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10/10/22, 12:50 PM Gmail - PGCHRM 32: Dealing with Intuition

Vinod SB <>

PGCHRM 32: Dealing with Intuition

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Google Forms <> 25 June 2022 at 17:34


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PGCHRM 32: Dealing with Intuition

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Vinod SB

Determine the real meaning of what the candidate is saying and what your concern
should be. Design a behavioral  question that will address your concern

1. "But it really wasn't my fault. My colleagues conspired to prevent me from

obtaining the informa­tion I needed to do my job." What concerns you here?    How
will you address that concern?… 1/2
10/10/22, 12:50 PM Gmail - PGCHRM 32: Dealing with Intuition

2. "I've never been good with details. I'm more of a concept person."  What
concerns you here?     How will you address that concern?

Not a process driven person, Explain if there's a concept you have driven prior ?

3. "I'm one person who minds one’s own business. Work is not a place to
socialize. I wish others would realize that"  What concerns you here?   How will you
address that concern?

Silo minded stereo, Share a situation how would you work collaborating with functional

4. "Clerical staff take up too much management time with their constant bickering. I
prefer to work with a staff of professionals who are happy to communicate via e-
mail"   What concerns you here?      How will you address that concern?

5. "I'm not a believer in close supervision and control. I like to tell my people what
the goals are and let them work out the best way to achieve them."       What
concerns you here?  How will you address that concern?

Dominating, What are called as an ideally work place as per you?

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