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IEP Cover Page

Adapted Physical Education

Name of Student: _________Kenneth Nunez___________

Name of Physical Education Teacher: ________Connor Leonard____________

School Setting: _____Challenger Sports______________

Placement Decision: _________________________________

Services To Be Delivered: _________________________________


Parent(s)/Guardian: _________________________________
Date Signed: March 11, 2022

School Administrator: ____Dr. Timothy Davis, Ph.D., CAPE__


Teacher of Record: _________________________________

(Physical Education)

Related Services: _________________________________

Guest(s): ________________________

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student’s Name: __Kenneth Nunez_______Student's Date of Birth: __10/09/2010____

Undergraduate Teacher: _Connor Leonard___ Lab Day/Time: __Tuesday/ 7pm__

1. Introductory Paragraph: Kenneth is a bigger kid who doesn’t enjoy being

physically active. He enjoys talking about video games such as Roblox. He will be
physically active when he is having a conversation during the task. We talk about school,
life, video games, etc. when we are performing tasks during the program, and this helps
him stay on task throughout the lesson. He was assessed on February 8th using the
TGMD 3. He performed locomotor skills such as running, hopping, jumping, and ball
skills, such as catching, throwing, and kicking.

2. Present Level of Performance:

Kenneth’s skills varied between ball and locomotor skills. He was able to do a lot of
different skills but there is still some he can improve on. Sliding, galloping, and running were his
top 3 for the locomotor skills. Of these 3 he can improve on going faster for sliding. Practicing
galloping more so it is more rhythmical. Running with a narrower base and less flat footed will
help Kenneth improve his running as well. Jumping, Skipping, and hopping need some
improvement as well. Kenneth didn’t use his arm for take-off so practicing slower and really
emphasizing his arm movements will help improve this. Skipping was more of a gallop, so when
practicing he can focus on the “step-hop” motion slowly to help separate the two. Kenneth
didn’t like to do hopping, he’d take off on 1 foot but land on 2, what he can do to improve his
hopping ability to start off slow with balancing on 1 leg then with support, a wall or teacher,
begin hopping on that 1 leg.
Moving on to ball skills, Kenneth preferred these a lot more. Catching, dribbling, striking,
kicking, underhand throw, and overhand throw were all his best skills. He could use some
improvement to help better these skills. With catching he can practice moving towards the ball
that is thrown to him, he does everything else perfectly and knows how to catch with only his
hand. Dribbling is also very well, but he can focus on dribbling more often and with his
fingertips instead of his palm. With striking, he could hit the ball that was thrown to him, but he
could, work on stepping with his other foot to help swing easier, similar to kicking when he
steps with his non-kicking foot next to the ball to kick the stationary ball harder/farther.
Underhand and overhand throw were both very similar, at first, he’d step with his right foot
when throwing with his right hand, but after some adjustments and instruction he learned that
stepping with the other foot, then swinging his arm back, it was easier to throw the ball at a
target with better accuracy. One-handed striking was his only difficulty, what he could to do
improve this skill is start with partner throw a ball to him and he can “karate chop” with his arm
to make connect with the ball. After this he can move onto a paddle or bat and repeat the
process until he is comfortable to move onto tossing the ball to himself and striking it with one

Cognitive: Kenneth answers questions about the activity that we are doing each week.
He stays focused when instructed. Something he can work on is staying focused throughout
instruction and the skill.
Affective: Kenneth helps clean up after activities when there is extra time. He also will
be kind to his peers when working together. Something he can work on is staying appropriate
with free time.

Psychomotor: Kenneth performs each skill to the best of his ability when instructed, he
enjoys different skills when he’s being spoken to about other things, such as video games. He
also enjoys some competition, when running he’ll try to race and win. Something he can work
on is challenging himself a little more, he can do more than he thinks he can or wants to, he’s
very skilled when he tries.

*Fitness: Kenneth does really well with stretching before activities, he’ll take the time
to stretch out his legs, arms, and back. Something he can work on is stretching more on his
own, this will help him stay healthy for other skills.

3. Long Term Goals and Short-Term Objectives:

A. Cognitive Goal: Kenneth will be able to understand multiple sports and activities to where
he can explain how to do them and perform them correctly.

1. Short term objective: Kenneth will be able to describe basketball, baseball and
soccer and the rules for them.

2. Short term objective: Kenneth will be able to describe volleyball, yoga, football, and
the rules for them

B. Affective Goal: Kenneth will be able to able to cooperate with others so he can have friends
and a job.
1. Short term objective: Kenneth will be able to ask others for help or to join them in a

2. Short term objective: Kenneth will be able to have a small-sided game with
teammates and opponents.

C. Psychomotor Goal: Kenneth will be able to perform different skills and activities to where
he can play them for fun or on a sports team in high school.

1. Short term objective: Kenneth will be able to demonstrate the basic skills of
basketball, soccer, and baseball.

2. Short term objective: Kenneth will be able to demonstrate the basic skills of
volleyball, yoga, and football.

D. Fitness Goal: Kenneth will be able to understand how to stay healthy and stay active.
1. Short term objective: Kenneth will be able to stretch before and after an activity on
his own so he can keep his muscles loose.

2. Short term objective: Kenneth will be able to lead a pre-activity stretch will little to
no assistance.

4. Health Considerations
Kenneth could use some slimming down. With some weight loss, Kenneth will be able to do
many different skills and won’t tire easily doing them. With Kenneth focusing on these skills and
trying to better them, it will help him slim down.

5. Behavioral Considerations
Kenneth can work on being appropriate. He sometimes will say mean things without realizing
that they are mean. He also tries to draw inappropriate things during breaks instead of
something positive or relates to the activity.
To help this behavior, I tell Kenneth that saying means things aren’t appropriate, I also ask him
how he would feel if someone said mean things about him. Other ways to help this behavior is
letting him know that we won’t be able to have drawing time in between our activities.

6. Teaching Strategies

Kenneth does not work well with a set schedule, he enjoys having an interactive visual aid
where he can choose the next activity that we do, to accommodate this I can make a poster for
each lesson that we do and allow him to decide which task we get to do, this way it doesn’t
seem like I’m telling him what to do. Kenneth needs constant prompt to stay focused or to stay
active, without this he will sit or lay down and not want to get back up, to help with this, when
we are done with an activity, I told Kenneth we can draw before the next one. This allows him to
take a quick break. Kenneth works well when he is talking during the activity, talking to him
about video games, when playing basketball is a really good way to keep him active. I start
conversations with Kenneth when we build our skills. Talking to Kenneth during the activity
allows him to talk about things he enjoys, while also staying on task.

7. Evaluation Plan
Throughout the lesson, I ask Kenneth to show or describe what he has
learned. For example, during our football activity, I asked Kenneth to show me how to
throw a football and where my hand goes on the ball, doing this allowed me to see if
Kenneth learned how to do this and allows him to have confidence to show me how it’s
done correctly. If he wasn’t able to show me the correct way, we would’ve gone over
how to do it correctly again but with some adjustments to help him learn it better and
remember for next time I ask.

8. Services to be Provided:
Kenneth is part of the Challenger Sports program at SUNY Cortland. He is part of
this program from February 8th to May 3rd, 2022.

9. APE Placement Decision Model

I believe Kenneth should be in an APE service, he is slightly delayed with

his locomotor, ball, and social skills. I don’t believe he should be there throughout his
entire life, but for a little while such as until high school to help develop these skills a
little more before adulthood. In an APE service he will have more time to develop the
locomotor and ball skills that he is struggling with while also working with his friends
and classmates improving his social skills and knowing what is right to say instead of
saying something mean.

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