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House Rules For Apprentices


Name: SAP No:


1) Apprentices will adhere to all Barloworld rules and regulation.(PPE, Safety,

environmental and health regulation)
2) Artisan & Barloworld tools, work areas and Field Service vehicles to be
cleaned by the Apprentices under the instruction of his artisan or the
reporting Supervisor.
3) All Apprentices WILL be allocated to their respective artisans and the
Apprentice will keep record of time and attendance.
4) Apprentices will make sure that s/he compile & complete log book as per
tasks allocated by artisan or reporting supervisor and s/he will make sure that
all completed tasks is signed off by artisan or supervisor.
5) Log books will be handed in to training instructor for verification and
inspection as required.
6) Apprentices will write reports on all worked preformed during the day and
artisan will make sure that s/he does write report as required.
7) Apprentices will make sure that record of labor is booked daily.
8) No untidiness is acceptable, eg, hanging shirts, takkies, torn pants, etc.
9) No sleeping in the Field Service vehicles when driving to / from job sites.
10) The Apprentices WILL explain to the artisan what the day’s job is all about,
how the job going to be approached and why. This will encourage the culture
of continuous learning and will certainly improve their skills levels.
11) The Apprentices WILL ask for permission / inform the artisan where s/he is
going at ALL time.
12) The artisan’s tools WILL be cleaned and placed in their allocated storage
areas before the job site is left, i.e. when the artisan is writing his report and
getting the customer to sign the report the learner will clean and pack away
tools and equipment.
13) An artisan will act as the coach to the Apprentices and any work related
instruction must be followed promptly by the Apprentice.
14) The Apprentices WILL resolve ALL their issues with the artisan and the
supervisor will attend to unresolved problems.
15) The work areas WILL BE CLEAN AT ALL TIMES, it is the responsibility of the
artisan to make sure that this happens!! Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will the
work area be left untidy at the end of a job!!!
16) When in the workshop, the Apprentices WILL make sure that the workshop
doors are closed before going home!!


Failure to follow the above guidelines will lead to harsh penalties against the PERSON/S INVOLVED.

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