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This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your

WEEK 1 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Course: BS-Crim
Year: 1st Year College
Subject Code: 22/1-271
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if
the Assessment or Assessments have different parts.

Way back in 2019, I was walking around distant places in our hometown to look for a
good spot to workout. When I was wandering, I saw a small area where people mostly do
their workouts and that was the day I discovered the gym. When I was looking inside, people
were busy doing their own exercises. That is when I decided to hit the gym the next day. The
following day, I had no clue on what workouts to do not until a person behind touched my
hand as if he was calling me. That person I met was the gym instructor and I was trying to
talk with him politely. There were no verbal feedbacks and responses but only hand signals.
It gave me a hard time to understand what he was trying to say. That was then the moment I
realized that he was a mute and uses sign languages to communicate with me. As I tried to
communicate with him, he used some improvised hand signals since he knows I cannot
understand sign languages.
There are few reasons why we both have mismatched communication in the
elaborated situation. Firstly, I am not familiar with non-verbal communications (e.g sign
languages) and was unable to understand what he is trying to message. Second is that the
gym instructor himself was what we call the physiological barrier to communicate. Which
means that being mute and deaf at the same time causes him to limit his own body to verbally
communicate with others. But one common problem between our conversations is that we
don’t use the same format of languages. I am honed with my verbal speaking skills and the
gym instructor is honed with sign languages.
Having to encounter that situation was a great realization for me to know my
capabilities of communicating with others despite differences. After going everyday to the
gym, I was able to learn by myself some hand and sign languages to communicate with the
gym instructor which also improved my non-verbal communication skills. Despite the
presence of barriers within communication, we can always find ways to ethically
communicate with others. It is just a matter of choice and agreement between two or more
people who want to have effective communication.

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