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How can you wake up your RAS so that you can have extreme focus, better

sleep/wake cycles, and be able to have a deeper consciousness and intention

throughout your life? Read on.

1) Evaluating the head and neck position.

If you have had a concussion, some kind of traumatic brain injury, a sports
injury, whiplash from a car accident, or just chronic overuse and repetitive
stress injuries; you could have some type of misalignment in the cervical spine.
This can cause compression on the brainstem and affect cranial nerve
innervation.  As the head comes forward into this extended posture, it can create
compression. It, therefore, decreases blood flow around the brainstem for the
cranial nerves and the reticular activating system to function at its optimal
capacity. So, reach out to your physical therapist or movement expert to help
you with this.

2) Vestibular/Visual Exercises
The RAS is connected to our vestibular system. Think of our inner ear, and the
connection with our visual system. A great exercise to do is to hold your finger
out in front of you. Keep your eyes focused on your fingertip, and then turning
your head back and forth. As you’re continuing to gaze right at your fingertip,
you can start to move your head side to side, then you can go up and down, and
you can even go on a diagonal.

3) Meditation
Meditation is a fantastic way to be able to use your senses to hone in on your
present experience and filter out whatever is unnecessary. Of course, just like
anything, meditation is a practice that needs to be cultivated over time. It is
probably one of the best ways to begin to tap into the power of the RAS. This
can help bring you clarity and focus to allow you to reach your goals.

4) Turning your brain on the exact messages that you want

If you want a silver Jeep, start thinking about the silver Jeep. It’s that simple. If
you want to be confident in a dress that you want to wear, then start thinking
about it. If you keep thinking that you can’t do that, you keep getting distracted
from your goals. You keep thinking about all the things that you haven’t done or
you can’t do, then unfortunately you will not be directing your attention, focus,
or drive and activating this RAS to achieve what you want. So start thinking
about what you want in your life. Use that as a way to really drive your
conscious behavior and therefore your subconscious behaviors.
I hope this helps you become more successful and achieving what you want in
your life and your health.

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