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Monday, 04 October 2021

Inside the atom

Our understanding of an atom has grown from a blob to a nucleus with electrons whizzing around to
the sub-atomic particles inside the nucleus with its electron shells this reflects the develop

If our model of an atom we would have expected to every possible frequency of light however we to
not as we see very distinct colour bands

We need a way of thinking about how these packages of energy (wave lengths of light) came about
Monday, 04 October 2021
Inside the atom

The energy that an electron realises when returning to its original energy level

Due to electrons not being able to stop between the levels of energy proves that electrons must
exist with indivisible energy levels

These energy level then circle around the atom, now we understand why electrons are place in
these quantum shells/ electron shells

Closer analysis of emission spectra that from n=2 upwards it is revealed that there are sublevels each
of those sublevels are still apart of there shells they are apart of subshells these are called orbitals

We now need to explain how electrons can exist together with the same amount of energy in the
same shell these sub shells help is reach an understanding on how that could be, it is also necessary
helps us visualise an atom

Electrons within these shells exist within orbitals

Starting within the simplest shell the n =1 shell this shell contains 2 electrons

We know that electrons seem to exist in pair for example 2 electrons exist in the n = 1 shell and as
we shall see they exist in the same orbital so in essence we need to explain how 2 negatively
charged particles can exist in the same orbital

The answer to this is spin

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