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( akşamleyin biri girer ve elması alıp yerine sahtesini koyar.

olur ve müdür etrafı gezmeye başlar.)
Müdür—what a nice day ha?(elmasla konuşuyor.)you re shininng
more and more novadays to me. Wait a minute .ıs that stand like
that before?(elması yerinden çıkarır ve incelemeye başlar.) ohhh no ,
no, no! Its not real .thats not the real diamond.(o sırada güvelik
görevlisi gelir.)
Güvenlik—is everything okay sir?
Müdür-- Far from... No, not very far at all. Quick !call the police
(polis gelir incelemeye başlar ve polisler çıkarken dedektif girer.)
Dedektif—hello sir, ım inspector ……… they deploy me to sort it out.
Müdür—ım glad to meet you and this is ………. Im themanager of this
museum.the polices tells me that they dont find any fingerpirnts in
the crinme scene. And thet also told me there's no sign of a break-in.
And all the cameras are broken for a little time. thats all ı know.
Dedektif—ok then let me look at the area.(etrafa bakmaya başlar. Ve
bir uzun saç telleri bulur.)
Müdür—long Brown hair … so then the thief supose to be a women
Dedektif—yeah maybe,(dedektif etrafı incelemee devam eder ve bir
tarihi bir vazoya bakmaya başlar müdür telaşlanır ve onu yanına
Müdür—hey ispector! I thing ı found something. Could you look at
it? (sonra ayak izlerini gösterir.)
Dedetkif-- sure. (ayak izlerine bayar ve) there are some foot prints
which has been maybe evidence. let me take o Picture of it
(telefonuyla ayak izinin resmini çeker.)
Müdür—there were only two employers when that happen in the
Dedektif—bring them to here. I have some question to them.(polisler
temizlikçi ve güvenliği getirir.) who are you(önce güvenlik atılır.)
Güvenlik—ım ….. ım the security guard of the museum.
Dedektif--you're not as good on your job. Am ı wrong?( güvenlik
utanıp başını eğer.)
Temizlikçi—this is …..ım the housekeeper. ı heard the case and ı
really cant believe that all these happen.
Dedektif—(güvenliğe döner ve) ım inspector ………… please sit down.
(sandalyeyi gösterir ve güvenlik sandalyeye oturur.)so, what happen
last night? could you explain to us?
Güvenlik—of course sir, i announced the museum's closing at
7:00pm.then ı stood up and ı checked to see if anyone else there. i
did a routine check and checked all the rooms and historical
monuments. Everything is the way it's supposed to be. An then, ı
walked to the camera room,ı spent maybe 3 or 4 hour in there. I
started to feel sleepy. So, i asked the miss……… to make me a coffee.
She wont let me. She made me a hot coffee and put it on my desk.ı
drunk few sip of coffee . ı dont remember the rest of it. I fell asleep
before i even finished my coffee . when ı woke up ı started to check
if there is any thing wrong.
Dedektif—dont you understand the diamond was stolen?
Güvenlik—no ı dont because there is so dark. The lights turn off 3
hour after the museum closes. (arkasındaki temizlikçiye
dönerek)then ı saw miss….. she seemed scared to see me. She told
me that she need to go out.then she walked away from the museum.
Temizlikçi—no! I told you why ı need to go.
Güvenlik –no you didint told me anything.
Dedektif—(temizlikçiye dönerek)miss…… I am wondering if you have
anything to add.
Temizlikçi—yes of course he is telling lie!
Dedektif--So sit here and explain to me.
Temizlikçi—let me start from the beggining.ı came to the
museum ,wore my work clothes and put my Daily clothes on my
Dedektif—are there any other keys of your loker?do you know?
Temizlikçi—no ,except the security. they have a backup of all the
Dedektif—what are ou putting on your locker?
Temizlikçi—normal things like my clothes, phone. Toothbrushes and
my comb
Dedektif—okey,go on
Temizlikçi—Anyway,ı started to clean the 3.floor. There is a vending
machine on the 3. Floor and visitors often use it.mostly kids are get
bored on the museum , they go there to get some junky foods. and
throw the packaging on the floor. it isnt too hard to take your
rubbish and put it in a trahs can!
Dedektif—(“ıhım ıhım” diyerek temizlikçiye konuya dönmesi
gerektiini belli edicek.)
Temizlikçi—sorry,ı just cant stand that, after that ı went to the down
stairs and started to clean 2. foor . there are lots of beatiful paintings
over there. They coverd with a glass to protect them from visitors
and the sun. I dont know sun can causes damage until ı start working
Dedektif—sorry for interrupting you but could ı take a look to your
Temizlikçi—excuse me!( ne dediğini anlamamış gibi)
Dedetkif—ı said could ı take a look to your shoes?
Temizlikçi—ok … sure,(ayakkabısını verir) dont understand me wrong
but it is such a weirdo request.
Müdür—( o da ayakkabıya bakmaya başlar ve) ıt looks familiar to me
from somewhere (dedektife bakarak ) do you remember it?
Dedektif—( müdüre garib bi şekilde bakar ve ayakkabıyı temizlikiye
geri veir. Temizlikçiye) thanks go on
Temizlikçi-- So, where was I? Oh, ı remember. I went to the down
stairs afer then and started to clean the basement. Its always dirty
because all the visitors come here first and spread all the dirt and
mud to the ground. And when it dried, ıt ısnt come off easily.
Müdür—( aşşalarcasına)yeah,we see that! Maybe you forgot to clean
somewhere after you walked on it!!
Temizlikçi—sorry but can you bemore clear?! What are you trying to
say to me.
Dedektif—guys ! please,
Temizlikçi—anyway, you kow the most of it after that. While ı am
working , mr. ……..(güvenliğin ismi) wanted some coffee and ı make
some hot coffe for him. When ı finished my finished my work, ı went
to the camera room to take the coffee cup but he wasnt finished yet
and also he was asleep when he was supposed to do his duty. I leave
from there and ı g oto the rest room . after couple hours my phone
was ringing in my locker. And it stoped ringing until ı open my locker.
I recieved a message and ıts says” your husband had an accident and
he is going to the hospital” ım shocked and ı even not change my
clothes to be more quick . while ı am leavin from the museum ı saw
mr……(güvenlik görevlisinin ismi)
Tell the story he says that ı can leave. But when ı come to the
hospital ı understand that is a fake message.
(polisler gelir ve dedektife “we found some slepping pill inside of the
coffee”… and one more thing(dedektifin kulağına eğilip bişry
Güvenlik—she must put it inside of my coffee (temizlikçiye
döner)and after that you take the diamond adn when you see me
you just run away . dont you!!
Müdür—( güvenliğe katılarak) yes he is right . and also we found your
hair and foot printsbdont act like a fool!! Detective please arrest her.
What are you waiting for!?
Dedektif--( kalkar ve ) yeah,it's been so long.(polislere bakar ve )
officers arrest those mans.
Müdür—wait a minute you are making a big mistake!
Güvenlik— he is right! She must stole that diamond!
Dedektif—and ı tought ı also find the diamond( başta baktığı vazoya
gider , içini açar ve elması gösterir.)
Müdür ve güvenlik—WHAT!
Dedektif-- Take tem to the police station
( müdürü ve güvenliği polisler götürürken müdür ve güvenlik” no,
please thats a mistake “ vb. şeyler diyerek gider.
Temizlikçi—wow! Thats amazing. So, how do you undersatand that?
Dedektif—first the manager is so scaret while ı am looking the vase
but ı dont mind it too much but ı realise that he is always looking to
the vase and ı confuse.
Later ı found your hair buts its imposible because you are wearing a
headscarf. And also the footprints that he Show me dont suppose to
be there couse you said thet you dont change your clotes and also
your shoes .like now you are wearing a slipper. And lets come to the
guard. He is the only guy who can unlock your locker ı think he givr
that key to the manager so he put some fake evidence to the crime
sceene and use your phone somehow
Temizlikçi—my phone?( şaşırarak) where its come from?
Dedektif—ha ha ha . believe me ım not a magician . the poliçe tells
me that they found his fingerprints on your phone. Also the last one
the guard is a bad liar . if you had put the pills they suppose to be
melted . so ı thing after you bring some coffe he drink some and after
he put the pills to the coffee. İf its worked clearly they gonna blame
you gonna go to the jail.
Temizlikçi—thank you so much.
Dedektif—my pleasure. Every body can solve that. Just with a little


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