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Fetal Development

LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1. Match the terms in the left column with their definitions on the right (a–g).

b Diploid a. Normal number of chromosomes in each mature sperm or ovum

g Gamete b. Normal number of chromosomes in nonreproductive cells
a Haploid c. Cell division in sex cells
c Meiosis d. Cell division in non-sex cells to allow growth and replacement
d Mitosis of cells.
f Oogenesis e. Formation of spermatozoa
e Spermatogenesis f. Formation of ova
g. An ovum or spermatozoon


a. Spermatogenesis results in the formation of how many sperm from each immature
primary spermatocyte? 4 _

b. Each sperm contains 22 _ autosomes and either a(n) _X _ or a(n) _Y _ sex chromosome.


a. Oogenesis results in the formation of how many mature ova from each primary oocyte? 1

b. Each ovum contains 22 autosomes and a(n) X sex chromosome.


a. An ovum survives about 24 hours after ovulation.

b. Sperm survive up to _1 and a half days after



a. If the ovum is fertilized by a sperm bearing a Y chromosome, the baby will be a _boy .

b. If the ovum is fertilized by a sperm bearing an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl _.

c. What influence, if any, does the woman have on the sex of the baby conceived?
_ _


a. Fertilization usually occurs in the _fallopian tube .

b. The fertilized ovum usually implants in the upper section of the uterus.

7. Match the terms in the left column with their definitions on the right (a–j).

a Amnion a. Inner fetal membrane that envelops the embryo and fetus
i Blastocyst b. Outer fetal membrane that envelops the amnion and embryo/fetus
d Blastomere c. Solid cluster of cells that is approximately the same size as the zygote
b Chorion d. Eight-cell stage of prenatal development
e Chorionic villi e. Projections on the outer part of fetal side of the placenta that
h Decidua basalis extend into the decidua basalis
f Embryo f. Prenatal development from the second week until the end of the
g Fetus eight week after fertilization.
c Morula g. Prenatal development from the ninth week after fertilization until birth.
j Zygote h. Uterine lining after implantation that gives rise to the maternal side
of the placenta.
i. Zygote containing an inner cell mass that will develop into the embryo.
j. Cell formed by union of a sperm and ovum.

8. The normal amount of amniotic fluid near the end of pregnancy is about 1000 mL.
9. List the five functions of amniotic fluid.

a. Shield fetus against pressure or a blow to the mother’s abdomen.

b. Aids in muscular development

c. Protects the umbilical cord from pressure, protecting fetal oxygen supply.

d. Acts as cushion


10. Red blood cells are formed by the _ for the first 6 weeks after gestation and then are formed
by the and _ , and finally the bone marrow .

11. List four functions of the placenta.

a. For respiration

b. Provide nutrition

c. Storage of fetal waste products


12. Describe the functions and effects of each of the four placental hormones during pregnancy.

a. Progesterone

i. Maintain endometrial lining of the uterus _

ii. Reduce contract


iv. _

b. Estrogen

i. stimulates uterine growth to accommodate the developing fetus _

ii. Contributes to woman’s mammary gland development in preparation for lactation


iv. _


vi ____________________________________

c. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): _

_ __ _ _

d. Human placental lactogen (hPL): _

_ __ _ _
13. Label each of the structures listed below on the drawing provided. Color areas to indicate high
(red), medium (purple), and low (blue) fetal blood oxygenation. Use the lines on the neonate’s
illustration on the right to explain how fetal shunts close after birth.

a. Ductus venosus

b. Ductus arteriosus

c. Foramen ovale

d. Umbilical arteries

e. Umbilical vein
Foramen Ovale Ductus Arteriosus

Ductus venosus
Foramen Ovale Ductus Arteriosus
Ductus venosus Umbilical Vein
Umbilical Arteries
Umbilical Vein

Umbilical Arteries

14. The umbilical cord should have _1 _ vein(s) and 2 _ artery(ies).

15. State the age when each fetal circulatory structure closes functionally and permanently.

Functionally Permanently
a. Foramen ovale 2 hours _ 3 months _
b. Ductus arteriosus 15 hours _ 3 weeks _
c. Ductus venosus After cutting the cord _ 7 days _

16. Match the prenatal ages with their developmental characteristics on the right (a–h).

e 3 weeks a. Basic structures of all systems established.

h 6 weeks b. Possible to monitor fetal status with kick counts
a 8 weeks c. Fetal eyes open
f 10 weeks d. Fetus now considered full-term
g 14 weeks e. Tubular heart begins beating earliest evidence of brain and spinal cord
b 20 weeks f. External genitalia may be determined by ultrasound
c 28 weeks g. Extremities will move in response to external stimuli
d 38 weeks h. Heart has all four chambers

17. Describe the differences between monozygotic (identical) and dizygotic (fraternal) twins in terms of
the following characteristics

. Characteristic Monozygotic Dizygotic

a. Same sex or different? Same sex Can be the same or not
b. Number of fertilized ova 1 2
c. Number of placentas 1 2
d. Number of membranes 2 2
e. Number of umbilical cords 2 2

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