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Determine if 1781 is divisible by 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

1781 is NOT divisible to any of the given numbers.

divisible means NO REMAINDER.
1781/3 = 593.6667
it has a remainder of 0.667
1781/6 = 296.8333
it has a remainder of 0.8333
1781/7 = 254.4286
it has a remainder of 0.4286
1781/8 = 222.625
it has a remainder of 0.625
1781/9 = 197.8889
it has a remainder of 0.8889
B. Determine if each of the following numbers is a prime or composite.
6.  828
7. 1666
8. 1781
9. 1125
10. 107

Prime Numbers:

 107

Composite Numbers:

 828
 1666
 1781
 1125

C. Find the greatest common divisor of each of the following pairs of integers.
11. 60 and 100
12. 45 and 33
13. 34 and 58
14. 77 and 128
15. 98 and 273

Solution: 11: 60 and 100 is 20

12: 45 and 33 is 3
13: 34 and 58 is 2
14 77 and 128 is 1
15 98 and 273 is 7
D. Find the least common multiple of each of the following pairs of integers.
16. 72 and 108
17. 175 and 245
18. 150 and 70
19. 32 and 27
20. 540 and 504

2 72 108
2 36 54
3 18 27
3 6 9
2 3
LCM OF 72,108 IS 216
Answer: The LCM OF 72 AND 108 IS 216

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