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what is folic acid used for

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About folic acid

Folate helps the body make healthy red
blood cells and is found in certain foods.
Folic acid is used to: treat or prevent
folate deficiency anaemia. help your
unborn baby's brain, skull and spinal cord
develop properly to avoid development
problems (called neural tube defects) such
as spina bifida. › medicines › fo...

Folic acid: vitamin that helps the body

make healthy red blood cells - NHS
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People also ask

What does folic acid do for a woman?

What are the symptoms of low folic acid?

What is folic acid used for when not pregnant?

Can folic acid cause weight gain?

Feedback › details

Folic Acid Oral: Uses, Side E!ects,

Interactions, Pictures, Warnings ...
Folate is a B-vitamin naturally found in some foods. It
is needed to form healthy cells, especially red blood
cells.Folic acid supplements may come in different ... › folic_acid

Uses, Bene"ts & Side E!ects - Folic

acid -
1 Sept 2021 — As a medication, folic acid is used to
treat folic acid deficiency and certain types of anemia
(lack of red blood cells) caused by folic ...

Folic acid Side Effects Folic Acid Deficiency Durin

Folic acid: Impo#ance, de"ciencies,

and side e!ects
It helps the body make healthy new red blood cells, for
example. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the
body. If the body does not make enough of these, a ...

Importance Who should take it? Recommended i › folic-acid-d...

Folic Acid (Folic Acid): Uses, Dosage,

Side E!ects, Interactions, Warning
Folic Acid is an over the counter and prescription
vitamin used as a nutritional supplement, a
prophylaxis for Neural Tube Defects and to treat Foli…
Acid ...
Drug Class: Antibiotics, Combos, Antimalarials,
Sulfonamides, Antileprosy Agents

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