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City of Alaminos, Pangasinan

First Semester A.Y 2020-2021
College of Teacher’s Education


Module 3
(Week 11-14)

Student’s Name

Patrick Dave Consay

FB Account: Patrick Consay GPC

FB Group GPC: AE 21 IT Application Tools in Business SY 2021-2022


This module is designed to provide you with a background of knowledge in the fundamental aspects
of application and tools used in business.

It focuses on the following: (1) Practicing Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) (2) Types of Occupational

This module primarily aims to cover all these important topics for the next four weeks. Discussion 1 discuss
the different computer hardware technology career path and personal entrepreneurial traits of a computer
hardware professional.

Discussion 2 discuss the environment and market for computer hardware and discuss computer hardware
technology as a business venture.

Discussion 3 focuses on the different tools and equipment in computer hardware technology

Discussion 4 discuss how to do proper mensuration and calculations.

This module aims that the presentation and discussion of the lessons were clear and will help you learn all
the topics well.

Learning Objectives

After completing this Module, students will be able to:

• Identify and explain the hazard and risks that are involved in the workplace.
• Study and analyze a workplace and identify its potential hazards and risks
• Give appropriate recommendations for occupational safety and health in the workplace


One fundamental component in today’s business environment is information

technology (IT). This important feature of business management can include both
computerized data systems and communication functions. Order entry,
information storage and retrieval, interdepartmental connectivity, and customer
relationship features are the key requirements of this business function. Sharing
data across separate disciplines is fundamental to success; so is automating time-
consuming or repetitive activities. Managers must control and streamline the flow
of information throughout an organization.

Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions

and extracting of materials. The term technology is wide and everyone has their
own way of understanding the meaning of technology. We apply technology in
almost everything we do in our lives, we use technology at work, we use it to
extract materials, we use technology for communications, transportation, learning,
manufacturing, creating artifacts, securing data, scaling businesses and so much
more. Technology is human knowledge which involves tools, materials and

systems. The application of technology results in artifacts or products. If

technology is well applied, it can benefit humans but if it is wrongly applied, it can
cause harm to human beings. Many businesses are using technology to stay
competitive, they create new products and services using technology, and they
also use technology to deliver those products and services to their customers on
time. A good example is, mobile phones companies like Apple & Samsung,
and these two electronics companies use high technology to create new
smartphones and other electronic devices to stay competitive. This competitive
edge is gained through employing advanced technology.



Discussion 1
Practicing Occupational 5
Safety and Health

Discussion 2
Types of Occupational 7

Discussion 3 Improper Work Practice 12

Discussion 4 Controlling Hazards and 14

Risks in the Workplace

Discussion 1

Practicing Occupational Safety and Health

Lesson Overview

The lesson discusses the different types occupational and health hazards and risks in the
workplace and how it could affect one's performance and overall wellness, safety and security
in performing a task focused in computer hardware technology. It also includes the guidelines
in controlling and managing hazards and risks and safety rules and precautions in the
workplace specific to computer hardware technology.

Occupational Hazards and Risks

Every occupation requires certain demands that may put the employee into situations where
health and safety can be at stake. Knowing the risks, hazards, and applying occupational safety
is a must for all forms of a business organization. Thus, every business enterprise, big or small,
should prioritize the safety of their workers or employees from hazards and risks in the
workplace. On the other hand, employees may refuse to work and perform certain tasks if
they know and are aware that their safety and security is at risk.

To eliminate these hazards, every organization should have a clear plan on how to totally avoid
it or deal with it. But what are hazards and what are risks? How can they be avoided and what
set of actions can be done be in order to prevent them from happening?


These are potential situations that may hurt, destroy, and affect not only the worker but
others that may put one's health and even life in danger.

Here are several examples of hazards in a workplace.

• exposed electrical wires in the workplace

• slippery floor
• malfunctioning equipment and machinery
• damaged tools and equipment
• working area has no proper ventilation
• chemicals and other poisonous substances are exposed.


These are situations which exposes a person to the dangers posed by exposure to hazards.


• electrocution due to contact with exposed electrical wires

• slips which may cause injury when slippery floors are not cleared
• malfunctioning equipment could cause injury and death if not maintained properly
• working area with no proper ventilation can cause sickness and expose workers to
bacteria and virus that cause disease
• exposure to harmful chemicals and poisonous substances could cause death.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

OSH is a program that focuses on uplifting the standard of well-being of an employee in terms
of safety, health, and security in the workplace. It involves understanding and finding solutions
to reduce the health and safety hazards or find better alternatives to make the workplace safe
and conducive not only for the employees but also for the people who they transact with on a
daily basis.

A well-structured plan for the proper implementation of OSH to have a safe and a healthy
workplace is a moral obligation and responsibility of employers to their employees while
identifying and following the correct procedures to stay safe and healthy in the workplace
while performing computer hardware assembly and troubleshooting is the responsibility of
the employees to the employers.

Discussion 2

Types of Occupational Hazards

There are different types of occupational hazards that can occur anytime in the
workplace. Contained on the list below are the main types or occupational hazards
found in a working environment.

Physical Hazard

Exposed wires from electrical cords

Constant loud noise for a long period of time

Spills on the floor

Scattered boxes, papers, and other small


Ergonomic Hazard

This is a hazard that involves the comfort of a worker and how it puts strain and stress to the
body on the type of work that is being done. This hazard is quite difficult to identify because
the effect on the body is not immediately manifested.

Poorly designed workstations or improperly

adjusted chair and table

Improper use of tools and equipment

Poor lighting and ventilation

Incorrect method of lifting heavy objects

Mechanical Hazard

This involves faulty tools, machinery, and equipment that is used for daily work operations.
The cause for this hazard is improper or absence of maintenance in accordance with accepted
safety standards.

Malfunctioning or damaged tools and


Machines that are left unguarded or without

human supervision while under operation

Equipment that is manipulated without

proper training

Chemical Hazard

This is a hazard presented by the bad handling of dangerous chemicals and other poisonous
substances in the workplace.

Exposed cleaning and degreasing chemicals

Gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other similar
harmful substances

Gasoline, kerosene, and other materials that

are flammable near sources that cause fire

Biological Hazard

This hazard is present if the workplace involves working with people, plants, and animals that
may produce contaminants such as bacteria and viruses.

Blood, saliva, phlegm, and other fluids

Bacteria and other viruses

Human or animal waste

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Environmental Hazard

This hazard is present when the workplace is distributed by manmade and natural occurrence
such as pollution and improper waste management.

Poor ventilation

Noise pollution

Exposed drinking water and faucet

Improper way of segregating garbage and

other and unused materials

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Discussion 3

Improper Work Practice

Oftentimes, some employees and employers underestimate the hazards that are present in
their workplace by thinking that they can handle the situation or can perform the task even if
they don't follow the standard operating procedures in using tools or equipment, in wearing
the right gear, and correct protocols in performing their job.

The following are examples of poor work practices that are commonly found in the

1. Using defective tools

2. Manipulating tools and equipment in an unsafe manner

3. Using hands instead of tools or equipment for tasks such as pushing or selecting

4. Overloading and crowding materials and lifting them improperly

5. Removing safety guards from machinery or equipment

6. Troubleshooting or repairing equipment or machinery while plugged or turned on

7. Negligence in using personal protective equipment during the job

In computer hardware technology, the following hazards are often encountered by

computer hardware technicians and information technology professionals.

Physical Hazards in the Assembly and Troubleshooting of Computers

Computer hardware technicians often work with wires and cables that are attached to
the components, especially with those that are lying on the floor. There are also times that the
tools, tool box, and other materials being used are just left elsewhere that may cause harm
not only to the worker but to others who are exposed to the workplace.

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Mechanical Hazards in Manipulating Tools and Equipment

In performing the task of assembling and disassembling hardware components of the

computer, hand tools that are damaged and rusty can do more harm than good. Dull and
unsharpened tools may not only cause damage to the components. and machinery but also
cause wounds to the worker using it especially if they are not handled or dealt with properly.
Electronic tools such as digital testers with a low battery charge may not give an accurate
reading that may give wrong information to the technician and affect the performance of the
hardware and the nature of the job of the worker.

Chemical Hazards

Solvents or chemicals for cleaning components such as the motherboard, mouse,

keyboard, monitor, and other harmful and may cause skin disease and eye irritation upon
contact. It can also be fatal if accidentally swallowed.

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Discussion 4

Controlling Hazards and Risks in the Workplace

Occupation hazards may not be totally eliminated because it depends on the

nature of the job of the job of the worker and the environment he or she is working in.
but these hazards and risks can be avoided or minimized.

Here are some steps to follow in order to control and manage hazards and risks:

1. know and prioritize the potential hazards.

a. Which hazard is the most serious?
b. What is the extent of harm that the hazard can cause?
c. Which hazard can be fixed or modified for safety?
2. Evaluate the risk that arise from the hazards.
a. What are the risks that may arise?
b. How can these risks be managed?
3. Design a plan that would reduce risk and hazards and address the existing risks and
hazards in the workplace.
a. How can this hazard be eliminated?
b. If it can’t be eliminated, how can it be prevented?
c. What are the contingency methods that should be put into place?

In addition to this, every workplace should have a set of precautionary guidelines to that
should be strictly implemented. Safety standards must be set into order to create a safe
environment for all those in the organization.

Safety Precautions in Handling Computer Components

1. Turn off and unplug the computer system before removing the cover of the system unit.

2. Use an antistatic wrist strap to avoid electrostatic

discharge that may damage the

internal Components of a computer.

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Safety Rules for the Workplace

1. Find a suitable and conducive place to work such as a well-lit and well-ventilated room.

2. Avoid wet floors that could cause grounding when exposed to electricity and its pathways
such as wires and cables.

Safety Rules in Wearing Clothes and Safety Gears

1. Do not wear any synthetic clothing.

2. Wear the appropriate footwear such as antistatic shoes.

3 Bracelets, necklace, and other jewelry should be removed when working with computer
components because they can be conductors for electricity.

4. Use an antistatic pad on the floor to avoid grounding and shock.

Safety Rules in Handling Computer Hardware Components

1. Store Components in an antistatic plastic bag or container.

2. Do not touch any component with wet hands.

3. Always read the user manual of each Component before servicing it.

4.Touch only the edges of Components to avoid damaging its main and sensitive parts.

5. Make sure that the wires or cables of the components are not attached or unplugged.

6. be careful in disconnecting and connecting cables. Remember its orientation to avoid short

7. always be ready for contingencies like fire, short circuit, shock, and other unexpected
accidents while working.

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A. Enumerate and give examples of the following:

Safety Rules in handling computer hardware computer






B. Read each statement below and write an immediate action that should be done to each
of the following hazards.

Hazards Immediate Action

1. Machinery and equipment without
safety guards
2. Working area where tools and other
materials are not stored properly
3. Exposed chemicals in the workplace
4. Digital testers with low battery charge
5. Hand and cutting tools that are dull
and dusty

C. Apply what you learned.

1. Interview a computer technician from your area and ask him 5 different tasks that he
2. Based on the task given on the first column, identify its hazards and make a
recommendation on how it can be prevented by writing on the space provided.

Task Hazards Recommendations


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The interview will be graded through the following rubrics.

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Interview notes Comprehensive Interview notes are Interview notes are
interview notes with adequate but some incomplete, tasks are
detailed tasks tasks are not detailed not clear
Analysis potential hazard and Potential hazard and Potential hazard and
recommendation recommendation recommendation
given matches all of given matches most given does not match
the task given by the of the task given by the task given the
interviewee the interviewee interviewee


“Information and Communications Technology” Ulysses Robleado

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