty because it is a common issue today and every teenager will
relate and can reflect specially to the people who use social media more rather than
connecting with the nature and people around you. Because of the global pandemic we
experiencing right now we lost and put our self out of the nature and other people
around us and connected with us every day.

This theory made us realize our common mistakes on using this cellphone,
computer,PSP,PS4, internet, twitter , Instagram , facebook or other social media
account and technology that we use today. And I am guilty about that and realized I
was wrong during this time of pandemic In my a honest opinion I was found guilty to
lost a connection with our natural world or daily activity we should do such as my
connection with nature and people. Most of the time I spend my whole day in using
technology and social media I continue surfing and scrolling down to the internet and
other apps that I have without even knowing that I am lost on the natural world that I
should connect with. It is not a good practice and healthy practice because
communicating and socializing using social media should go out naturally not by the
means of technology. Since we have everything today because of the modern world we
experiencing right now we are passive to perform a close and strong lasting connection
with our nature and community or any type of individual which is one of the most
disadvantage of this modern world.

Theory of the self by Carl Rogers made me realize and understand myself more
because I have a lot of dreams and ambition in life. I always wanted pilot but ended up
with nurse then I realize that I am not happy in being nurse. I wanted to be a successful
businessman as well. Both at the same time to make dollar and provided comfortable
living and help other people in needs.

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