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So, I just finished cleaning the kitchen and folding the clothes inside my closet.

I just found the chores

relaxing and it is a good riddance from thinking of my anxieties and insecurities in life. I know and am
pretty aware that I can make my day as productive as I was imagining it to be. But, at the back of my
head there’s a voice that kept telling me to just enjoy the freedom of doing anything under the sun, and
simply following what I thought I liked to do at the moment. Now, my question is, does slacking off a bad
and idle act of mine? I might be wanting to justify my actions, but that’s basically what my mind and
body is trying to impel.

Geez, It’s really challenging though. I know and I believe that I’ve been doing my role as a person in my
humblest way possible. But my mind sometime is tricking me to overthink about myself.

It’s just my thoughts. You basically have no rights to overpredict things in my life. I have to muster the
courage and energy to respond for the future.

My schedule:

6pm – Holy Mass

7pm -work out

8-9pm – Study time

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