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Communication helps individuals to connect, everybody can communicate in different ways to

understand one another. Communication in business is important because it helps in building connections,
which is necessary to become a successful businessperson. Negotiating, managing, and marketing are
where communication skills are applicable in business.

Being a skilled communicator will be beneficial in business, especially in negotiating.

Negotiation is a tactical discussion that settles an issue in a way that both parties find justifiable.
According to Former Harvard Law School Professor Roger Fisher, and academic, anthropologist, and
negotiation expert William Ury negotiations are successful when they encourage cooperation toward a
common goal. In one of their book “Getting to Yes (1981), they identified 5 principles of negotiations:
Separate People From the Problem, Focus on Interests, Not Positions, Invent Options for Mutual Gain,
Use Objective Criteria, and lastly Know Your Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement.
Managing is the act of getting people together to accomplish common goals and objectives using
available resources efficiently and effectively. In business, generally, the manager does this by
impersonating as a clear channel of communication within the business that he serves. By
communicating, managers can have a good relationship with their colleagues, which they may be able to
motivate other employees that might develop their talent or skills. Proper communication provides
information to the manager that is useful for managing. No decisions can be done in the absence of
information. Thus, communication is the foundation for making the right choices.
Lastly, marketing involves various activities that are performed by organizations to sell their
goods and services to customers. Communication can be interpreted as a procedure of exchanging
information from one person to another through an effective medium of exchange. Arshi Singla believes
that innovation is one of the most important elements of the marketing process. To market, the products
and services should be better than its competitors, being creative is a requirement. For this, one needs to
have effective communication skills, so that you can convey their ideas well.
To sum everything up, communication is necessary for having a successful business. In addition,
communicating is essential in managing the business, negotiation, and marketing. It allows the
management to secure details, which may not be possible to take any decision without it. Effective
communication helps in the proper application of strategy and guidelines of the management.

- Explicitness
- Formality
- Caution
- Citation
- Thesis Statement

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