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Activity 5
It requires motivation and commitment to be a successful
social entrepreneur making a real difference in your
community. Do you think you have what it takes? Consider
whether you have the characteristics typical of social
entrepreneurs listed above. Then review your interest in social
enterprise by completing the questionnaire below.
1. Do you think you have the following characteristics?
A need for achievement
A need for autonomy
A creative tendency
The ability to take calculated risks 
A strong social purpose
2. Why do you want to start a social enterprise? List your
reasons in order of importance.
Answer: I want to start a social enterprises for a  lots of reasons
but the no.1 reason I want to start a social enterprise because it
can  create so much happiness. What about the homeless that
were handed a hard life or children in Africa with little access
to clean water. Imagine the happiness on a thousand children
whose school or neighbourhood you have improved. And also I
want to start a social enterprise because I want to achieve
social, cultural, community economic and/or environmental
outcomes; and, to earn revenue. 
3.What barriers are you likely to face in establishing a social
Finding funding
There isn’t a business in the world that didn’t wish it had more
money to invest in expansion and achieving its mission
statement. Unfortunately, when it comes to social enterprises
this is usually a much bigger concern than for corporate
It’s not ridiculous to call finding funding the number one
challenge of a successful social enterprise. A great idea is
worthless unless you can follow through on it. And that
requires not just funding for action, but promotion, structural
costs and paying staff.

Overcoming suspicion
Social enterprises are often met with distrust. The public often
questions their true intentions. Charities wonder why they
aren’t non-profit. Some media give them little coverage and
assume they’ll fail and fizzle away. This is a unique business
hurdle to overcome before you’ve even really got started.

Finding good manufacturers

Unaccounted for additional costs can be a death blow for a
business, shutting them down before they get a chance to begin
their mission.
Take e-commerce as an example once again, the cost of
production can be a huge challenge if you’re selling a quality
product with specific requirements. Considering all the
additional costs of running e-commerce, it can be hard to make
it worthwhile. This can lead to you looking for a good
manufacturer in a price range they simply don’t exist in.

4. How will it affect you and your family if you start a social
Answer: Starting a social enterprise can be emotionally
draining and time consuming. It can turn into a very stressful
situation for you and your family.

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