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Yecapixtla, Morelos

June 2022
Materials and methods......................................................................................................................5
Results and discussion......................................................................................................................10

To carry out this project we proceeded to analyze and verify together with the
professors to see if the functioning could be improved since it is not given good
care and use of themselves in addition to that poor care can affect the functioning
of them or very severely cause problems or diseases the teachers, so with a circuit
and speakers we try to improve the care and hygiene of everyone

This project is based on improving the quality of the bathroom service, to make
some students think differently that cause problems in the bathrooms such as: dirt
where it should not be, garbage, graffiti, waste of water. Our idea in this project is
to enter the minds of the students and make them see the bathrooms differently, so
that they see it as a necessary service for everyone and that we must take care of
it and respect it since it belongs to everyone. In the end we will see how effective
the proposal has been and our project itself so that students can make good use of
the bathrooms without any problem or discomfort

Keywords: circuits, programming, assembly, components.

There are many types of devices that allow converting analog signals into
digital ones, one of them and the most used are the sensors. A sensor is a device
that detects change in the environment and responds to some output in the other
system. This device converts a physical phenomenon into a measurable analog
voltage (or sometimes a digital signal) converted into a human-readable display or
transmitted for reading or hearing.

The project refers to the good habit of people which will help solve the problems
that are in the bathrooms such as the urinals in which a box was made with some
components inside in which it carries out the reproduction of a voice note that
refers to the good care and maintenance by the people for which it will be
remembered for the user who enters.

There is a problem in the facilities of our institution which is the misuse of toilets
and urinals. This has generated a bad impression because they are usually not
used correctly and additionally they forget to be hygienic enough.

Know and resol see the reasons why the bathrooms of the headquarters of the
UAEM, school of higher studies of yecapixtla are or sometimes are in poor
condition and with poor hygiene through an investigation and census through a

1. Know the causes of the poor condition of the bathrooms in the EESY
2. Check the results obtained with the check of the bathrooms
3. Apply the techniques and methods so that you can have a better control and
care of them
1. Identify the reason for the misuse of bathrooms
2. Find a solution to improve students' habits.

Materials and methods

Material Name Parts price

Sensor PIR 1 $85
Arduino nano 1 $200
Speakers 2 $150
Transformer 1 $250
LED spotlights 2 $10
Borneras 3 $25
Cable 1 $15
Resistances 2 $3

Material Assembly Requirements

Power Supply:

A signal rectifier circuit was made, with the purpose of changing the alternating
current into direct current. Electronic components need a VCC and low level
voltage to function.

The components were soldered onto a printed circuit board (PCB). The following
image shows a schematic diagram of the connections made.

Figure .3 Eschematic
Diagram of Power Supply

The figure below shows the PCB layout for soldering on a phenolic board.

To solder the components it is necessary to follow the schematic diagram. and use
the components mentioned above Be sure to check the specification sheet of each
component, each of the transistors and capacitors has polarity.

Figure 4. PCB Design of Power Supply

Figure 5. 3D board view

Figure 6. Power Suppy

What to do in case a component fails?

Make sure to use components that support 50 volts in the case of capacitors and
100 volts in the case of transistors so that in the event of a failure the damage is
not so serious.

If any component fails, be sure to perform the following steps:

1. Verify that the component is not physically damaged

2. Make sure the PCB tracks are in good condition

3. Check that the solder pins are not together, this can cause a short circuit.
4. Do not put the power supply board near any metal surface, this may cause
5. In the event that any component is burned, desolder it from the board
carefully and using the appropriate materials: DESOLDER, SOLDER
6. Take care when supplying heat to components as they are sensitive and
could be damaged.
7. Before connecting the board, be sure to clean it with isopropyl alcohol to
remove excess paste and flux.
8. When it is ready make sure to connect the transformer, and the output
terminals in the correct place.

PIR sensor with MP3 playback module MDFPlayer

The MDFPlayer playback module is a circuit which allows the reading and
playback of data within a micro SD memory.

The main function is that when the sensor detects any movement, the Arduino
microprocessor sends a digital signal to the mp3 module to read data from the
MDFPlayer and thus play them with speakers.

The following picture shows the connection diagram:

#include "SoftwareSerial.h"

#include "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h"

SoftwareSerial mySoftwareSerial(10, 11); // RX, TX

DFRobotDFPlayerMini myDFPlayer;

void printDetail(uint8_t type, int value);

int pir = 9

#define PAUSETIME 15000

void setup() {



pinMode(pir, INPUT);


Serial.println(F("Initializing DFPlayer..."));

//Use softwareSerial to communicate with MP3

if (!myDFPlayer.begin(mySoftwareSerial)) {

Serial.println(F("Unable to begin:"));

Serial.println(F("1.Please recheck the connection!"));

Serial.println(F("2.Please insert the SD card!"));

Serial.println(F("DFPlayer Mini online."));

//Set volume value (From 0 to 30)


void loop()


int value= digitalRead(pir);


if (value == HIGH)

Serial.println("Sensor Activated");

Serial.println("DFPlayer Working...");;

delay (12000);


Serial.println("Sensor Desactivated");

Results and discussion

In this section, mention will be made of the results based on the short time in which
the project was installed, taking into account that the main problem is that in the
toilets the correct use of water discharge was not made.

This caused that in the toilets smelled bad or were not presentable, in the
discussion of how to prevent that was thought as previously explained in this
document, one more solution based on technology that could help us.

We have seen that the students have changed their thinking, their attitude, respect
for the space (bathrooms) has improved.

They have improved in the toilet, the waste of water we no longer see open keys
when entering and the garbage everywhere has also decreased. We have realized
that the talks and proposals have not been in vain, little by little we have changed
the attitude of the students and so little by little we will improve the use of the
bathrooms, since this is a very important space for everyone and you must take
care of it and take advantage of it because we all need it.

Students will gradually change their attitude towards the use of bathrooms.

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Technical requirements for the use of the bathroom indicator:

Arduino Program

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform whose principles are to have easy-

to-use software and hardware. Basically what this tool allows is the generation of
countless types of microcomputers of a single plate, which can then have a wide
variety of uses according to the need of the person who believes it. That is, a
simple way to carry out interactive projects for anyone.

Figure 1. Arduino Desktop

TTS (Text To Speech) programs convert a text into an audio file. This is an
important resource for those who cannot access a document visually, students with
visual impairment or literacy difficulties, so they need this type of device to reach
the content of these. It is a free software, easy to install and use, and can be
downloaded from its official website, Balabolka.

Figure 2. Balabolka Desk

Material requirements for the elaboration of the project:

Arduino Nano

Arduino Nano is a compact, complete and Protoboard-compatible development

board based on the ATmega328P microcontroller. It has 14 digital input/output pins
(of which 6 can be used with PWM), 6 analog inputs, a 16Mhz crystal, conexión
Mini-USB, terminales para conexión ICSP y un botón de reinicio.

Figure 1. Arduino Nano.


1. Microcontroller: ATMega328P.
2. Clock speed: 16 MHz
3. Working voltage: 5V.
4. Input voltage: 7.5 to 12 volts.
5. Pinout: 14 digital pins (6 PWM) and 8 analog pins.
6. 1 serial port per hardware.
7. Memory: 32 KB Flash (2KB for bootloader), 2KB RAM and 1KB EEPROM

Figura 2. Arduino Nano Pinout

PIR (Passive Infrared) or Passive Infrared Sensor

PIR sensors, also called pyrolic sensors, are a type of optical sensor widely used
to detect the movement of people, especially in automated lighting. Let's see
below, how these types of sensors work and how they are constituted.

Figure 1. PIR sensor.

Internal constitution:

The most common modules of this sensor are called HC-SR501. They consist of 2
fundamental elements, a lens that makes the incident rays fall on a point and the
PIR sensor as such. The PIR sensor has two light-sensitive elements, which, by

measuring the detection delay between each sensor, it is possible to calculate the
distance at which the object is located.

Figure 2. Internal Constitution of the PIR Sensor.


1. Supply voltage: 5 to 12 VDC

2. Average consumption: 1 mA
3. Distance range: 3 to 7 mts adjustable
4. Detection angle: 110°
5. Output voltage at high: 3.3 VDC
6. Dimensions: 3.2 x 2.4 x 1.8 cms

Modes of Operation:

The HC-SRR501 module contains two potentiometers or controls to determine the

operation of the sensor. One of them determines the sensitivity (detection distance)
and the other the delay between each pulse (detection pauses. They can also be
modified to detect 1 single shot or repetitive shots. The image illustrates the
composition of the module.

Figure 3. Composition of the PIR

Figure 4. Pir Sensor Floating



The DFPlayer Mini is a low-cost and small audio player that we can connect to a
processor like Arduino to play audio in MP3 format.

Arduino does not have powerful power to play a compressed file as an MP3. No
matter how hard you try, or even if you use a more powerful processor, it is not the
function of an automaton to perform these tasks. It is much better to delegate to a
specific subprocessor. There are different options to play MP3 files from Arduino,
such as various shields and more or less expensive boards. Among the different
options available, DFPlayer Mini modules have acquired great popularity for their
low price and great features.

Actually, DFPlayer Mini is a complete audio player, capable of playing MP3, WMA
and WAV file formats.

Figure 1. DFPlayer Mini.


1. Power supply: 3.2V to 5V

2. Samples soportados (kHz): 8/11.025/12/16/22.05/24/32/44.1/48
3. Output: 24-bit DAC with support for 90dB dynamic range
4. File system: FAT16 and FAT32. Max: 32G (Micro SD card not included)
5. Interface: I/O control pins for pushbuttons or Serial mode
6. Supports up to 100 directories. Each directory supports a maximum of 255
audio files
7. Adjustable volume in 30 levels

gure 2. Internal Schematic of the DFPlayer Mini


Transformers are a key element in the development of the electrical industry.

Thanks to them, it was possible to carry out, in a practical and economical way, the
transport of electrical energy over long distances. An electrical transformer is a
static alternating current machine that allows to vary some function of the current
such as voltage or intensity, maintaining the frequency and power, in the case of
an ideal transformer.

Figure 1. Transformer


1. The input and output energy frequency is the same.

2. All are governed by the laws of electromagnetic induction.

3. Primary and secondary coils have no electrical connection (except for
automatic transformers). The transfer of energy is carried out by magnetic
4. Moving parts are not required to transfer energy, so there is no friction or
losses in the winding as in other electrical devices.

Figure 2. Internal constitution of the


Copper plates

It is a plate that this bakelite with copper, in only one of its faces has copper that
allows to make a printed circuit for electronics projects, it is very useful since you
can efficiently prototype a circuit and avoid disconnections that typically happen in
a Protoboard.

Figure 1. Unperforated Copper Plate.

Figure 2. Perforated copper plate.


1. Excellent electrical and thermal conductivity.

2. It is a soft material.
3. Ductile (changes shape by pressure).
4. Malleable (can decompose into thin plates).
5. Its density is 8.96 g/cm3.
6. It offers good mechanical properties, is susceptible to being machined.
7. It is resistant to corrosion (except in the case of substances containing
8. It does not degrade or lose its properties in the recycling process.

Figure 3. Copper Plate with Printed Circuits.


A capacitor is equipment that has the ability to accumulate energy through electric
fields (one positive and one negative). These devices are classified within the
passive components since they do not have the quality of amplifying or cutting off
the electrical flow.

They are designed with the following parts:

1. Metal plates: These are the pieces whose function is to store electrical
2. Dialectical or insulating: It serves to avoid contact between the two plates.
3. Plastic housing: Covers the internal parts of the capacitor.

Figure 1. Electrolytic Capacitor.


1. Capacitancia 220 μf
2. Rated voltage 50 V
3. Largo1.35 cm
4. Ancho1 cm
5. Alto1 cm
6. Peso1.2 gr

Figure 2. Internal Constitution of the Electrolytic

Figure 3. Specs.

Voltage Regulator (7805)

It is a positive linear voltage regulator with output voltage of 5V DC and maximum

output current 1.5A. It has a three-pin TO-220 package.

It serves to supply constant voltage of 5V from a higher input voltage that can be
minimum 7V and maximum 35V, it is advisable to enter input voltage ≤18V DC.

Ideal for use in electronics projects and practices. You can integrate it into test
boards such as Protoboard, PCB boards, phenolics, as well as have the ideal
spare if your voltage regulator has been damaged.

Figure 1. Voltage Regulator (7805).


1. Series: L78
2. Registration: L7805CV
3. Encapsulado: TO-220
4. Mounting Type: THT – Through the Hole
5. Output voltage: Min 4.8V | Typ 5V | Max. 5.2V
6. Number of departures: 1
7. INPUT input voltage: Min. 7V | Typ ≤18V | Max. 35V
8. Voltage drop Vd: Typ 2V
9. Max Output Current: 1.5A
10. Number of pins: 3 pins
11. Weight: 1 g

Figura 2. Constitución Interna Del Regulador
De Voltaje.


It is an electrical connector covered by a plastic casing inside which a cable is

imprisoned against a metal part with the help of a small screw. Before inserting the
cable into the hole, the outer insulation of the end can be stripped or bent into a U-
shape and fixed. It is presented in succession of up to ten units joined in strips that
can be separated according to need. The size of the terminal must be chosen
according to the section of the cable, it can be 4, 6, 10, 16 and 25 mm². It also
receives the name of terminal board or splice tab.

Figure 1. Terminal blocks.


 Color of the terminal: Blue, Green and White.

 Construction materials: metal core with a plastic coating to prevent electrical
contact with the user.
 5.08mm block connector.
 2 or 3 connection inputs.
 It is compatible with electrical circuits and Breadboard.

Figure 2. Terminal block symbol.


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