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What are the four Properties of Addition?

Properties of addition are defined for the various conditions and rules of addition. These properties also indicate the closure property
of the addition. In fact, like for addition, properties for subtraction, multiplication and division are also defined in Mathematics. But for
each operation, the properties might vary. There are basically four Maths properties defined for addition.
They are:

 Commutative Property
 Associative Property
 Distributive Property
 Additive Identity
Let us learn these properties of addition one by one.

Commutative Property of Addition

According to this property, when two numbers or integers are added, the sum remains the same even if we change the order of
numbers/integers. This property is also applicable in the case of multiplication. It can be represented as;

 A+B=B+A
Let us take A = 10 and B = 5
10 + 5 = 5 + 10
15 = 15
In the above example, you can see, when we add the two numbers, 10 and 5 and we interchange the two numbers, the results remain
the same as 15. Hence, addition follows commutative law. This property is easily remembered using the word “commute”. It means
that switching between two places.

Associative Property of Addition

As per this property or law, when we add three numbers, the association of numbers in a different pattern does not change the
result. It means that when the addition of three or more numbers, the total/sum will be the same, even when the grouping of addends
are changed. We can represent this property as;

 A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C
Let us take A = 2, B = 4 and C = 6
L.H.S =A+(B+C) =  2 + (4 + 6)
= 12
R.H.S = (A+B)+C = (2 + 4) + 6
L.H.S = R.H.S
12 = 12
As you can see from the above example, the left-hand side is equal to the right-hand side. Hence, the associative property is proved.
This property is also applicable for multiplication. In this property, the parenthesis is used to group the addends. It forms the
operations with a group of numbers. The associative property can be easily remembered using the word “associate”,  which means
that associate with a certain group of people.

Distributive Property of Addition

This property is completely different from Commutative and Associative property. In this case, the sum of two numbers multiplied by
the third number is equal to the sum when each of the two numbers is multiplied to the third number.

 A × (B + C) = A × B + A × C
Here A is the monomial factor and (B+C) is the binomial factor.
Let us take A = 2, B = 3 and C = 5
L.H.S =A × (B + C)=  2 × (3+5)
= 2 × 8
= 16

Commutative property of multiplication: Changing the order of factors does not change

the product. For example, 4 \times 3 = 3 \times 44×3=3×44, times, 3, equals, 3, times, 4.
Associative property of multiplication: Changing the grouping of factors does not change
the product. For example, (2 \times 3) \times 4 = 2 \times (3 \times 4)(2×3)×4=2×(3×4)left
parenthesis, 2, times, 3, right parenthesis, times, 4, equals, 2, times, left parenthesis, 3,
times, 4, right parenthesis.

Identity property of multiplication: The product of 111 and any number is that number. For
example, 7 \times 1 = 77×1=77, times, 1, equals, 7.

Commutative property of multiplication

The commutative property of multiplication says that changing the order of factors does not
change the product. Here's an example:

4 \times 3 = 3 \times 44×3=3×44, times, 3, equals, 3, times,


Notice how both products are 121212 even though the ordering is reversed.

Here's another example with more factors:

1 \times 2 \times 3 \times 4 = 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times


Commutative Property of Multiplication:  The Commutative Property of

Multiplication of Whole Numbers says that the order of the factors does
not change the product.
General Property:  ab = ba
Numeric Example:  3 × 5 = 15 = 5 × 3
Algebraic Example:  (3x)(4x) = (4x)(3x)

Associative Property of Multiplication:  The Associative Property of

Multiplication of Whole Numbers says that how the factors are grouped
does not change the product.
General Property:  (ab)c = a(bc)
Numeric Example:  (2 × 6) × 8   = 12 × 8
= 96
= 2  × 48
= 2 × (6 × 8)
Algebraic Example:  2 ∙ (3x)  = (2 ∙ 3)x
= 6x  
Notice that in this case, regrouping allows us to simplify the

Example:  We show how the associative and commutative properties

for multiplication of whole numbers are used to simplify an algebraic
(3x)(4x) = 3(x ∙ 4)x              Associative Property of
= 3(4 ∙ x) x             Commutative Property of
= (3 ∙ 4)(x ∙ x)        Associative Property of
= 12x2

Identity Property for Multiplication:  The Identity Property for

Multiplication of Whole Numbers says that when a value is multiplied by
one the product is that value; i.e., multiplication by one does not change
the value of a number. One is called the multiplicative identity.  
General Property:  1 ∙  a  = a ∙ 1 = a
Numeric Example:  1 ∙ 5  = 5 ∙ 1 = 5  
Algebraic Example:  1(4x) = (4x) ∙ 1 = 4x

Distributive Properties of Multiplication:  The Distributive Property of

Multiplication over Addition of Whole Numbers (the Distributive Property of
Multiplication over Subtraction of Whole Numbers) shows us how
multiplying a value times a sum (difference) may be broken into the sum
(difference) of separate products. 
General Property:   a(b + c) = ab + ac   or  a(b – c) = ab – ac
Numeric Example:  4(145) = 4(100 + 40 + 5)
= 4(100) + 4(40) + 4(5)
=   400   +   160  +  20
=   580
Algebraic Example:  5(3x + 9)  =  5(3x) + 5(9)
= (5 ∙ 3)x + 5(9)  
=  15x + 45
Note that the Associative Property of Multiplication is
used in the second step.

Example:  The distributive property allows us to more easily perform

computations mentally.
7(29)  = 7(30 – 1)
= 7(30) – 7(1)
= 210 – 7 = 203

Property 1: Closure Property

Among the various properties of integers, closure property under addition and subtraction states that the sum or difference of any two
integers will always be an integer i.e. if x and y are any two integers, x + y and x − y will also be an integer.
Example 1: 3 – 4 = 3 + (−4) = −1;
(–5) + 8 = 3,
The results are integers.
Closure property under multiplication states that the product of any two integers will be an integer i.e. if x and y are any two integers,
xy will also be an integer.
Example 2: 6 × 9 = 54 ; (–5) × (3) = −15, which are integers.
Division of integers doesn’t follow the closure property, i.e. the quotient of any two integers x and y, may or may not be an integer.
Example 3: (−3) ÷ (−6) = ½, is not an integer.

Property 2: Commutative Property

The commutative property of addition and multiplication states that the order of terms doesn’t matter, the result will be the same.
Whether it is addition or multiplication, swapping of terms will not change the sum or product. Suppose, x and y are any two integers,
Example 4: 4 + (−6) = −2 = (−6) + 4;
10 × (−3) = −30 = (−3) × 10
But, subtraction (x − y ≠ y − x) and division (x ÷ y ≠ y ÷ x) are not commutative for integers and whole numbers.
Example 5: 4 − (−6) = 10 ; (−6) – 4 = −10
⇒ 4 − (−6) ≠ (−6) – 4
Ex: 10 ÷ 2 = 5 ; 2 ÷ 10 = 1/5
⇒ 10 ÷ 2 ≠ 2 ÷ 10

Property 3: Associative Property

The associative property of addition and multiplication states that the way of grouping of numbers doesn’t matter; the result will be the
same. One can group numbers in any way but the answer will remain the same. Parenthesis can be done, irrespective of the order of
terms. Let x, y and z be any three integers, then
⇒ x + (y + z) = (x + y) +z
⇒ x × (y × z) = (x × y) × z
Example 6: 1 + (2 + (-3)) = 0 = (1 + 2) + (−3);
1 × (2 × (−3)) =−6 = (1 × 2) × (−3)
Subtraction of integers is not associative in nature i.e. x − (y − z) ≠ (x − y) − z.
Example 7: 1 − (2 − (−3)) = −4; (1 – 2) – (−3) = −2
1 – (2 – (−3)) ≠ (1 − 2) − (−3)

Property 4: Distributive Property

The distributive property explains the distributing ability of operation over another mathematical operation within a bracket. It can be
either distributive property of multiplication over addition or distributive property of multiplication over subtraction. Here, integers are
added or subtracted first and then multiplied or multiply first with each number within the bracket and then added or subtracted. This
can be represented for any integers x, y and z as:
⇒ x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z
⇒ x × (y − z) = x × y − x × z
Example 8: −5 (2 + 1) = −15 = (−5 × 2) + (−5 × 1)

Property 5: Identity Property

Among the various properties of integers, additive identity property states that when any integer is added to zero it will give the same
number. Zero is called additive identity. For any integer x,
The multiplicative identity property for integers says that whenever a number is multiplied by 1 it will give the integer itself as the
product. Therefore, 1 is called the multiplicative identity for a number. For any integer x,
If any integer multiplied by 0, the product will be zero:
x × 0 = 0 =0 × x
If any integer multiplied by -1, the product will be opposite of the number:
x × (−1) = −x = (−1) × x

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