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FIELD Classroom Management

1 6 And Classroom Routines

Episode 6

Activity 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: Rhoda Agpad Teacher Signature: School: Bado Dangwa NHS

Grade/year Level: 9 Diamond_ Subject Area: Science 9 Date: September 14, 2022


Checklist on classroom Routines

Check Yes (/) if observed and (x) if not observed.

Classroom Routines Observed (/) Not Observed (x)
1.Movement into the classroom /
2. Transition in classroom activities /
3. Movement out of the classroom /
4. Use of lavatories/ comfort room/ washrooms /
5. Passing of papers /
6. Passing of books /
7. Working with pairs/group /
8. tardy students /
9. absent students /
10. Submission/ Collection of materials
11. Submission/ collection of materials
12. Asking questions during lessons /
13. Asking for assistance /
14. Joining classroom Activities /
15. Lining up
16. Walking in line
17. Fire drill/ emergencies
18. Movement between activities /
19. Use of classroom supplies /
20. Checking of assignments /


1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why
The procedures that are followed in school are efficient in keeping order and res
pect. The students are extremely focused, the class is well organized, and the stream of
guidance is seamless. The time given for conversation, task, and evaluation is well used.
As a result, the learning goals particular to each meeting were meet.

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your
 Checking of attendance
 Prayer
 Turning in assignment
 Recap of the past activity
 Discussion
 Use of bathroom policy
 Behavior management

1. Reflect of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?

Checking of attendance
Checking of attendance is I think one of the most compulsory things that teacher should
do. this routines may help teacher to secure the tardiness and presence of her student that may
help them locate student who are in need of parent consent and prior their problems and need
in becoming and active student.

Prayer is one of the most fundamental that teacher should indoctrinate to us because it
increases our fighting spirit and motivation and seek our goals and move forward to be a better
person and have a successful and better days inside and outside the school.

Turning in assignment
Turning in assignment is important cause it shows how student work on their past
lesson and understanding on the topic. And this is to show progress in their work and task given
after the lesson

Recap of the past activity

This doesn’t only reflect to the understanding of your student but for you as a teacher it
you execute and interpret your lesson properly to them in they gain an information and

Behavior of activity
This will makes a permanent positive action to them that can be shared and spread to
their younger classmates. Behavior is part of learning where we do not only educate student
about academics but guided with their behavior, because education without a good moral
shows no education to individual.
Activity 6.2 Listing down Classroom Rules

Resource Teacher: Rhoda Agpad Teacher Signature: School: Bado Dangwa NHS

Grade/year Level: 10 Beryl_ Subject Area: Science 9 Date: September 14, 2022



1. E.g Read directions well Ensures less error in answering the activity
2. Silent reading Enhance student reading skill and
understanding about the given topic
3. Familiarize with new words to increase vocabulary building
4. Listen carefully when teacher dictates To enhance their sense of hearing and to
important details focus on the important details given to them
and enhance spelling and grammar
5. Behave and to your activities silently To minimize noise pollution and to discipline
them and act professionally inside and outside
the learning environment.
6. Ask question For clarity and better understanding


1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?

Classroom Rule Circumstances that leads to the formulation

of these rules
1. Silent reading Student may not be silent when reading and
they may not absorb the information properly
2. Familiarize with new words Student might find some difficulties when
encountering new words
3. Listen carefully when teacher dictates Students may not be concentrating properly
important details especially when asked the question about the
topic they may not give a proper answer.
4. Behave and to your activities silently Student may roam around searching for
answer but the teacher wants them to work
independently base on their own
5. Ask question Student might be confuse about the question
that may gave them a bad output.

2. Are classroom rules really important?

Rules are extremely important inside the classroom because they not only
reduce possible pupil misbehavior, but they also influence their conduct and self control
and enhance their learning. It also teaches them responsibility and makes them aware
of the do's and don'ts in the classroom.


Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the same
rule? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.

Yes I will certainly employ these same rules in my class because these rules focus more
on the student interest and benefits. These rules show no excuses to anyone because these
rules were stated before and after the class.

They are considerate, and also most notably, they do not engage in activities that are
not permitted in the classroom. As a result, they had been able to comprehend the learning’s
more successfully. As an educator, I believe that following these rules will make it simpler for me
handle my class and effective reward the learning goals.
Show Your Learning Artifacts

Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher which are
worth emulating. Tell something about the pictures.




EVALUATE Performance Task

Name of FS Student: RAMON N. DAMAGON Date Submitted: September 23,2022_

Year & Section: ____BSED 4 A___________ Courses: _EDUCATION______

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode 4 3 2 Improvement
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or
Observation questions/ tasks observation questions/ observation more
Sheet completely tasks not answered/ questions/tas observation
answered/ accomplished. ks not questions/ task
accomplished. answered/ not answered/
accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions Four (4) or
answered answered completely, were not more
completely answers clearly answered observation
answer are wit connected to theories, completely, questions were
depth and are grammar and spelling are answers are not answered;
thoroughly free from errors. not clearly answers not
grounded on connected to connected to
theories, grammar theories; one theories; more
and spelling are (1) to three than four (4)
free from error. (3) grammatical
grammatical/ /spelling
spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear Unclear and
clear; supported supported by what were and shallow; shallow; rarely
by what were observed and analyzed somewhat supported by
observed and supported by what were
analyzed. what were observed and
observed and analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in the in the context of the not reflected reflected on in
context of the learning outcomes. on in the the context of
learning Complete; well context of the the learning
outcomes; organized, very relevant learning outcomes; not
complete, well- to the learning outcomes outcomes. complete; not
organized, highly Complete; not organized, not
relevant to the organized relevant
learning outcome relevant to
the learning
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a Submitted two
the deadline deadline day after the days or more
deadline after the
COMMENTS Over- all Score Rating: Based
On transmutation)


Score 2.0 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 81 75 72 71- Below

______Ma’am Arsenia Bayongan_______ September_23,2022

Signature of FS Teacher above Printer Name Date

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