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LESSON PLAN School Lagao National High School Grade Level Grade 12

Teacher MARGIE T. JAVIER Learning Area EAPP

Teaching Dates September 28-29, 2022 Quarter 1st

The learner…
I. OBJECTIVES 1. identify the text structure used in the academic texts;
2. write essays and/or articles using specific text structure; and,
3. use different text structures for blogging on important events, places, concepts and ideas.
A. Content Standard The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding
of academic texts.
B. Performance The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic
Standard texts read
C. Learning Use knowledge of text structure to glean the information you need. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-
Competencies 4)
D. References Laurel, M. (2016). English for Academic and Professional Purposes: Teacher’s Guide
E. Resources Self-Learning Modules, textbooks, videos, answer sheets, ppt, additional hand-outs
II. CONTENT Text Structures
A. Preparation
III. PROCEDURE Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Establishing class rules
4. Review of the Preview Lesson

Directions: Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the characteristics of
academic texts from non-academic texts

Academic Non- Academic

Text Text

5. Motivation (Let’s Warm Up)

Directions: Read the selection entitled ‘From the Autopsy Surgeon’s Report’. Pick – out at
least five (5) academic terms used in the discipline and write their specific meaning. Write
your answers in the table.

From the Autopsy Surgeon’s Report Death occurred from the effects of asphyxia,
cerebral anemia, and shock. The victim’s hair was used for the constriction
ligature. Local marks of the ligature were readily discernible: there were some
abrasion and a slight ecchymosis in the skin. But, I found no obvious lesion in the
blood vessels of the neck. Cyanosis of the head was very slight and there were no
pronounced hemorrhages in the galea of the scalp. I should judge that very great
compression was effected almost immediately, with compression of the arteries
as well as of the vein, and that the superior laryngeal nerve was traumatized in
the effect of throwing the victim into profound shock. The lungs revealed
cyanosis, congestion, over aeration, and sub pleural petechial hemorrhages.

Academic Term Specific Meaning (Operational Meaning in

the Discipline)
Asphyxia Specific meaning: A condition where the
body is deprived of oxygen
Cerebral Anemia Specific meaning: loss of or low levels of
blood in the brain
Congestion Specific meaning: Something is blocking in
the free space, airways, or a space where
something has to pass-through
Cyanosis Specific meaning: bluish skin due to lack of
oxygen in the blood
Ligature Specific meaning: a thing used for tying or
binding something tightly
Directions: Read the text entitled Studying for a Test and answer the questions that
follow. Write your answers on the space provided.


1. What does the author want to convey to the readers?

2. How does the author present his ideas?
3. What are the signal words used in the text?
4. How do the signal words help in organizing the author’s ideas?

V. ABSTRACTION How Academic Texts is structured?

Common Text Structures. Text structure is how information in a text is organized. Being able
to identify the structure of a text can greatly increase students' comprehension of the
material being read.

Have you read a thesis or an article? Did you notice how the text was written? If
you notice, thesis, article or other academic text has predetermined structure.
Recognizing the structure will help you understand the text better since it shows how
the ideas are organized and presented in the text. If you are writer, you would want to
make your composition easy to read and make your content easy to find, right?
Otherwise, no reader will get across your ideas in your text. Therefore, academic texts
usually follow an established structure which refers to the internal organization of a
text. It is called Text Structure.

Text structure is how information in a text is organized. Being able to identify the structure
of a text can greatly increase students' comprehension of the material being read

Common Text Structures

A. Order/ Sequence: Texts that follow this structure tell the order in which steps in a
process or series of events occur.

Transitions next, first, last, second, another, then, additionally, next, finally, before,
preceding and others
Example First, read the manual of the device. Second, turn on the device. Then, set
the location, time and date.

B. Comparison/Contrast: Texts that follow this structure tell about the differences and
similarities of two or more objects, places, events or ideas by grouping their traits for

Transitions However, unlike, like, by contrast, yet, in comparison, although, whereas,

similar to, different from, as opposed to, instead of, as well as.
Example Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research uses descriptive data.

C. Description/List: This structure resembles an outline. Each section opens with its main
idea, then elaborates on it, sometimes dividing the elaboration into subsections.
Transitions For example, for instance, specifically, in particular, in addition, to illustrate,
such as, most important, another
Example Filipinos are very appreciative of arts such as plays, paintings, music, and

D. Cause and Effect: In texts that follow this structure, the reader is told the result of an
event or occurrence and the reasons it happened.
Transitions Consequently, therefore, as a result, thereby, leads to, because of, in order
to, for these reasons, thus, if-then, may be due to.
Example Everyone followed health protocols. As a result, the pandemic was gradually

E. Problem-Solution: This presents a problem and several possible solutions. The author may
also describe the pros and cons of each solution
Transitions The problem is, the difficulty is, it is possible to, if-then, one challenge is,
Example The problem that we are facing is the lack of self-discipline of the society.

Question - Answer. This text structure starts by posing a question then goes on to answer
that question.

Why do we have schools? Schools deal important role in the society and they have three
main functions. First, students learn skills that will help prepare them for society. Writing,
reading, and mathematics are essential in global market and workplace and individuals likely
learn these skills in schools. Second, schools serve communities by providing safe havens for
students in temporary living situations. Third, schools provide a conducive environment for
children to engage in productive activities during many days of the year while their adult
caretakers may be working. These are the reasons why we have schools in our society.

Looking closely at the text, have you seen some signal words used in this structure? Have
you found these signal words - first, second and third? These signal words are used to
enumerate the answers of the question posted. Do the details in the text support and
provide answers to the question? Check out the graphic organizer on the next page to help
you find answer with the latter.

The last components of text structures mentioned above are sentences and paragraphs. In
writing effective sentences or paragraphs, a graphic organizer is a great help. A graphic
organizer is a visual presentation with various shapes and connecting marks that is used to
show the organization and relationship of ideas and parts in a text. It serves as the backbone
in writing a formal and effective academic text.

Reading an academic text is challenging; more so, if we are asked to identify text structures.
Therefore, this module tells us that using graphic organizers helps us identify the structures
of an academic text and understand the whole text. Some charts are shown below.


Direction: In the space provided, write an essay/article about your experience during
COVID – 19 pandemic using a specific text structure of your choice. You may use a separate
sheet if necessary.

Please be guided by the suggested criteria for scoring. Criteria for Scoring:
Appropriate Use of Text Structure………20 pts.
Mechanics………….…………......................15 pts.
Creativity and Presentation……….…......15 pts. T
Total………………………….............……………50 pts.


Directions: Read the passages below and determine how each is mainly structured.
On a sheet of paper, answer the questions that follow and put the information from
each passage in an appropriate graphic organizer. Feel free to make changes of the
graphic organizer if necessary.

Direction: Identify the common structure used in the paragraph and underline the proper
key words.

The cardinal and cedar waxwing are two common birds. Both have crests on
their heads. Both are common at bird feeders. But the birds have some
differences. The male cardinal is a bright red, while the waxwing is brown. The
cedar waxwing often migrates from place to place. On the other hand, the
cardinal stays in one place year after year.

Comparison and Contrast

Directions: Read the passages and determine how each is mainly structured. Choose your
answer from the list of words below and write the letter of your choice on the space
provided before the number.
a. cause - effect b. compare - contrast c. sequence
d. descriptive e. question – answer f. problem-

________1. Apple’s newly unveiled flagship is the iPhone XS which comes hot of the heels of
Sony’s latest contender, the Xperia XZ3. They’re both attractive, but which is best? Let’s take
a closer look. Both phones are prone to cracks and scratches because of all that glass. But,
they differ in water-resistant capacity. iPhone XS has IP68 rating allows them to be
submerged for up to half an hour in up to 2 meters of water. While, the Xperia XZ3 has an
additional IP65 rating which covers jets of water from any direction. With these, Japanese
manufacturer Sony has struggled to gain a foothold in the smartphone market, while its
American competitor iPhone has dominated.
________2. Since I made it to the honor roll every quarter this year, my mom is going to buy
me a new phone for my birthday. So, I feel so excited whether to get an iPhone or a Galaxy.
Getting one would give me a chance to go through my old music collection. That would be
cool. It’s worth a shot.
_________3. What type of plant is a corn? Corn belongs to a family of grass. It is a grass with
seeds called kernels. Very few kernels grew on wild corn grass. It took thousands of years of
choosing the corn grass plants with the biggest seeds, or kernels, to make what we enjoy
today as corn on the cob. Now, we all know that corn is a grass.
_________4. The foundation of every pizza is the crust, and good crust comes from good
dough. In making a dough, start by adding your yeast sachet to a cup of warm water. Let the
yeast activate, then add two cups of flour, two tablespoons of olive oil, two teaspoons of
sugar, and a teaspoon of salt. Mix all of those together and wait half an hour for the dough
to rise. Now, you’re ready to roll the dough out!
________5. The purpose of any artwork is to communicate a message - to comment, scream
or sing about the world in which we find ourselves in. If there is no emotion behind the
work, there is no driving force – nothing to direct and shape your decision making. So, why
do you want to create an artwork? What is your purpose in doing such?

________6. Thousands of people die each year in car accidents involving drugs or alcohol.
Lives could be saved if our city adopts a free public vehicle service. By providing such a
service, we could prevent intoxicated drivers from endangering themselves or others.
_________7. Ice-cream is a delicious frozen treat that comes in a many different colors and
flavors. Two of my favorite flavors are strawberry and chocolate. These flavors are delicious.
I love the strawberry flavor for the granules of the fruit slowly melts in my mouth as I savor
the taste. Also, chocolate flavor is mouth – watering for it gives you a bitter – sweet and
creamy tastes. Even though more chocolate ice-cream is sold across the country than
strawberry, each flavor tastes great inside of a milk shake.
_________8. People of all ages benefit from regular physical activity. Physical activity leads
to improved physical fitness. Consequently, it helps the body systems to function at their
optimal efficiency associated with an individual’s ability to work effectively, to enjoy leisure
time, to resist disease and to respond easily to emergency situations.
_________9. Linux and Windows are both operating systems. Computers use them to run
programs. Linux is totally free and open source, so users can improve or otherwise modify
the source code. Windows is proprietary, so it costs money to use and users are prohibited
from altering the source code.
_________10. If you use too much effort in pitching the ball without rest, a serious elbow or
shoulder may be on the horizon. If you complain of elbow or shoulder pain, see a physician
familiar with sports injuries. But then, it is recommended to warm up properly by doing body
stretching, running and gradual pitching to prevent injuries. Of course, do not play all year
round because your body needs to recover from the physical demands of playing.

VIII. ASSIGNMENT Directions: Using different text structures, make a video blog or article blog featuring the
most influential persons or important events, places, concepts and ideas in your field of
interest. If you want to do a video blog, add sub – title in the video to determine the text
structures used. Post your blog in Youtube and send the link of the video to your teacher for
assessment. If you prefer to do an article blog, write it in a separate paper and attach it here.
Or, you may submit a copy of article blog to your teacher in any platforms applicable.

Choose only one from the following possible topics for your blog:
1. Make a blog featuring your daily routine at home (for Academic Track Students)
2. Do a research and feature in a blog your favorite local artist (for Arts and Design Track
3. Inspire others by sharing in a blog your home workouts that you do to keep healthy and fit
while staying at home (for Sports Track Students)
4. Make a review blog on the specifications of cars or mobile phones from famous brand.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II

Checked & Monitored by:


Assistant to the Principal Principal IV



Specific meaning: A condition where the body is deprived of oxygen
Technical meaning: A medical condition in which a patient dies due to lack of oxygen
circulating in the body
Cerebral Anemia
Specific meaning: loss of or low levels of blood in the brain
Technical meaning: a condition of abnormally low levels of hemoglobin or red blood
cells in the blood reaching brain tissues.
Specific meaning: Something is blocking in the free space, airways, or a space where
something has to pass-through
Technical meaning: Congestion refers to a feeling of stuffiness in the nasal or
breathing passageways
Specific meaning: bluish skin due to lack of oxygen in the blood
Technical meaning: a critical condition where there is a bluish discoloration of the skin
or mucous membrane.
Specific meaning: a thing used for tying or binding something tightly
Technical meaning: marks around something which is a sign of strangulation or tied

• How is Academic Text characterized? It is formal, has clearly

structured introduction-body-conclusion, includes information from

credible sources which are properly cited, and includes a list of


• What are the Common Structures of Academic Texts? They are

Description, Sequence/Order, Comparison/Contrast, Cause and Effect,

and Problem-Solution.

• Why is it important to know? Using your knowledge of text structure

will aid you in easy reading and increased comprehension, as long as it is

Directions: Carefully read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Using celebrities in advertising dates back to the late nineteenth century, and this
common advertising practice has drawn a considerate amount of academic and practical
attention (see Erdogan 1999 for an extensive review). Most academic investigations of
celebrity endorsement have been contextualized in the realm of source credibility and
attractiveness models, and suggest that celebrities exert their influence on consumers
through perceived attributes such as expertise, trustworthiness, attractiveness, familiarity
and likeability (Ohanian 1990, 1991).
Another stream of research on celebrity endorsement, which is labeled the
“match-up hypothesis,” has examined the fit or match between a celebrity and the
product being endorsed, and maintains that celebrity endorsement is more effective
when the images or characteristics of the celebrity are well matched with the endorsed
products. In similar vein, McCracken suggests that a “celebrity who best represents the
appropriate symbolic properties” of the product should be selected, thus highlighting the
importance of the cultural meanings of the celebrities in the endorsement process.
Celebrities embody a collection of culturally relevant images, symbols, and values. As
Website for this LP

Articles, e-mail messages, text messages, journal writing, and letters 

Direction: Pick out the signal words from the list and classify them accordingly using the
boxes below.

and similarly consequently so finally according to for

example to start with or to address

1. How do you classify the signal words?

2. How do you understand signal words?
3. Do you think that the signal words play an important role in organizing your
4. Do you agree that the signal words are considered sentence superheroes
which help you in understanding and organizing academic texts?


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