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1. (a) evaporation or vaporization (b) condensation (c) drought (d) flood
2. (a) Condensation (b) Evaporation (c) Condensation (d) Evaporation
(e) Evaporation
3. (a) False (b) False (c) True (d) False (e) True

Multiple Choice Questions
1. d. Drying wet clothes
2. b. Brushing teeth
3. b. A kettle of water kept on a burner.
4. c. release water vapour through leaves.
5. b. tiny drops of water floating in air.
6. a. groundwater.
7. a. rainwater harvesting.
Very Short Answer Questions
1. Activities which show the use of water are bathing and washing clothes.
2. Activities that require more than a bucket of water are washing more than 10
clothes and irrigating crop fields.
3. Two activities that require less than one bucket of water are brushing teeth
and mopping floor of a room.
Short Answer Questions

2. Under sunlight, the air around us also becomes warm. This warm air causes
evaporation of water under shade.
3. Concrete surface reduces the seepage of water into the ground considerably
and this reduces the availability of ground water.
4. We should conserve water because with the increasing population, demand
for water is also increasing; availability of freshwater is reducing day by
day; more and more water is required for agriculture and industries.
5. vapour, evaporation, transpiration, clouds, rain, snow

Additional Questions

I. The Water Cycle

a. evaporation from trees – transpiration
b. evaporation from water bodies like sea and ocean due to heat of the sun
c. condensation taking place at a height forming clouds
d. precipitation in the form of rain, hail or snow
1. seas, ocean and lakes
2. transpiration
3. clouds
4. rain, hail and snow


I. Define:
1. Change of water vapour to water droplets on cooling or when it comes in
contact with a cool surface or cool air.
2. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall leading to a shortage of
3. The
1. Wet circulation
clothes kept onofawater between
clothes ocean
line got and land
dry after someistime
known as water
because the cycle.
present in the clothes get converted into water vapour by the process of
evaporation and escapes out in the atmosphere leaving the clothes dry.
4. Water collected during rains with the purpose of catching water
wherever it falls so that it can be used later in time of need.
II. Give reasons:
1. The level of water on earth stays relatively constant. The water cycle
sends back the water that was lost during transpiration and evaporation
by the precipitation in different forms such as rain, snow and hail.
2. Farmers obtain most of their water for their crops from rain. Rain water
helps them to irrigate their fields. Most of the rainwater goes into streams
and rivers which can be later also used for irrigation.
3. The air cools during the winter night near the ground. The water vapour
will condense on the cool air and form tiny droplets which result in fog
4. The surface of the bottle kept in the fridge is cold. The air around us contains
some vapour. When the cold surface of the bottle comes in contact with
the water vapour present then it condenses to form tiny droplets of water
and we notice a puddle of water around the bottle.
5. During exhalation or breathing out carbon dioxide is released along with
water vapour. If one breathes out onto glass the released water vapours
collide with the surface. The surface of the glass is cool and the vapours
are warm which leads to condensation. Thus, forming tiny droplets of
water on the glass surface.

SECTION 3: SPEEDOMETERTime taken Minutes

I. Fill in the blanks:
1. monsoon
2. water
3. evaporation and transpiration
4. groundwater
5. precipitation
6. transpiration
7. water vapour


I. 1. rain
Underground water storage tank
Washing, bathing, watering plants

II. 1. flood
2. danger
3. the crop fields, forests, villages and cities may get submerged by water.
Flood causes damage to crops, domestic animals, property and human life.
4. during floods the animals living in the water also get carried away with
the waters. They often get trapped on land areas and die when flood
water recedes.


I. Short Answer Questions:

1. The two types of rainwater harvesting are
a. rooftop rainwater harvesting and
b. drain water rainwater harvesting
2. The basic idea of rainwater harvesting is to catch water wherever it falls
and store it for later use when in need.

3. The rainwater that falls on concrete roads gets either evaporated or flows
into the drains. It cannot seep through the ground since concrete is not
porous like soil.
4. Two factors leading to shortage of water are overpopulation and wastage
of water.
5. The washing away of topsoil due to the action of wind and water or
overgrazing by animals is called soil erosion.
6. Sea water gets evaporated by the heat obtained from the sun. This
sunlight helps to change the water to water vapour and the salt is left
behind in the shallow pits.
II. Long Answer Questions:
1. The soil continues to lose water by evaporation and transpiration. Since
water is not being brought back by rain the soil becomes dry. The level of
water in ponds and wells of the region goes down and some of them may
even dry up.
2. If it does not rain in a region for a year or more the soil continues to lose
water by evaporation and transpiration. Since water is not being brought
back by rain the soil becomes dry. The level of water in ponds and wells
of the region goes down and some of them may even dry up. The
groundwater may also become scarce. Thus, leading to drought like
3. In drought conditions, it is difficult to get food and fodder. The animals
and the vegetation gets drastically reduced.
4. The areas covered with concrete reduce the seepage of rainwater into the
ground which ultimately affects the availability of groundwater. Concrete
does not allow water to trickle down into the soil because it is non porous
unlike soil which is porous.
5. Clouds are formed when warm and moist air rises up, cools and then
expands in the atmosphere. The water vapour in the air condesnses to
form tiny water droplets which form the basis of clouds.
6. During daytime all the air surrounding us gets heated. This warm air
provides heat for evaporation of water in the shade. Thus, evaporation
takes place from all open surfaces of water whether in sunlight or in

III. Think and Answer:
1. a. Raju’s decision of rainwater harvesting is very wise. It will help not
only his family but also the village which is mostly dependent on
rainwater for irrigating their fields. If the next year the monsoon fails
to reach in time then the village can use this collected rainwater.
b. Rainwater harvesting can be used for washing, watering plants.
It can also be used in plants and factories that need water in their
processes. It is also majorly used in irrigation.
c. Shower using a bucket.
Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
Fix any leaking taps.
Reuse the water in cooking to water plants.


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