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Constructed Response

Direction: Read and analyze the given statement/ question below. Write your answer in not
less than six sentences.

After giving your own definition and the discussion of the Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies (PECs), reflect and write your thoughts about the given question below:

Do you believe that Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies or PECs can be applied not only in
business but also in real life situations specifically in this time of COVID-19 Pandemic? If yes,
share the PECs that helped you cope with our current situation and explain how it helped you.
If no, share the things that became your daily routine that helped you deal with the new

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
CONTENT Interesting content and Some interesting Conventional Cursory; gives
(X 2) presentation; ideas are well content points ideas or cliché’s; the impression
conceived and developed. somewhat shows little supporting of writing just to
Shows application of concepts applications of detail included. comply with the
discussed with sufficient concepts discussed assessment.
examples. in class.
3 2 1
ORGANIZATION The ideas are well The ideas are organized and The ideas are unclear.
organized and clearly stated.

2 1
GRAMMAR Appropriate level of complexity in syntax Message is largely
with very few errors. incomprehensible due to inaccurate
grammar, which alters or obscures
NEATNESS All words are easily read with no erasures Some words are hard to read with
and/or superimpositions. few erasures and/or
PECs or Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies can be applied to business but it also can be applied in
real life situations. PECs isn’t only exclusive to businesses as it can help on other things too. One of these
things is the pandemic that is happening today. It can help me as a person to grow and solve the
problems that I am experiencing and will experience. An example of this is goal-setting. My long term
goals are to finish school and one day become a photographer while my short term goals is be an honor
student and to gain more experience in photography. Goal setting can help me set my goals and achieve
it to become a better version of myself.

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