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Rafael Ramos

Gr. 10 St. Augustine - Cluster B


- As we examine the photos below there are 4 and possibly more than 1 hazard in my
house. Now there are possible and many suggested ways to avoid casualties and
hazards, for the 1st picture we see a standing cabinet with no restraints on the wall or
anything to keep it from falling. Now once an earthquake hits the possibility of it
falling in front of the door and getting the people inside the room stuck are high, but
the chances of it getting carried back up again is also high, since it’s only a small
cabinet and filled with clothes, the people inside the room could just remove the clothes
first to decrease the weight of the cabinet so it can be easily carried and stood back up
so the people could exit the room. Now for the 2nd picture we see a window with a
singular glass broken, when an earthquake hits, there is a possibility that the glass
window will break and the whole window will collapse. Many of the people in the
house will have a hard time escaping since the glass window is literally in front of the
stairs. So once the glass collapses, many debris of glass will be on the floor that can
cause injuries and wounds to the feet with or without shoes/slippers. So the suggestion
to avoid this hazard is to immediately fix and maintain the strength of the window and
wall. For the 3rd picture is the family table where we all eat and you can see a hanging
light on top of the table. Now the chances of it actually falling from the ceiling is low,
since it’s strongly connected to the ceiling and not unless the strength of the earthquake
is very strong then the possibility of it falling is still kind of highly unlikely. Now for the
last picture is the family room, where everyone sleeps in, and there is a singular
television which has no support from the back or front and it is standing on top of a
shelf with no restraints as well from the wall. When an earthquake hits, the chances of
it falling in front of the bed is high. There is going to be a casualty and accident that is
going to happen because the tv is heavy, big, and wide. I still don’t know how to resolve
this hazard because my parents always organize everything from the position of the
bed and where everything must be facing. There are more possible hazards in the
house but I concluded that most of them are not highly hazardous unlike the pictures
given below. Most of the given things I can't fix or avoid since it’s all fixed and
organized by my parents.

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