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International conference ,organized by WHO and UNICEF, was held in ALMA-ATA , kazakistan in
1978 on the theme of ,“health for all“. Expressing the need for urgent action by all governments , all
health and development workers ,and the world community to protect and promote the health of all
people of the world.

The conference strongly reaffirms that health, which is the state of complete physical , mental, and
social well-being ,and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity , is a fundamental human right
and that the attainment of the highest possible level of health is a most important world-wide social
goal whose realization requires the action of many other social and economic sectors in addition to
the health sector.

The existing gross inequalities in the health status of the people, particularly between developed and
developing countries as well as with in countries, politically, socially and economically unacceptable
and is, therefore, of common concern to all countries.

The people have a right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the implementation of
their health care.

Primary health care is essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound, and socially
acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the
community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and a country can
afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self -reliance and self- forms an integral part both of a country’s health system ,of which it is the central
function and main focus, and of the overall social and economic development of the is
the first level of contact of individuals, the family, and community with the national health system
bringing health care as close as possible to where people live and work , and constitutes the first
element of a continuing health care process.

2.The are multiple ties between the two world’s concerned organ transplant, health worker
migration and drug testing. Organ transplant is a complex and expensive procedures; many country
in Africa and Asia with limited resources do not have these structure in place. The extent of organ
sales from commercial living donors/CLD/ or vendors has now become evidence. According to WHO
it was estimated that organ trafficking accounts for 5-10‰ of the kidney transplant performed
annually through out the world. Patients with sufficient resources in need of organ may travel from
one country to another to purchase an organ mainly from poor person. In Ethiopia because of
limited resources and institution many people are forced to loss there property to gain there
wellness particularly on organ transplant. And also many children are loss their organ either for
getting money or taken by force.

The migration of health workers from the developing to the developed world has remained
pertinent for decades now. According to journal of public health in Africa, particularly sub- Saharan
in particular faces the greatest challenges ,with a11 of world populations and 25 of global disease
burden ;yet the region has only 3 of the global worker force. A 2012 study at AAU/addis ababa
university/ ,showed that around 53 percent of medical student hoped to emigrate up on
graduating ,particularly to USA and Europe because of different economical and political issue.

According to center for global development ,every drugs can cost up to 20-30times more in some
poor countries than others, In developing countries price for basic generic medicines can vary widely
and for exceed wealthy’s-country prices. There is also little competition in the supply of essential
medicines in low and middle income countries. In Ethiopia many drugs are imported without
controlling by concerened body. these will affect the productive force and the other one is many
drugs are tasted in Africa people like a laboratory mouse, these also affect the developing countries.

3.HIPC stands for /High Indept Poor Country/ was launched in 1996 by IMF and WORLD BANK, with
the aim of ensuring that no poor countries faces adept burden it can not manage. There are a group
of 39 countries with high level of poverty and debt overhang which are eligible for special assistance
from IMF and World bank. There are condition for eligibility.

A country must face unsustainable debt situation after the full application of the traditional debt
relief mechanism.

Be only eligible for highly concessional assistance from the International Development
Association/IDA/ and from the IMF’s poverty reduction and growth trust/PGRT/.

Have established a track record of reform and sound policies through IMF and world bank support

Establish a track record of reform and develops a poverty reduction strategy paper/PRSP/ that
involve civil participation.

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