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Antolin,Rosemarie V.

September 8, 2022
BSN 2-9 NCM 104 LEC

My learning key takeaway from the video lecture are all about the Evolution of Community
Health Nursing it was introduced on August 1, 1922. Before it was called Philippine Health Services
and now it is named as Community Health Nursing where it course together by UP, PGH, Public
Welfare Commission , Phil. Chapter of American Red Cross and other charitable and organization in
Manila. Rural Health Unit was established by the Government to increase access to primary health
care services for patients . It also serve as a satellite office to Municipality. In this way they easily
know what are the primary needs of one areas when it comes to health aspect. In addition also the
lessons that highlighted to me which Madeleine Leininger who recognized the need to focus on
cultural consideration that might influence Healthcare Practices. Like in Jehovah’s witness they
urges members to refuse blood transfusion they believe it is against God’s ,in Seventh day Adventist
prohibits the consumption of pork, shellfish, alcohol, coffee and tea , in Hindus they prohibits the
consumption of beef, In Muslims taking care of one’s health is a religious duty and lastly in Roman
Catholic attending mass and anointing of the sick (last rites) for the serious ill. Despite that they have
different beliefs and health illness caring practices we should value and show them respect .By
acknowledging and taking care of them it may demonstrates to them that they are human with
unique needs.
Mostly the information that I was going to say a while ago mentioned by my classmates. Mine
is just additional info. For me the problem that I want to give an action is about teenage pregnancy it
was alarming problem in our barangay. At the age of 12 to 19 they have already 1 or 2 kids. By
coordinating to my brgy, officials and Local Government Unit in this situation. We could come up to
a plan. In that the first thing that I want to emphasize is providing them Info all about Sex Education,
Health Risk of Early Pregnancy also the ways to reduces the number of teenage pregnancy . By
teaching them the different methods of unwanted pregnancy like the used of contraceptives, birth
controls, condoms and etc. Our focused is not only the mother of the child and also the parents of
them by help of some healthcare teams we will provide a counselling and encourage them the
importance of going to school despite of having a babies.

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