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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 16: Cloud computing

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Thai Manh Student ID GCD201535

Class GCD0905 Assessor name Tran Trong Minh

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature manh

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents
1. The History of Cloud Computing.............................................................................................................3
2. Fundamental concepts of cloud computing..............................................................................................4
A. What is Cloud Computing............................................................................................................................................4
B. Client-server model.......................................................................................................................................................5
C. Peer-to-peer model........................................................................................................................................................5
D. Deployment Model........................................................................................................................................................6
E. Service Model.................................................................................................................................................................8
F. High Performance Computing...................................................................................................................................10
G. Virtualization and Multicore.................................................................................................................................11
H. Characteristics of Cloud Computing....................................................................................................................12

3. The need of cloud computing in the real world......................................................................................13


SCENARIO (P2).................................................................................................................................14
1. Cloud Computing Architecture..............................................................................................................14
2. Cloud architecture design for ATN Company........................................................................................16


1. Cloud Deployment Models......................................................................................................................16
A. Public Cloud.................................................................................................................................................................17
B. Private Cloud...............................................................................................................................................................18
C. Hybird Cloud...............................................................................................................................................................20
D. Community Cloud.......................................................................................................................................................21

2. A Deployment Model for ATN Company...............................................................................................22

3. Select a deployment Model for the ATN Company................................................................................23

SCENARIO (P4).................................................................................................................................23
1. Compare 03 service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)......................................................................................23
A. Definition.............................................................................................................................................23
B. Compare 03 service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)..................................................................................24
2. Choose an adequate model for ATN app with justification...................................................................26
Table of Figures
Figure 1: History of cloud computing...........................................................................................................................5
Figure 2:Cloud computing...........................................................................................................................................6
Figure 3: The client-server model................................................................................................................................7
Figure 4: Peer-to-peer model......................................................................................................................................8
Figure 5: Deployment model.......................................................................................................................................9
Figure 6: SaaS............................................................................................................................................................10
Figure 7: PaaS............................................................................................................................................................11
Figure 8: IaaS.............................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 9: High performance computing.....................................................................................................................12
Figure 10: Characteristics of Cloud Computing..........................................................................................................14
Figure 11: Cloud computing in real life......................................................................................................................15
Figure 12: Cloud computing architecture diagram....................................................................................................18
Figure 13: Cloud deployment models........................................................................................................................19
Figure 14: Public cloud...............................................................................................................................................20
Figure 15: Private cloud.............................................................................................................................................21
Figure 16: Hybrid Cloud.............................................................................................................................................22
Figure 17: Community cloud......................................................................................................................................23
1. The History of Cloud Computing
Before emerging the cloud computing, there was Client/Server computing which is
basically a centralized storage in which all the software applications, all the data and all the
controls are resided on the server side. If a single user wants to access specific data or run a
program, he/she need to connect to the server and then gain appropriate access, and then
he/she can do his/her business. Then after, distributed computing came into picture, where
all the computers are networked together and share their resources when needed. On the
basis of above computing, there was emerged of cloud computing concepts that later
implemented. (Javatpoint, 2022).

Figure 1: History of cloud computing

John MacCharty opined that computing may be marketed as a utility, much like water or
electricity, in a 1961 address at MIT. It was a fantastic idea, but like many great ideas, it
was ahead of its time. For the following few decades, even if the model was popular,
technology was simply not ready to support it. However, as time went on, technology
naturally adopted that concept, and a few years later, we remarked that:
 began offering users applications in 1999 using a straightforward
website. Enterprises received the programs via the Internet, making the dream of
computers as a utility a reality.
 Amazon launched Amazon Web Services in 2002, offering solutions for computing,
storage, and even artificial intelligence. However, a fully commercial service that
was accessible to everyone didn't exist until the Elastic Compute Cloud was
introduced in 2006.
 Google Apps began offering business cloud computing applications in 2009.
Of course, all the major firms have participated in the development of cloud computing,
some earlier than others. Microsoft introduced Windows Azure in 2009, and since then,
businesses like Oracle and HP have all joined the fray. This demonstrates that cloud
computing is now widely used.

2. Fundamental concepts of cloud computing

A. What is Cloud Computing
Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers,
storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet
(“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You
typically pay only for cloud services you use, helping you lower your operating costs,
run your infrastructure more efficiently, and scale as your business needs change.
(, 2022).

Figure 2:Cloud computing

A cloud can be either public or private. Anyone online can purchase services from a
public cloud. With specific access and authorization settings, a private cloud is a
proprietary network or data center that offers hosted services to a small group of users.
Cloud computing's objective, whether it's private or public, is to offer simple, scalable
access to computer resources and IT services.
The hardware and software elements necessary for a cloud computing model's correct
execution are included in cloud infrastructure. Another name for cloud computing is
utility computing or on-demand computing.

B. Client-server model
The client-server paradigm, a distributed application framework, splits the workload
between service providers, often known as servers, and clients, or the people who are
requesting the resource or service. A server receives a data request from a client
computer over the internet, processes it, and then transmits the requested data packets
back to the client. A client-server architecture is what this is. There isn't any client-to-
client resource sharing.
Email and the World Wide Web are a few examples of client-server models.

Figure 3: The client-server model

C. Peer-to-peer model
In its simplest form, a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is created when two or more PCs are
connected and share resources without going through a separate server computer. A
P2P network can be an ad hoc connection—a couple of computers connected via a
Universal Serial Bus to transfer files. A P2P network also can be a permanent
infrastructure that links a half-dozen computers in a small office over copper wires. Or
a P2P network can be a network on a much grander scale in which special protocols
and applications set up direct relationships among users over the Internet
(Computerworld, 2022).
Figure 4: Peer-to-peer model

Types of P2P networks:

 Client-server architecture and P2P network components are merged in
hybrid P2P networks. An example of this kind of network is finding a node
using the central server.
 Unstructured P2P networks: In this type of P2P network, every device has
an equal chance to contribute. It is simple to build this network because
devices can join it at random. However, because it is unstructured, it can be
difficult to find information.
 Structured P2P networks: These are made possible by software that creates a
virtual layer that arranges the nodes in a predetermined structure. Despite
requiring some setup time, they might give users easy access to the content.
D. Deployment Model
NIST defines four cloud deployment models: public clouds, private clouds, community
clouds, and hybrid clouds. A cloud deployment model is defined according to where the
infrastructure for the deployment resides and who has control over that infrastructure.
Deciding which deployment model you will go with is one of the most important cloud
deployment decisions you will make.
Each cloud deployment model satisfies different organizational needs, so it’s important
that you choose a model that will satisfy the needs of your organization. Perhaps even
more important is the fact that each cloud deployment model has a different value
proposition and different costs associated with it. Therefore, in many cases, your choice
of a cloud deployment model may simply come down to money. In any case, to be able
to make an informed decision, you need to be aware of the characteristics of each
environment. (Sciencedirect, 2022)

Figure 5: Deployment model

Different types of cloud computing deployment models are:

 Public cloud: This kind of cloud deployment architecture, as the name implies,
supports all customers who want to use a computer resource, such as hardware
(OS, CPU, memory, storage), software (application server, database), or both,
on a subscription basis. The development and testing of applications, non-
mission-critical tasks like file sharing, and email services are the three most
popular uses of public clouds.
 Private cloud: A private cloud is often infrastructure used by a single business,
living up to its name. In order to support multiple user groups, such
infrastructure may be managed by the company itself, or it may be managed by
a service provider who maintains it either on-site or off-site. A private cloud
costs more to acquire and operate than a public cloud because of the capital
outlay required. Private clouds, on the other hand, are better equipped to handle
enterprises' current security and privacy issues.
 Hybrid cloud: An organization uses networked private and public cloud
infrastructure in a hybrid cloud. When companies need to quickly scale up their
IT infrastructure, such as when using public clouds to enhance a private cloud's
capacity, many enterprises turn to this technique. An online retailer might use
public clouds, for instance, if it requires additional computer power to run its
Web applications during the holiday season.
 Community cloud: This deployment type facilitates a number of organizations
sharing computer resources that are a member of a community; examples
include colleges working in certain research areas or police departments sharing
computing resources within a county or state. Members of the community are
often the only ones with access to a community cloud environment.
 Multi-cloud: As the name of the paradigm implies, we are talking about using
multiple cloud providers at once. This is akin to the hybrid cloud deployment
technique, which combines resources from both public and private clouds.
Instead of merging private and public clouds, multi-cloud uses a number of
public clouds. Mistakes still occur, despite the fact that public cloud service
providers provide a variety of methods to improve the dependability of their
services. It is incredibly rare for an event to occur simultaneously in two distinct
clouds. Thus, multi-cloud implementation further improves the high availability
of your services.

E. Service Model
There are three different service models for cloud computing that each meet a certain
set of business requirements. Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service
(PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are the names of these three models.
 SaaS: Software as a Service (SaaS) offers web-based solutions that are managed
by the software provider rather than by your company. This relieves your
business of the ongoing burden of managing software maintenance,
infrastructure, network security, data accessibility, and any other operational
issues related to program maintenance. User count, duration of use, data storage
capacity, and the volume of transactions are all factors that regularly affect SaaS
billing. This service model controls the highest market share in cloud

Figure 6: SaaS

 PaaS: Between software as a service and infrastructure as a service, there is a

hybrid paradigm called "software as a platform" (SaaS). Customers are given
access to a cloud-based platform where they can build and share apps without
needing to download and use IDEs (Integrated Development Environments),
which may be quite pricey. Customers typically have the choice to select the
features they want as part of their subscription, as well. According to Gartner,
PaaS has the smallest market share of the three service models and is projected
to produce 27 billion USD in revenue by 2021. PaaS providers on the market
now provide applications like Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure (also IaaS),
and Apache Stratos.

Figure 7: PaaS

 IaaS: Infrastructure as a service offers a standardized way to get computer

resources on demand and over the internet. These resources include things like
virtual private servers, storage space, networks, and computing power. These
are "pay as you go" products, meaning that the price is determined by how
much processing power or storage you consume over a certain period of time.
Under this service model, customers are not required to manage infrastructure;
rather, the provider is in charge of ensuring that the agreed-upon resource and
availability levels are satisfied. According to Gartner, this service model is
expected to grow by 35.9 percent in 2018. Currently, Google Cloud Platform
and Amazon EC2 offer IaaS services.
Figure 8: IaaS

F. High Performance Computing

High-performance computing (HPC) is the practice of using parallel data processing to
improve computing performance and perform complex calculations. HPC achieves
these goals by aggregating computing power, so even advanced applications can run
efficiently, reliably and quickly as per user needs and expectations. It thus delivers
much higher power and better performance than traditional computers, workstations
and servers (Techtarget, 2022).

Figure 9: High performance computing

One computer cannot handle all workloads, such as DNA sequencing. HPC or
supercomputing systems, which utilize linked groupings of individual nodes
(computers) to quickly handle vast volumes of data, are used to tackle these large-scale,
complex challenges. The cloud typically automates the formation and deletion of these
clusters in order to save money. Tightly coupled workloads and embarrassingly parallel
workloads are the two most common types of HPC workloads, although there are many
other workloads that can be used.
High performance computing's importance:
 It is used to advance science, create ground-breaking inventions, and enhance
quality of life.
 It serves as a base for technological and scientific progress.
 To boost a computer's capability, we employ high-performance computers.
These technologies include IoT, AI, 3D imaging, which is evolving, and an
organization's usage of data, which is growing exponentially.
 A variety of disciplines employ HPC to handle complicated modeling issues.
AI, nuclear physics, climate modeling, etc. are all included.
 HPC is used for transaction processing, data warehouses, and business
G. Virtualization and Multicore
Virtualization: Application of software Virtualization, which adds an abstraction layer
to computer hardware, allows input devices like the processor, memory, and memory to
be separated into a number of virtual components (also known as virtual machines).
Virtualization, a key element of electrical technology, alters the interaction between
hardware and software. It makes it easier to maximize the promise of cloud computing.
Businesses using virtualization technology can virtualize networks, storage, servers,
data, workstations, and applications. Numerous virtualization techniques exist,
 Network virtualization: By separating the network's capacity into a number of
independent channels, network virtualization is a technology used in cloud
computing to combine the resources that are already available. They can choose
to remain fully unassigned or be immediately assigned to a certain server or
 Server virtualization: This technique replicates real servers by changing their
characteristics such as size, processing power, and operating system. Users are
no longer required to routinely manage complex server resources as a result.
Other materials that may be expanded as needed are also made available for use
and sharing.
 Storage Virtualization: By disguising the actual and physical sophisticated
storage architecture, storage manipulation in the cloud is frequently used for
backup, archiving, and data recovery. It can be done by administrators utilizing
software programs or hardware-software hybrid equipment.
 Desktop virtualization: Unlike other types of virtualization for cloud computing,
this architecture lets you simulate workstation demand rather than server load.
This enables remote access to the user's desktop. Access to the workstation may
be more mobile and safe because it is essentially running on a data center
 Application Virtualization: In cloud computing, application virtualization
divides the operating system and application layer. The software is able to
function in a way that is separate from the operating system that runs
underneath it as a result. Additionally, some degree of isolation is provided by
the ability of a software designed for one OS to operate on another.
Multicore: The term "multi-core" refers to a CPU design in which the central
processing units (CPUs) of multiple processors have been combined into a single
physical processor. These processors are integrated into or encased within a single
integrated circuit. Die refers to each of these individual integrated circuits. A single
physical CPU is created using a multi-core architecture, which integrates multiple
processing cores. The goal is to develop a system that can handle more jobs
concurrently, improving performance all around.
Multicore processing is the use of multicore processors for computer processing
(MCP). A multicore processor is an integrated circuit with numerous real core
processing units, or cores (also known as a chip multiprocessor or CMP).
H. Characteristics of Cloud Computing
There are basically 5 essential characteristics of Cloud Computing.

Figure 10: Characteristics of Cloud Computing

On-demand self-services: Users of cloud computing services have the ability to

provision, monitor, and manage computing resources as necessary without the
assistance of human administrators.
Broad network access: Computing services are typically offered over established
networks and a variety of hardware.
Rapid elasticity: The IT resources for the computing services should be able to scale
up and down quickly as needed. When a user requests a service, it is delivered to him,
and after that service's demand is met, it is scaled out.
Resource pooling: Multiple applications and occupants share the available IT
resources (such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) in an ad hoc
way. From the same physical resource, services are given to numerous clients.
Measured service: Each application and occupant's resource usage is monitored,
giving both the user and the resource supplier a record of what has been consumed.
This is done for a number of purposes, including effective resource management and
billing oversight.
3. The need of cloud computing in the real world
Cloud computing services can be used by both organizations and people for their personal
needs. Information can be stored on the cloud rather than local memory. Through cloud
computing, a range of remote-based programs or solutions are also provided. For
maximizing company resources, it is crucial.

Figure 11: Cloud computing in real life

• File Storage Platform: A cloud application functions much like a website's file storage
platform. Several online file storage services give customers the option to save data,
documents, videos, and photos in the cloud. These tools offer customers a simple user
interface that they can use to access, browse, and upload documents from their local
computer to these websites. Both free and paid versions of these cloud computing services
are available. Customers that pay a monthly or annual membership fee can access premium
Examples: Media Fire, Hot File, and Rapid Share are a few examples of online file storage
• Meeting Applications: Virtual servers that enable on-site meeting rooms are included by
the majority of cloud computing providers. They offer meeting resources such as video
conferencing. These cloud computing applications allow users to begin virtual meetings.
Needs on a personal and professional level could push someone to start this. Users of the
services can quickly establish connections with others. To promote cooperation, they also
provide features for sharing presentations and screens.
Examples of popular cloud-based meeting applications include Zoom and Google
Meetings. Smooth video conferencing and cloud-based presentation services are available
from them.
• Management application: Project management software helps users take and instantly
share notes with multiple stakeholders. Since all stakeholders may consult the notes that
have been created and preserved in one location when assigning work, this aids in project
management. Both free and premium features are offered for these. The client can use the
premium features after paying a one-time subscription fee. These applications can be used
by users to meet their personal and professional needs.
Examples include management-related software like Evernote that are offered via the cloud
• Antivirus Program: The cloud services also provide support and antivirus software. It
helps to improve the system's effective operation. Cloud antiviral software users can
routinely keep their systems clean. They give you the ability to identify and then get rid of
threats brought on by malware and various infestations. Due of their accessibility, these
features are beneficial to end users in a variety of ways. These applications are free to
download. They recognize the threat and alert the cloud's data center, which subsequently
helps end users resolve their issues.
1. Cloud Computing Architecture
The operational structure of a cloud computing system is defined by its architecture. It
includes the elements that interact with it as well as the dependencies on which it depends
for operation. The user layer, network layer, cloud management layer, and hardware
resource layer are the four layers of the cloud computing architecture that can be separated
based on how a user accesses the cloud.
We can provide a Cloud architecture example based on the image above.
(1) To begin with, users of cloud services are submitting requests to the cloud service.
(2) The automated scaling listener checks the cloud service in the following step to see if
the predetermined capacity threshold has been reached. There are two potential
outcomes in this situation.

Case 1: If the workload in this process does not go over the power threshold. In other
words, if the workload is below or equal to the capacity threshold, the cloud service will
process the request as usual. For instance, if the workload is 3 and the production threshold
is 4, a request to continue running will be issued to the cloud service.

Case 2: Nevertheless, there are more service requests coming from users of cloud services.
Workload is above acceptable performance level. Based on a predefined scaling policy, the
scaling listener automatically decides what to do next.

If the cloud service implementation is deemed eligible for further scaling, the scaling
listener would immediately begin the scaling process. The scaling listener would then send
the signal to the resource duplication system automatically, generating multiple copies of
the cloud service to satisfy the demands of the various customers.

The automatic listener continues to monitor, evaluate, and add IT resources as needed, even
while the workload has escalated. However, the user's request will be returned or
terminated if the cloud translation implementation is not eligible for further scaling.

For instance, the existing threshold is just 4 while the demand is increased to 6. Based on
the preset rate policy, the rate handler chooses the subsequent sequence of action
automatically. The sharing procedure will start if there are enough resources to scale the
deployment, such as enough RAM. In response to the quantity of user requests, the scale
listener then automatically sends a signal to the resource replication mechanism, creating
numerous instances of the cloud service. Now, the resource or some request will be routed
to the offered cloud service when the workload volume and the current threshold are
reached. However, requests from the user to the cloud service will be canceled if the
storage capacity does not match the scope of the deployment.

2. Cloud architecture design for ATN Company

The image above shows the diagram of the cloud computing architecture I developed for
ATN Company. The ATN's cloud architecture should be implemented using the framework
design. Employees and managers at ATN stores will be given the choice to put information
about orders and customer interactions in this frame design. Additionally, the only people
with the authority to interact with the business or database are members of the ATN
headquarters board who have the capacity to export or update that data. The database is
accessible to all end users, including managers and supervisors of distant stores, via the
Cloud Network application interface. Through a contract with a cloud service provider for
a database storage solution, the database is rented and managed. ATN will have a place to
keep track of orders and transactions at ATN locations thanks to this service. Since
managers at ATN stores won't have to choose an executive board themselves, the
management board will spend less time gathering data.

Figure 12: Cloud computing architecture diagram


1. Cloud Deployment Models
A cloud deployment type determines where your servers are located and who will manage
them. It describes the look and feel of your cloud infrastructure, what you can change, and
whether you can purchase services directly from the provider or whether you have to build
everything from scratch. In addition, cloud deployment models outline the linkages
between the infrastructure of your users (what users are allowed to change or implement).

Figure 13: Cloud deployment models

When you hear the terms "cloud" or "cloud computing," you probably image managed
computer resources. It's only one of a select few cloud deployment models, though. There
are other others. Typically, when we talk about the cloud, we mean the "public cloud." That
is one of the methods for deploying the cloud where every server is owned and managed by
the cloud service provider. Cloud hubs frequently contain tens of thousands of servers and
storage devices, enabling rapid loading. In many instances, choosing a certain region will
"closer" the info to the users. As a result, different cloud computing deployment patterns
are categorized based on where they are used. Let's first become familiar with the many
types so that we can choose which would best serve the requirements of your company.
A. Public Cloud
The public cloud deployment model is the most popular type of cloud. It's also the one
that springs to mind when the word "cloud" is mentioned. The primary concept behind
using a public cloud is that you don't own any hardware. You can use all the resources
thanks to a cloud service provider. Therefore, all that is needed to start using the public
cloud is to create an account. This idea defines "public" as a cloud that is accessible to
all users and whose resources are shared.
The key advantages of adopting the public cloud are scalability, effectiveness, and the
lack of a hardware requirement. Think about building a platform that can occasionally
support a heavy weight. If there were no cloud, you would have to give something up.
One strategy is to buy enough servers to handle the peak traffic. That would, however,
imply that all of those servers would typically be underutilized. The alternative would
be to buy merely the number of servers required to handle the normal traffic, but your
application would then operate poorly with irregular surges. With the public cloud, both
are feasible—enough capacity for load peaks without significant upfront costs.
Additionally, you can have load-based auto scaling and the ability to deliver resources
on-demand, and you only pay for the resources that you actually use. Cloud providers
offer a wide range of public cloud services in addition to simple virtual machines and

Figure 14: Public cloud

Benefits of Public Cloud

 Minimal Investment - As a pay-per-use service, it is perfect for enterprises that
require immediate access to resources because there is no significant upfront
 No Hardware Setup: Cloud service providers pay for the complete
infrastructure in full.
 No Infrastructure Management - Using the public cloud does not require an
internal team.
Limitations of Public Cloud
 Privacy and Data Security Issues — Since it is open to anyone, it may not
provide complete protection from cyberattacks and may create vulnerabilities.
 Problems with Reliability - Since multiple users can access the same server
network, this might cause malfunctions and outages.
 Service/License Limitation - Although you can exchange a lot of resources with
renters, there is a usage limit.
B. Private Cloud
The private cloud has a different deployment strategy than the public cloud. It is a
singular person's sole setting (customer). In reality, you frequently don't share any
hardware with other users; it is fully yours. What distinguishes a private cloud from a
"typical/ordinary" on-site data center, then? The way the equipment is managed makes
a difference.
Figure 15: Private cloud

When you manage your data center in a manner similar to that of public cloud service
providers, a private cloud is created. You offer an abstraction layer over your actual
servers. Now you can move about with the flexibility of a public cloud. Additional
servers you add to your data center won't require configuration with a private cloud;
instead, they'll (semi)automatically join the cluster. You might be able to get a private
cloud from a public cloud provider. A cloud service provider will therefore separate
particular resources from the rest of the cloud and make them exclusively available to
you. But the fact remains that resources are allocated to a single business, whether you
acquire your private cloud from your data center or a cloud provider.
Several Private Cloud Computing Features:
 Stricter security and privacy laws: Private clouds provide greater degrees of
security than public cloud services. Private clouds offer more superior security
services because of access limitations.
 Greater Guaranteed Reliability: The virtualized operating style of a private
cloud suggests that the network is incredibly resilient to isolated disruptions and
recovers quickly.
 Tighter control: Private cloud architecture and administration can be tailored to
a company's demands for a specific network solution because an organization
only has limited access to a resource pool.
Benefits of Private Cloud:
 Data Privacy - It is perfect for keeping business data to which only authorized
individuals have access.
 Security - Resource segmentation within the same infrastructure can aid in
better access and higher security levels.
 Support for legacy systems that are unable to access the public cloud is provided
by this paradigm.
Limitations of Private Cloud:
 Higher Cost - Considering the advantages you receive, your investment will
also be higher than with a public cloud. In this case, you'll have to pay for staff
training, software, hardware, and other resources.
 Fixed Scalability: You can scale in a specific direction using the hardware you
 High Maintenance — Because it is handled internally, the maintenance
expenses also go up.
C. Hybird Cloud
As you might have guessed, a hybrid cloud deployment technique mixes a public and
private cloud. It is the second most common option because many businesses already
own equipment and wish to use it. An organization that utilizes both on-premises and
public cloud resources while connecting the two is said to be using a hybrid cloud. All
are supported by one system. It is possible to gradually migrate to the public cloud
using this very practical technique. Due to security or data protection regulations, some
firms are unable to operate solely in the public cloud; as a result, they may choose the
hybrid cloud to combine their requirements with the benefits of a public cloud. For
everything else, they use the public cloud, but they run sensitive data-heavy, mission-
critical software locally.

Figure 16: Hybrid Cloud

Benefits of Hybrid cloud:

 Cost-Effectiveness - Because a hybrid solution primarily leverages the public
cloud to store data, its overall cost is lower.
 Security - Because data is appropriately separated, there is a substantially lower
likelihood of data theft from intruders.
 Flexibility - With more flexibility, enterprises may design specialized solutions
that precisely meet their needs.
Limitations of Hybrid cloud:
 Complexity - Because a hybrid cloud must integrate two or more cloud
architectures, it is difficult to set up.
 Specific Use Case - This paradigm makes more sense for firms who need to
separate sensitive and critical data or have many use cases.
D. Community Cloud
The final cloud deployment strategy we'll discuss is a community cloud. There's a good
chance you've never heard of it, and there's a reason for that. The only users of this
cloud are various companies from the same "community". As a result, it is neither a
public cloud because not all users can use it nor a private cloud because many people
and businesses use it. An illustration of a community cloud might be one that is used by
numerous banks. A community cloud's main advantage is that it can be tailored to a
certain "community's" needs.

Figure 17: Community cloud

Benefits of Community Cloud:

 Lower Investment - A community cloud offers better performance and is
considerably less expensive than the private and public clouds.
 Setup Advantages - A community cloud's configuration and protocols must
follow accepted industry standards. Customers can work considerably more
productively as a result.
Limitations of Community Cloud:
 Shared Resources - Community resources frequently provide problems because
of their limited bandwidth and storage capacity.
 Not as Popular — Due to the model's recent introduction, it is not as well-liked
or accessible across industries.
2. A Deployment Model for ATN Company
Based on the characteristics of the public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, and
community cloud cloud computing architectures that were stated before. I chose the public
cloud model for ATN Company based on the following considerations.
A. Qualitative Analysis
High Disaster Recovery: The majority of ATN managers believe that implementing a
disaster recovery plan will be expensive, difficult, and time-consuming. However,
things will be different when ATN adopts the public cloud model since disaster
recovery would be offered for all crucial ATN information systems without incurring
any extra expenditures from employing third-party secondary infrastructure. For
instance, if a disaster occurred, all of the data at the ATN firm would be lost, but the
data stored in the cloud would not.
Future public cloud technologies will enable ATN to grow practically indefinitely,
providing high scalability. This will make it easier to construct a local data center that
needs to be expanded to a number of additional branches for the storage of order and
transaction data. Since the distribution of resources for order information and customer
interactions varies, the ATN firm may double or even triple the number of computers
and storage space to handle high demand.
Flexibility and dependability: Prior to the cloud, most firms required memory upgrades,
USB memory card purchases, hardware updates, and other methods to increase memory
capacity. This causes businesses a lot of trouble. However, further forward, the public
cloud will support ATN Company in addressing such problems. The only expense for
ATN will be determined by how much storage space they need, and all data will be
kept secure within the allowed limits.
Reduce infrastructure investment costs: If ATN Company adopts the public cloud
model for their system, the cost of building up the cloud infrastructure is not required.
The money that is accessible is constrained by ATN. Hardware costs have nothing to do
with ATN and are covered by the manufacturer. Software and bandwidth costs are also
covered. The ATN company only needs to pay for the packages in line with the
established contract on a monthly or annual basis, depending on consumption levels, as
a result of its adherence to the model.
Summary, By worldwide standards, ATN is regarded as a mid-range firm because of its
$700,000 annual sales and small human resource base. Therefore, employing the public
cloud technique is the best choice for their business strategy. ATN will only need to
spend a small sum of money to rent the memory rather than investing in hardware or
hiring a highly qualified personnel to administer the system.
3. Select a deployment Model for the ATN Company
ATN is a small manufacturer with a little over $700,000 in annual revenue, thus financial
factors are crucial when choosing a cloud deployment strategy. Additionally, the majority
of the company's data is made up of sales invoices, which are not particularly significant to
the business. I think the public cloud model is the best solution for the ATN organization as
a result. Additionally, the following advantages will accrue to the business if it chooses the
public cloud model:
 Cost savings: By choosing the public cloud, the ATM provider will avoid having to
fork over a sizable chunk of money to buy networking, storage, software licenses,
and other equipment. The business also won't have to worry about shelling out cash
to hire personnel for cloud monitoring and upkeep. All of the aforementioned issues
will be resolved by the providers by employing the public cloud.
 Resource optimization: ATN businesses using the pay-as-you-go function of the
public cloud won't have to worry about squandering resources. The firm can also
acquire resources from the public cloud that are equivalent to the money paid,
saving them a sizable sum of money.
 Scalability: Public cloud providers always have resources accessible, and the
personnel of the service provider always keeps these resources up to date. As a
result, company ATN develops its resources rapidly and easily using the public
cloud. The burden will finally be balanced in accordance with demand, allowing the
ATN company to operate without interruption or encountering issues.
 Keeping current: Since the provider is alone in charge of maintenance. As a result,
ATN companies can continue to use the most recent cloud system without having to
spend time updating their systems.


1. Compare 03 service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
A. Definition
 SaaS
Software as a Service (SAAS) is a software delivery mechanism that is
implemented as a hosting service and is accessed via the internet. It also refers
to a software delivery mechanism in which the client, often an online browser,
is used to access the software and its related data via the internet. Modern apps
are developed and implemented using SAAS services.
 PaaS
Platform as A Service (PAAS) is a cloud delivery strategy for applications
constructed from services managed by a third party. Developers can build web-
based programs and services with a range of deployment options, including
public, private, and hybrid, thanks to its elastic scaling for your application.
 IaaS
Infrastructure as a service can be used to supply computing infrastructure as on-
demand services (IAAS). One of the three fundamental operating systems for
cloud, storage, and server services. Existing demand models let consumers to
purchase servers, software, data centers, or networking infrastructure, then rent
those resources as a fully outsourced service. The resources are offered as a
service, and dynamic scalability is supported. It frequently supports a large
number of users on a single piece of hardware.
B. Compare 03 service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)

Types PaaS SaaS Iaas

Stand for Services platform. As a service Services for
software. infrastructure.
User Developers make The end user uses The network
use of PAAS. SAAS. architects use
Access The run-time The end user is Resources like
environment is given access by virtual computers
accessible to tools SAAS. and virtual storage
for application are accessible
deployment and through IAAS.
development via
Model It is a type of cloud It is a cloud It is a service
computing that computing paradigm that
offers resources for service model that provides accessible
creating hosts make online computing
applications. available to resources.
Technical For the Technical It calls for
understanding fundamental setup expertise is not technological
of this, some necessary because expertise.
knowledge is everything is
necessary. handled by the
Popularity It is well-liked File sharing, Researchers and
among email, and developers like it a
programmers who networking are lot.
concentrate on popular among
creating programs both consumers
and apps. and businesses.
Cloud services Google's search Google Apps, Sun, vCloud
engine, Facebook Facebook, and Express, and
Microsoft Office Amazon Web
Web. Services.

Enterpise Windows Azure. Cloud analysis by AWS private virtual

IBM. cloud.
Advantages + Shorter + Lower Total + Cost savings:
development Cost: Compared to
times: By eliminating creating an
Because there is no hardware organization's own
need to construct expenditures and data center, it is less
infrastructure maintenance expensive.
before beginning to charges, SaaS has Organizations just
code. the obvious pay for the storage
benefit of space, CPU power,
+ Lower costs: lowering total bandwidth, and
The IT department cost of other services that
won't have to spend ownership. they actually utilize.
time on manual Purchasing This enables easier
server management servers and scaling up and
or deployments. employing IT down as needed.
personnel to + On-demand
+ High administer and access:
availability: keep an eye on Businesses may
Even during them are no access more
hardware longer necessary. resources as soon as
breakdowns or + Save time: they need them,
maintenance Customers can saving money on
windows, a PaaS quickly set up the new software and
provider can server for a cloud hardware purchases
guarantee that an instance and have as well as the need
organization's the application to recruit additional
application is ready to use IT personnel.
constantly because software + Flexibility:
accessible. as a service is When resource
already installed demand increases,
and configured. enterprises may
quickly add more
resources utilizing
cloud computing
without needing to
upgrade equipment
or hire more IT
people. The cloud
provider maintains
all maintenance and
updates required to
retain their servers
with a 99 percent
uptime guarantee.
Disadvantages + Vendor lock-in: + Lack of + Complex
Changing the PaaS control: security controls:
platform is Businesses have Despite the
challenging no say in how improved security
because each PaaS their service measures and
provider offers providers' cloud compliance with the
different services infrastructures are majority of security
and configurations. built. As a result, requirements
they will offered by large
+ Lack of experience outage cloud platforms,
scalability: if the supplier enterprises may find
Setting up PaaS does. it challenging to
systems to handle implement security
sudden spikes in + Application rules.
demand is more integration with + Dependency:
challenging than internal Companies that
doing so with IaaS software: employ IaaS are
platforms. Many SaaS entirely reliant on
applications the IaaS supplier.
include an API
for service
integration. Apps
without APIs
make it
challenging to
connect SaaS

2. Choose an adequate model for ATN app with justification

I discovered that Platform as a Service is the most appropriate service model for the ATN
company from the comparison table of service models above. I endorse this model for the
reasons listed below:
 Data management on the cloud, which enables the business to manage, analyze,
and process data more quickly and efficiently than in the previous model, is the
most crucial urgent challenge for ATN. PaaS, on the other hand, constantly
offer technologies that enable improved corporate data analysis, trend
identification, forecasting, and ultimately making more informed and data-
driven decisions. These technologies can help the ATN company prepare more
effectively by foreseeing actions and outcomes. As a result, the business is able
to make wise choices that increase profitability.
 Unlike SaaS, the PaaS allows the firm to fully control both its application and
its data. As a result, ATN businesses can use PaaS with complete confidence
regarding data security.
 PaaS's broad selection of programming languages, application environments,
and tools is one of its standout features. This spares ATN programmers from
having to spend time setting up these technologies while helping the company
develop applications. As a result, it is possible to accelerate the development of
data management software.
 When choosing the service model for the company ATN, which makes only
about $ 700,000 per year, the financial considerations were given first priority.
As PaaS does not require hardware or software, ATN will experience cheaper
investment costs as a result of implementing it. Both installing and maintaining
software are free. Use of the program is straightforward, and no infrastructure
investment is needed. Aside from installation fees, designing and testing apps
now come at a far lower cost. Therefore, it is crucial to cut operating costs when
using, especially for a company with limited resources like ATN.
 Global collaboration is made possible through PaaS, which is a key feature.
They are therefore a fantastic option for businesses like ATN who have
employees spread out across the nation. Through the use of an integrated
solution like PaaS, organizations may streamline their operations both
domestically and abroad. This enables real-time communication between stores
across the ATN corporate network without the need for the firm to manage
servers or other infrastructure.

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Computerworld, 2022. Computerworld [Online]

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Sciencedirect, 2022. Sciencedirect [Online]

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Techtarget, 2022. Techtarget [Online]

Available at :
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