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The didactic and methodological process of mathematics in educational institutions,
especially universities, has become in recent years a very complex and fundamental task.
Mathematics teachers believe that students should acquire different forms of knowledge in
the field. Of course, this requires a deep understanding of appropriate teaching methods,
especially appropriate methods of educational development.
Mathematics is one of the basic sciences that occupies an important place in the study plan
of the agro-industrial engineering career. There are two main reasons that justify the need
to give this discipline an important place in the training of engineers: on the one hand, it is
a set of intellectual capacities formed in the study of engineering disciplines with
mathematical content (observation, analysis , comparison) and, on the other hand, the fact
of compiling a powerful language that connects concepts from other fields to be used in the
construction of situations related to student problems.
In research carried out by Dujet , it is stated that engineers in the agro-industrial branch are
destined to evolve in a world of increasing complexity and increasingly uncertain due to the
new skills that are required in the learning process and in the heuristic knowledge of
mathematical theories. It means that this professional must choose the mathematical model
that best suits the level of complexity that he is going to face and thus determine the
concurrent parameters and their adjustments according to the problem studied, taking into
account, whatever their nature, the uncertainties related to the problem. context and the
ability to justify their management and treatment.
Training in basic and applied sciences enables the engineer to understand, model, and
analyze production processes that he will face in his professional practice. The performance
of the agro-industrial engineer in a certain type of productive or service company is based
on the abilities, knowledge and skills acquired during their training, which make them
competent to perform in any situation.
The teaching of mathematics is subject to several requirements, and one of the general
objectives of the instruction is for the student to achieve the development of logical
thinking that underlies and is an integral part of holistic learning.
The analyzed aspects can contribute to the improvement of the teacher's knowledge in the
development of their work and direct the necessary steps in the development of the
students' abilities, which affect the quality of their learning. The study of educational
mathematics, demonstrated through a wide range of experiences in different contexts, can
help answer these and other questions related to mathematical modeling and its teaching in
a technical profession.
 Numerical thinking and number systems: They are conceived in such a way that
students advance towards the construction of the number, its representation, the
relationships that exist between them, as well as the operations that are carried out
in each of the numerical systems.

 Spatial thinking and geometric systems: which is considered as the set of

cognitive processes through which the mental representations of the objects of
space, the relationships between them, their transformations are constructed
and manipulated.

 Metric thinking and metric or measurement systems: It refers to the general

understanding that a person has about the magnitudes, their quantification and their
use with sense and meaning for the understanding of situations in contexts.

 Random thinking and Data System: It helps to make decisions in situations

of uncertainty, chance, or risk due to lack of reliable information, in which it is
not possible to predict with certainty what will happen.

 Variational thinking and algebraic and analytical systems: the identification and
characterization of variation and change in different contexts, as well as its
description, modeling and representation in different systems.

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