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Russel walks out of the house along with

everybody else to find Nancy riding on

Beauty and David standing next to
another horse.

They have their bag packs on their backs

and ready to set off to head out.
Where are you
going, Nancy?
What are you
planning to do?

Don’t worry
about me, Presly.
I’m not going to
hunt Kadin down.

This is related
to the zombie
I’m just her
bodyguard in case
we run into
zombies or

As I was saying,
both of us are
heading off to
where Seth died and
investigate the route
onwards from there.

But what’s up with

the extra food
portions if you are
just going for a day?.
Neither Nancy or David say anything.
They sheepishly look at the house.
Russel and everyone else figure out their

Presly is not keen with Nancy’s method

of trying to get out of the base with
another agenda instead of what they
Nancy! I hope you
planned. are not thinking
what I am thinking
you are about to
But Presly…. Ostine do.
need to be avenged.
We are looking for
him while scouting
around for specimens.

We promise to just
follow and leave
tracks as we

It is still risky. We are wasting

Who knows time here. I say
what he is we’ll have Nancy
capable of? and David follow

The elderly and

children will stay
here with some.
We’ll decide who
goes base on
drawing lots.
After a while, it is decided that Anson
along with Presly, McKena, Tak and
Russel…. Before
Schervonne join Russel, David and
you go, there’s
Nancy to hunt down Kadin. something I want
you to keep for
Everyone else will hold the fort and do yourself and read it
what they can to just wait for the later.
group’s arrival if necessary.

As they pack their belongings and

prepare to head out, Esther comes out
from the house to give an envelope to

Thank you, Esther.

But are you sure
you want to stay
here instead of
joining me?

It’s fine. The kids

and Granny Opal
need me but please
be safe. (kiss him
on the cheek) Be
safe out there. Here, Sniffer!
Time for a
Russel and his team head out
with eight horses for each of
them. Tak has Sniffer
accompanying them during the
journey after it smell one of
Kadin’s smelly shirts which they
hold on so that Sniffer can detect

Two hours later, the gang decide

to rest for a moment.
We should get
going once
everyone get
Sniffer seems to enough rest.
Tak. According to
have a strong sense
your expertise,
that Kadin isn’t too
which way do you
far away.
think Kadin went?

Um… Everyone. I
think I smell
cooked food in the
air. Should we
check it out?

Sure…. But maybe

not all of us should
go. I’ll go check it

Presly walks away from the group and about a few minutes later, he arrives
at a spot where an elderly man and a young woman are sitting down on the
ground eating fried fish with rice. The old man spots Presly and waves.

Howdy, young
man. We mean no
harm. My daughter
and I are just ----

It’s okay, sir. I am

just taking a stroll,
looking for
someone…. But Aren’t you worried
what are you about zombies
thinking doing this lurking around?
in the open?
We were here
about an hour or
so. No sign of
zombies. By the
way, I’m Mecha
and this is my
dad, Walter.
And who
might you be?
Care to join

I’m Presly and

it’s fine. I have to
look for a friend
who wandered off
on his own since
last night.

Wander off in
the middle of
the night? That
sounds crazy.

As far as I’m
aware, I had not
seen anyone for
months until you
show up.
Before Presly could
Are you with answer his question,
friends or just Russel and everyone else
been wondering
show up.
alone on your
Walter and Mecha smile
to greet the group.
Mecha! Walter!
It’s been a long
while. How are WHAT???!!!
y’all? You knew these
two, David??

We came out here

We knew each is all thanks to
other from way David telling us a
back. He helped bit about Mr Walter
us with a shelter and Mecha.
we are living now
and we manage to

David is like a
son to me. But…
David… It’s good
to see you after
for so long.

The person we
Speaking of
are looking for
acquaintances, did you
harmed my friend
notice anyone going
and he needs to
through this road from
be served justice.
last night until this
Walter shakes his head. However, Mecha
is thinking hard since she was patrolling
around their home last night but it didn’t
strike her that anyone with Kadin’s
description is noticeable. I just
remembered a
Suddenly she remembered an incident not very strange
related to Kadin. incident last

Last month, two

weird zombies
lured people deep
into the forest.

I find it strange
since I don’t recall
zombies luring
people. It should be
the other way… I

Were the zombies

humming or

As a matter of fact,
one did hummed
while the other just
walked further
from the group.

unbelievable! How
can a zombie hum?
It is possible, Tak. I
saw it too when it I know but you will
tried to attack need some gear to
Russel. at least prepare

Do you know
where did those
things take the

Mecha! I hope
you are not It is far too
thinking what I dangerous and we
think you are don’t know if they
planning. are still alive or --

What is your
But DAD!! You
can’t just not
allow it. I am
basically a free

If she’s
planning to
go to their
nest, I won’t
allow it!

After what
happened to your
mother and your
little brother
missing, I don’t
want to lose you!

Walter starts to sober and just

stare blankly at the mountains
high up. Mecha looks at David
and everyone else.
Wait! Now that I
think of it, I don’t She takes a deep breath and
see Techno around speak up. Tears start to fall from
here. Where is he?
her face.

He… He was
missing a few
days ago
Oh no. Maybe
we can help
you find him.
He could be at

We still need
to find Kadin.
Do you think
we have time?

Who could be yelling?

Walter, stay here with
your daughter, McKena
and Anson. The rest of
us will see who needs
Russel, Schervonne, David,
Nancy, Tak and Presly along
The gang also spot a pair of individuals wearing
with Sniffer follow the sound
glasses rushing towards the woman.
of a woman’s scream. Soon
after, they come across a field
Russel waste no time to save them from the
of daisies and sunflowers
zombies. He dashes forward only to find the pair
dealt with the zombies faster before he could
save the woman.
A woman with long brown hair
is defending herself against
After the ordeal, the young man check on the
some zombies that are walking
girl that screamed.
towards her.

Are you okay, Hi…. No need to

Stella? Thank be afraid of us.
goodness you We are not
are not bitten. dangerous.

I thought I was Oh! It seems

careful when I try we have
to look for food company. Hi
but they must have there,
---- handsome.

How do we If we are
know that you dangerous, we
mean no could have easily
harm? kill all three of
We heard your It’s not the
scream and food rations
thought you we worry
needed help. about.

Don’t be
alarmed. We
have our own
rations of

Then what is it
that you worry
about? How
long have you
been out in this

We live
nearby, not far
from the river
where you
came from.

The young man point to a few

shabby houses. Russel and others
are amazed that there are houses
I see you met
Walter approaches the group with my neighbors:
Mecha, Anson and McKena. He Jared, Liz and
smiles at everyone who have Stella.
gathered at the fields.
I thought the
scream earlier
was familiar.
Hold on. This The three of them
is very new live around here but
information my father and we live
for us. about 20 minutes
walking distance
from here.

I’m Jared. By the

way, everyone
follow us. I’m
sure y’all are

I’m Liz. We
even have dog
treats for your
dog and some
hay and dry
grass for your

Here we are.
Soon everyone follow Jared, Liz Home sweet
and Stella to their home not far from home. There’s
the field of flowers. When everyone also someone
see the home, they could see a pair here too. He
hasn’t wake up
of ducks waddling around and it
yet from last
seems to be peaceful. night.

There are dead zombie bodies

Stella found
outside of the area but other than
him lying down
that, it seems like a normal home. near our shed
and brought
Sniffer sees the ducks and run after. him to rest since
Tak quickly chase after Sniffer to he had a fever.
make sure it doesn’t harm the
Stella! You are
really in love with
Sorry for the stranger?!
asking but how That’s way too
did the fast.
stranger look

Glad you ask.

He’s Chinese
and beefy to I cannot
me. He looks wait for him
handsome. to wake up.
It’s almost
noon now.
The world has
change. I might
as well hook up
with a stranger
than none.

Excuse us but
(sighs) I have
do you mind if
nothing to say.
we rest here a
couple of

While Walter and

some stay here, I’ll
check the
surroundings for
Sniffer and I will
Walter’s kid.
tag along, Russel.
You still need us to
find Kadin.
At least I can
try to find my
I wish to tag
along as well.
Mecha! Are
you crazy?!

Dad! At least if
I find Techno,
I’ll bring him
safely here.

I don’t want
you to be out I cannot risk
there, Mecha. losing you
It’s not safe…. too….

Walter coughs and sits down on the

grass near the house. Nancy checks
on him while trying her best to calm
him down.

Mecha… Maybe
you should stay
instead. I need your
help. Perhaps David
could join the search
I will help to find
Techno and bring
him back.
I’ll come along
too to help I hope all of
with the you come back
search. safely.

The rest of us will

wait here. Russel,
take care, alright?

Russel along
with Tak,
McKena, David
and Sniffer head
off to find
Kadin and
Techno after
deciding where Good job,
to search. Sniffer! You
really are a
Soon, they smart dog..
come across the
curvy hillside.
It’s been a while
since we enjoy
such scenery.

Sorry to burst
your bubble but I notice there are
isn’t this a bit lesser zombies….
too quiet now? Be careful. We
never know what
Russel accidentally trips on a rock would ---- OOF!!!
and falls down. He gets up and
thankfully he didn’t roll down the
steep hill.

But there was something that

caught his eye. He notices Kadin
sitting near a cave entrance.
I see Kadin!
Let’s follow him
to the cave!

Russel and Sniffer immediately

dash to the cave. David, McKena
and Tak follow pursuit as they run.

Kadin spots Russel and Sniffer. He

picks up a rock and sees Sniffer
dashing faster than Russel.

He immediately aims the rock at

Sniffer, knocking it in between the
eyes when it got near. Kadin
quickly runs into the cave to hide.
Russel continues to run after Kadin.
David and McKena follow pursuit while
Tak tends to Sniffer. Hearing Sniffer’s
whimpering, Tak stays behind to tend to
Sniffer’s wound.

In the cave, Russel, David and McKena are amazed with the cave’s
surrounding. With the stairs leading them down, they wonder if this cave has
any secrets within.
If you see Kadin,
just yell out. For
now, let’s spread
Do you think
someone built

It’s possible. Plus,

there is wind
coming for another

The three split up to find Kadin. Meanwhile, Kadin sees the three of them
and watches within the inner darkness of the cave. He sees McKena heading
towards him. Immediately, he hold his breath and looks at McKena. Kadin
doesn’t want the risk to be found and decides to grab her as hostage.
Kadin immediately grabs McKena
by her left arm. McKena screams
loud and high to get David’s and
Russel’s attention.

David and Russel immediately

Don’t even
turn around only to find McKena think of
being held tight by Kadin. Her stepping
hands are in Kadin’s grip. forward!

harm her! SHUT UP!

Please, Kadin!
You don’t have
to do this…
Kadin almost forgot about David
when he realizes that he is not

David caught him by surprise with

a kick to his legs. Kadin wince in OUCH! Son of
a gun!!!
pain, forcing himself to let go of
You’re going
down, Kadin!

With what?! A
frying pan?!
You don’t have
one now!
I don’t want to
do this, Kadin…
But I’ll beat you
to the ground.

You can’t beat

me, David! I’m
the best fighter
there is.

David delivers a roundhouse kick but Kadin dodges it and did a quick jab to David’s
left eye. David couldn’t dodge it in time and gets two more punches. McKena leaves
under Russel’s orders as Russel decide to help David.

OW! When I get

my hands on you
Kadin, I swear that
I will beat you up!

I got you,
Both of you are
David. He really
no match for
give you a hard

Kadin did a sweep kick on Russel,

causing him to fall on the ground
hard. David charges at Kadin but
Kadin hugs him and delivers a
body slam.

David screams in pain as the

impact hits his back hard. Russel
Really? I was
gets up and delivers a kick to
expecting both
Kadin. However, Kadin rolls away of you put a
from the kick. good fight.
Russel jumps and give a flying kick at
Kadin’s cheek. It strikes him hard. David
gets up and struggles to stand but he fights
the pain on his back.

With full strength, David immediately

twirls twice before delivering a spinning
kick where his right leg is raised a 90
degrees kick and spins at least three times
the minute Kadin tries to get back up on his That’s for
feet. Kadin staggers back on the cave’s giving me a
wall. black eye!

Russel delivers a strong punch as he goes near Kadin, causing Kadin to feel intense
pain on his stomach.

This is for Ostine!

You won’t win
against us, Kadin.

(grunts) You think

you are winning but
you are just being
I cannot wait to
head back to the
Sanctuary where I’ll
get exclusive meals.

Wait till I tell them

about the hideout
(evil laughter).
I won’t let
you, Kadin!
This is as far
as you can go!

Innocent lives
will be lost if
you go there!

Please, Kadin!
You don’t have
to do this!
You can still --

Suddenly, a shot is fired but the bullet

missed its’ target: Kadin; by a few
inches away from his right cheek.

Russel and David turn around to see

Tak holding a Beretta in his hands.


Aw… That dog

is dead? I’m glad
it is!
Driven by rage, Tak rushes down
from the steps and fires blankly at
Kadin’s direction. Russel and David
move out of the way to avoid the
raining bullets.

They don’t see McKena anywhere.

YOU SON Kadin dodges each bullet, giving an
OF A evil glare to Tak. When Tak run out
GUN!!!! of bullets, Tak throws the gun and is
ready to deliver a punch to Kadin.

Tak throw a few punches but no luck. His rage blinds his focus on his fight. Kadin
takes out something from his pocket and stabs Tak right on the stomach. It’s a Navy
switchblade, the small knife has pierced Tak’s stomach.


Both men kneel near Tak’s dead body as

Kadin stabs four more times and Kadin uses the opportunity to run away via
push Tak’s body down to the cold the other exit.
stone ground.
Before they could do anything, McKena’s
Russel and David are shocked voice echoes in the cave. Russel and David
with Kadin’s actions. They could heard her voice but their legs won’t move for
not believe that Tak is dead in a moment.
front of them.
McKena ends up running down and sees
Tak’s dead body.
This cannot be

Kadin got him
with a

But we know
where he is going
now. We need to
prepare ourselves
for war.

War?! Wait….
What is he
While David and McKena
going to do?! are talking, Russel hears a
soft cry. It’s not coming
from either one of them and
it’s definitely not Tak.

He looks at a corner to find

a young boy in plaided
We need to green and blue pajamas
He’s going to go back to
crying under the stairs.
our home
Sanctuary…. and defend
Techno! Thank
goodness you are
alive! Come here…

Your father and

sister are worried.
Who brought you
(sniff) here?
David…. Is
that you?

I… I don’t
remember. I was
I’m scared,
finding food for
Uncle David.
the family.

The next thing I

heard was a
humming sound.

It’s okay, Techno.

Let’s get you home
now…. But….
Ow…. My eye….

I swear Kadin
will get a taste of
his own medicine
Dang it! I
Let’s get need to
your eye protect the
treated. Before that, let’s group
get Tak’s body out better!
of this cave. We
need to put him
next to Sniffer.
Hours later, in the evening, two individuals
dressed in white from head to toe are on a
lookout for any incoming zombies lurking

Fortunately for them, it is a quiet evening.

The two men are just staring blankly at the
cold space in front of them.
First it’s Carson,
and now Vishnu…
Whose next that
will go missing?

They are crazy if

they want to betray
Mr Woo…. WAIT!
I see someone!

I don’t know, bro. I

guess we just wait
and see if they do
come back? What if
they want to betray
Mr Woo?

Both men hold out their gun,

aiming directly at the blonde
individual walking towards
them. It’s none other than Kadin.

He is walking towards them with

his arms fold around him. He Don’t shoot!
looks at them with excitement I’m Jay’s
and eagerness. informant! I
need to see
Wait! I’ve seen
this person. Let
Who are you? Commander
Who is Jay?! Tamilrason know
Speak up, dude! of his presence.

Are you sure?

I am sure, bro.
I’ve never seen
Besides, he seems
him before.
to be harmless but
get Commander
The smaller built man sighs and Tamilrason now.
walks into the building while the
bigger guy just aims his gun at
Kadin in case he tries anything
suspicious. There’s Kadin…
Welcome back but
it’s freezing out
Minutes later, a man dressed here. I’ll let you in
from neck to toe with thick hair but we need to
shows up with the smaller built make sure you are
man. not infected.

Let me
inside. It’s
freaking Stop
cold now! whining
now. We’re
letting you
Kadin is escorted by the one called
Commander Tamilrason while the
two guards remain outside on
guard. Both walk in only to be
greeted by a woman who has her
medical kit near her and smiles at Kadin is my
Kadin. name.
Where are
Jay…. we right
Who’s your now?
new friend?
I don’t
think I’ve
met him.

Don’t rush. I’m Dr

Cynthia Snelson. This
is a normal procedure
of making sure you
are not infected.

We make sure that

anyone comes in here
need to be checked if
bitten or any kind of
inflection occur.

But it seems you

have a bit of bruise
on your cheek. Let Thanks. I
me treat it real quick could use
since you are in a some medical
rush. treatment.
So uh…
Kadin. What’s
going on out

I’ll tell as soon as

we are inside. You
won’t believe the
amount of
survivors I found.

Are you
telling me
After Cynthia cleans up now?
his wound and patch it
up, Kadin walks in
with Jay as Cynthia
packs up to rest for the
night. Another woman
is seen coming out of Come on. You
the yellow door and know better. We
should meet Mr
exchange smiles with Woo and then
Cynthia to talk discuss.

Jay walk together with Kadin to

Mr Woo’s office.

Once they go into his office, Mr Welcome,

Woo is seen sitting on his chair young man. I
while his wife is sitting on another believe you
chair next to her husband. have something
for us.

Kadin could see the evil smile

from Mrs Woo.
To be continued….

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