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Uses of biochemical data

in clinical medicine
William J. Marshall  •  Marta Lapsley


INTRODUCTION  1 Screening  4
Other uses of biochemical
investigations  5
Diagnosis  2
Management  3 CONCLUSION  5

INTRODUCTION often requested automatically, without regard for their

potential value in the specific clinical setting. Clinical
The science of biochemistry is fundamental to the prac- biochemists decry this but do themselves no favour by
tice of clinical medicine. Many diseases have long been their use of the term, widely employed by clinicians,
known to have a biochemical basis and research in bio- ‘routine investigations’ (usually meaning relatively sim-
chemistry is increasingly providing descriptions of ple investigations that are performed frequently) and
pathological processes and explanations for disease at a even ‘routine laboratories’ (meaning the places where
molecular level. they are done).
As a result of the application of biochemical principles Ideally, investigations should always be performed
and techniques to the analysis of body fluids and tissues, because there is a specific indication for them, that is,
clinicians have an extensive and ever-increasing range of because it is anticipated that their results will provide
biochemical investigations that can be called upon to aid information of benefit to the management of the pa-
clinical decision-making. Such investigations can pro- tient. However, it cannot be denied that investigations
vide information vital to the diagnosis and management requested for no specific reason can sometimes provide
of many conditions, including both those with an obvi- valuable information. Most clinicians are able to recall
ous metabolic basis (e.g. diabetes mellitus) and those in occasions when an unexpected result from a ‘routine test’
which metabolic disturbances occur as a consequence of has provided the essential clue to the diagnosis in a dif-
the disease (e.g. renal failure). On the other hand, many ficult case. More often, the finding of an unexpectedly
conditions are successfully diagnosed and treated without abnormal result may engender considerable anxiety and
recourse to any biochemical investigation, while there re- involve further investigations to elucidate its cause, only
main conditions in which it might be expected that bio- for it to transpire that the biochemical abnormality is of
chemical investigations should be of value but for which no clinical significance.
appropriate tests are not yet available. For example, there The potential range of investigations available to sup-
are, as yet, no practical biochemical investigations to assist port the clinician is considerable, from simple low cost
in the diagnosis and management of the major affective urine dip-stick tests to magnetic resonance imaging using
disorders (see Chapter 35), although there is consider- hugely expensive equipment. There is an understandable
able evidence that biochemical disturbances are involved tendency for clinical biochemists to think that biochemi-
in the pathogenesis of these conditions. cal investigations are pre-eminent among special investi-
Biochemical analysers range from large, automated gations. In some conditions they are, in others they have
instruments capable of performing multiple tests on no role, while in many, their value is greatly increased
single serum samples to relatively simple instruments when their results are considered alongside those of
designed to measure only one or a few analytes. In other investigations, for example imaging. The clinician
general, they generate results quickly, reliably and should be aware of the whole range of investigations that
economically. However, some tests, often more com- are available, but needs also to be able to appreciate their
plex and expensive ones, are performed manually and ­various advantages and limitations. The clinical biochem-
may take longer to complete. Biochemical data are thus ist, too, needs to be aware of the role of other investi-
readily available to support clinical decision-making. gations, so that he or she can view biochemical tests in
Ordering a biochemical investigation is a simple proce- context and advise on their suitability and the interpre-
dure and there is no doubt that such investigations are tation of their results in specific clinical circumstances.

2 Clinical biochemistry

It has been the editors’ aim to ensure that this informa- in utero; at the other end of the spectrum, to take just
tion is provided where relevant in this book. one example, a decrease in plasma sodium concentration
The processes of acquiring and interpreting biochemi- can occur in many different conditions and is, on its own,
cal data are complex. Correct interpretation requires that diagnostic of none of them.
the clinical context and reason for requesting the test are Molecular genetic analysis has become a separate dis-
properly understood, otherwise the result has little value. cipline in its own right and is a special case for the use
This chapter explores the variety of potential ways in of biochemical investigations for diagnosis. It is used to
which biochemical data can be used in clinical practice. detect the presence of a mutation responsible for a spe-
cific disease. Even when possession of a mutation does
not inevitably result in the development of a disease, its
SPECIFIC USES OF BIOCHEMICAL TESTS presence can indicate increased susceptibility to a condi-
tion. However, even individuals with the same genotype
Diagnosis for a characteristic may differ in their phenotypes. But,
although molecular genetics is a rapidly developing field,
It has been said that diagnosis in medicine is an art, not a many genetically determined conditions, including in-
science, yet the process of diagnosis is amenable to scientific herited metabolic diseases, are still diagnosed on the basis
analysis. Making a diagnosis is the equivalent of propounding of their biochemical phenotype.
a hypothesis. A hypothesis should be tested by experiment, With the exception of genetically determined diseases,
the results of which may support or refute the hypothesis, the number of conditions in which biochemical investiga-
which can then be extended, modified or discarded in favour tions alone provide a precise diagnosis is very small. There
of an alternative, as appropriate. The validity of a clinical are several reasons for this. First, biochemical changes are
diagnosis is tested by observation of the natural history of often a consequence of a pathological process that is com-
the condition or its response to appropriate treatment or by mon to many conditions. Thus, although tissue destruc-
the results of definitive investigations: the diagnosis will be tion leads to the release of intracellular enzymes into the
confirmed if these are as expected from knowledge of previ- plasma, few such enzymes are specific to any one tissue and
ous cases. If they are not, it must be reviewed. tissue destruction can occur for many reasons, for example
Clinical diagnosis is based on the patient’s history and with ischaemia, exposure to toxins etc. Second, it also fre-
clinical examination. Taking general and hospital practice quently happens that a biochemical variable can be influ-
together, it has been estimated that, in more than 80% enced by more than one type of process. To cite a familiar
of cases, a confident diagnosis can be made on the basis example, plasma albumin concentration can be influenced
of the history or the history and clinical findings alone. by changes in the rates of synthesis and degradation of the
Even when this cannot be done, it should be possible to protein and by changes in its volume of distribution, and
formulate a differential diagnosis, that is, a list of diag- the rate of synthesis in turn depends on substrate supply
noses that could explain the clinical observations. The and hepatic function, among other factors. Third, even
results of investigations may then lead to one of these be- when a biochemical change is specific to one condition, it
ing considered the most likely and providing a rational may not indicate its cause and this may need to be estab-
basis for treatment. Subsequent observation will indicate lished before the condition can be treated appropriately.
whether the diagnosis was correct. For example, the demonstration of a high plasma con-
Although not necessarily required for the management centration of the thyroid hormone, tri-iodothyronine, is
of an individual patient, it may be possible to extend the characteristic of hyperthyroidism, but this can be a result
clinical diagnosis by further investigation to determine the of several different thyroid diseases, and treatment appro-
pathogenesis of the condition and ultimately, its underly- priate for one of these may not be appropriate for another.
ing cause. For example, measurement of serum troponin When a biochemical investigation is used for diag-
concentration may confirm a clinical diagnosis of myo- nosis, the result obtained from the patient will usually
cardial infarction in a patient with typical chest pain and be compared with a reference range, that is, the range
electrocardiographic abnormalities; angiography could be of values that can be expected in comparable apparently
used to demonstrate coronary atherosclerosis prior to sur- healthy individuals. The theory of reference ranges is dis-
gery or angioplasty; the finding of hypercholesterolaemia cussed further in Chapter 2, but two points require par-
would indicate a causative factor for the atherosclerosis; a ticular emphasis here.
family history of premature heart disease would suggest First, the natural variation of biochemical parameters
that the hypercholesterolaemia was familial and DNA mu- is such that the ranges of concentrations of constituents
tation analysis might reveal the underlying genetic defect. of the plasma are likely to be narrower in an individual
The ideal diagnostic investigation would be 100% than in a group (even if well-matched to the individual).
sensitive (all cases of the condition in question would be Second, for many biochemical variables, there is overlap,
correctly diagnosed) and 100% specific (no individual often considerable, between the range of values seen in
without the condition would be wrongly diagnosed as healthy individuals and those characteristic of disease.
having it). The concepts of specificity and sensitivity are Thus, a test result in a patient with a disease may fall into
examined fully in Chapter 2. In practice, the capacity of the range typical for healthy people and vice versa. This
biochemical investigations to provide precise diagnos- overlap stems in part from the fact that some organs have
tic information is extremely variable. At one end of the considerable reserve capacity. The liver, kidneys, pancreas
spectrum, the techniques of genetic analysis are making it and small intestine exemplify this. For example, in chronic
possible to reliably diagnose inherited metabolic diseases kidney disease, renal function may still be sufficient to
Uses of biochemical data in clinical medicine 3

maintain normal homoeostasis with respect to body fluid to which a result is abnormal correlates well with the se-
composition, even when half the functional capacity of the verity of a condition but this is not always the case. The
kidneys has been lost. It should not, therefore, be surpris- diagnostic test may not reflect that aspect of the condi-
ing that simple measurements of function can yield normal tion of greatest importance in terms of severity; thus two
results in patients with kidney disease. In chronic pancre- patients with hepatitis may have equally raised plasma
atitis, biochemical evidence of functional disturbance (e.g. aminotransferase activities (reflecting tissue damage),
of malabsorption) usually only becomes apparent when at but the condition will be judged more severe if, in one
least 80% of the functional capacity of the pancreas is lost, patient, the prothrombin time is prolonged (reflecting
although the characteristic of severe pain often occurs at impaired hepatic functional capacity). Furthermore,
an earlier stage. Similarly, disease of the small intestine by overall disease severity (in relation to its effect on the
no means always results in malabsorption. ­patient) is likely to depend on many other factors, in-
When previous measurements are available in an in- cluding the nature of the condition itself, the patient’s
dividual, test results can be compared with these values, age, previous state of health, the existence of other illness
rather than with a reference range. Indeed, biochemical in- etc. For example, hepatitis due to infection with hepatitis
vestigations are sometimes requested to provide a ‘baseline’ A virus tends to have a good prognosis compared with
against which to assess future results, particularly if there is that caused by hepatitis B or C.
risk of a particular complication developing or if a change
can be anticipated from the natural history of the disease Prognosis
or the expected response to treatment. A change in a bio-
chemical variable in relation to a previous result may be of In general, the results of biochemical tests are poor indi-
significance, even if both results are within the reference cators of prognosis, but there are exceptions to this. For
range. Thus, a rise of creatinine concentration within the example, the plasma bilirubin concentration at the time
reference range may indicate a significant loss of kidney of diagnosis in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis cor-
function, and may even indicate acute kidney injury if the relates well with outcome; a high plasma concentration
rise has occurred rapidly. The concept of the critical differ- of a-fetoprotein in a patient with testicular teratoma is
ence between two results is discussed further in Chapter 2. of prognostic significance, but the concentration of para-
The capacity of a biochemical test to provide diagnos- protein in a patient with myeloma is not. Other examples
tic information can be quantified by the calculation of a are discussed in the ensuing chapters.
mathematical function known as the predictive value. As One aspect of prognosis is the assessment of the ben-
will be discussed in Chapter 2, the predictive value of a efits and risks of treatment. It has long been appreciated
diagnostic test depends on the prevalence of the condi- that different patients do not necessarily respond identi-
tion in the group of people to whom the test is applied. cally to the same drug. Many factors impinge on patients’
If a diagnostic test is used indiscriminately, its predictive responses to drugs including, for example, nutrition or
value will be low. the concomitant use of other drugs. Genetic factors are
The majority of biochemical investigations made for also important, and often many different genes are in-
clinical purposes involve analysis of plasma or serum. volved. Pharmacogenetics (see Chapter 43) is the name
However, changes in the concentration of analytes in given to the science relating the effects of genes on our
these fluids do not necessarily parallel changes in intra- response to drugs, and is a rapidly expanding field within
cellular or whole body content, and yet it may be these molecular genetics that is likely to become established
quantities that are more relevant to the underlying pathol- within the repertoire of diagnostic clinical biochemistry
ogy. Furthermore, single measurements may not provide laboratories in the future.
reliable information in non-steady-state situations, for
example, the plasma concentration of thyroid stimulating Monitoring the progression of disease
hormone (TSH), which is typically very low in patients
with thyrotoxicosis, may remain low for some weeks after Although biochemical data alone may be of limited use in
treatment has rendered patients clinically euthyroid. diagnosis, serial measurements can be of considerable value
For whatever purpose biochemical data are used, it is in monitoring the course of a disease or its response to
essential that they are reliable and are available in time to treatment. The more closely the variable being measured
be of use. Under some circumstances, it may be permis- relates to the underlying pathological process or functional
sible to sacrifice some quality in order to obtain a result abnormality, the better it will be for this purpose.
rapidly, but in general, every attempt should be made to However, the reason for a change in a biochemical
minimize the influence of both analytical and preanalyti- variable is not always the most obvious (or hoped for), so
cal factors on the accuracy and precision of data. This that even if an observed change is as expected or desired,
topic is considered further in Chapter 2. the result should be interpreted with care. For example,
a decrease in urine protein excretion in a patient with
glomerular disease may indicate resolution of the under-
Management lying condition, but it could also be a result of deterio-
ration leading to a decrease in the glomerular filtration
Assessment of disease severity
rate. Biochemical data must always be interpreted in the
Most biochemical investigations are quantitative, and light of clinical assessment and the results of other rel-
the more abnormal a result is, the more likely it is that a evant investigations, not in isolation. Nevertheless, inter-
pathological disturbance is causing it. Often, the extent vention may sometimes be appropriate on the basis of a
4 Clinical biochemistry

biochemical change alone, if this has been shown reliably of suitable screening tests and, inevitably, the cost. The
to predict a significant clinical change, for example in latter includes particularly the economic cost of the pro-
hyperkalaemia in a patient with renal failure. gramme but also the personal cost to individuals, for
When serial biochemical measurements are used to example those who test ‘false positive’ (individuals identi-
follow the response to treatment, the failure of an expected fied by the programme but on further investigation found
change to occur may suggest that the treatment is in- not to have the condition in question) and, with inher-
adequate or inappropriate, or even that the diagnosis is ited diseases, the relatives of individuals detected by the
incorrect. In therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM, see programme.
Chapter 39), biochemical measurements may actually
indicate a possible cause for non-response to treatment.
Population screening
Biochemical investigations can also be used to detect
the development of complications of diseases or their treat- Economic and logistic considerations preclude the screen-
ment before these become obvious clinically, and thus allow ing of whole populations for disease, although it has been
appropriate action to be taken before there is any clinical advocated, for example, that all adults (some suggest only
deterioration. They may even be used to prevent compli- males, others males and females) should be screened for
cations: for certain drugs, TDM allows presymptomatic hypercholesterolaemia. Although this would undoubt-
­detection of potentially toxic concentrations of the drug. edly lead to the identification of a significant number of
individuals at greatly increased risk of coronary heart dis-
Screening ease because of severe but asymptomatic hypercholester-
olaemia, such a programme, however desirable, would be
Screening for disease implies attempting to detect disease very costly, and it has been argued that resources would
before it becomes manifest through the development of a be better devoted to measures to improve the general
clinical disturbance. Inherent in the concept of screening health of the population, by encouraging a healthy diet
is that appropriate management of subclinical disease is and lifestyle.
of potential benefit to the patient. Screening can involve
clinical assessment and laboratory and other investiga-
Selective screening
tions. For some conditions (particularly inherited meta-
bolic diseases), screening may involve a single biochemical Selective biochemical screening for disease is already
test. But the term is also used in relation to the perfor- practised extensively in developed countries. The neona-
mance of a range of biochemical tests (often combined tal screening programmes for phenylketonuria, congeni-
with other types of investigation) in healthy people, in an tal hypothyroidism, sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis
attempt to detect any of a number of conditions, in the be- are the best known examples. With the advent of tandem
lief that a set of ‘normal’ results – that is, results within the mass spectrometry, it is possible to screen for many more
appropriate reference limits – excludes these conditions. conditions such as medium chain fatty acid oxidation
As will be seen in Chapter 2, considerable care is required disorders, some organic acidaemias and the commonest
both in the devising of screening tests and in their inter- form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, using a tiny quan-
pretation. While a set of ‘normal’ results may appear reas- tity of blood and at reasonable cost. These complement
suring and may, indeed, exclude the presence of certain the thorough clinical screening of the newborn for condi-
diseases, it may also convey a false impression and even tions such as congenital cataract, imperforate anus etc.
delay the diagnosis of early disease. Because of the way in Where a condition is particularly common in a de-
which reference ranges are defined, the more tests that are fined group, screening may be appropriate, even though
performed, the more likely it is that an ‘abnormal’ result it would not be for the population at large. Antenatal
(i.e. outside the reference limits) will be generated that is screening for Tay–Sachs disease in Ashkenazi Jews is one
not related to the presence of disease. example.
A positive result in a screening test on its own should For hypercholesterolaemia, selective screening is a
not usually be regarded as being diagnostic. When more practicable procedure than population screening. It
the prevalence of a condition in the population being can be applied to people in whom there is a high probabil-
screened is low, the predictive value of a positive result is ity of hypercholesterolaemia being present, for example
often lower than is generally supposed. A positive result members of families in which there is a history of familial
in a screening test must always be confirmed by further hypercholesterolaemia or premature heart disease. Such
investigation. The use of direct methods (e.g. oligonu- screening can also be directed towards people already at
cleotide probes, see Chapter 43) to detect mutations in increased risk of coronary heart disease because, for ex-
DNA is an exception to this. Properly conducted, they ample, they are smokers or have hypertension or type 2
are definitive with regard to the detection of mutations, diabetes, whose risk would be increased further by hyper-
although not necessarily for the development of disease. cholesterolaemia. Other examples of selective screening
Screening may be applied to a population, to groups are discussed in the relevant chapters of this book.
sharing a common characteristic within a population
or to individuals. According to the nature of the condi-
Individual screening
tion in question, screening may be carried out antena-
tally, shortly after birth, during childhood or during adult Examples of individual screening include antenatal screen-
life. The strategy adopted will depend on the risk of the ing of a fetus for an inherited disease when a previous
condition, the probability of its presence, the availability child of the parents has been found to have the condition
Uses of biochemical data in clinical medicine 5

or when there is a strong family history of the condition. of this book and not ‘routinely’. Neither should junior
This has been practised for some time for certain inher- medical staff be put under pressure to request unneces-
ited diseases, but the number for which it can be done is sary tests to placate their seniors.
growing rapidly now that the mutations responsible for It is regrettable that there is an increasingly perceived
inherited diseases are becoming known. Although, un- need for doctors to carry out a comprehensive range of
doubtedly, it will become possible to treat some of these investigations in case of subsequent litigation. While this
conditions in utero, at present, antenatal screening is is understandable, it should not be necessary if investiga-
mainly aimed at detecting conditions with consequences tions are requested and performed in response to the indi-
so severe that it is considered appropriate to terminate vidual clinical circumstances. There will always be other
the pregnancy if the genetic abnormality is present. Given investigations that could have been done, but no blame
this possible outcome, it is clearly essential that if the diag- should be attached to a doctor who failed to carry one
nosis is to rest only on the result of the screening test, this out if it was not indicated clinically, either on the basis of
should provide accurate and unequivocal results. the known natural history of the disease or the predicted
response to, and known complications of, treatment.
Other uses of biochemical investigations
All the uses of biochemical investigations that have been CONCLUSION
discussed thus far are potentially of direct benefit to the
patient. Other important uses include the provision of Biochemical data are used extensively in medicine, both
information for teaching, research and public health. in the management of patients and in research. But be-
Usually, this will relate to one of the categories discussed. fore an investigation is requested, the rationale for testing
Although such data may not be of immediate benefit to should always be considered. Automated analysers can
the patient, these areas are of immense potential benefit perform many tests at a very low cost in relation to the
to the population, providing information fundamental to total expenditure on healthcare, but the cost is not negli-
the advancement of knowledge. This use has ethical im- gible. There may also be a cost to the patient. Repeated
plications and is increasingly subject to scrutiny by bodies venepunctures to obtain blood for ‘routine’ tests are at
such as the network of research ethics committees in the best a nuisance, and at worst can, particularly in small
UK. The use of biochemical investigations to assess or- children, cause a significant fall in the haematocrit. The
gan function in potential transplant donors is an example laboratory handbook at one hospital of the authors’ ac-
of the use of investigations primarily for the benefit of quaintance used to contain the following advice to junior
other people. Data collection in specific disorders, such medical staff: ‘If you need advice or time to think, ask for
as for the UK Renal Registry for patients on dialysis, can it; do not ask for a full blood count and measurement of
help to improve the standard of care given to selected pa- “urea and electrolytes”.’ In common with other investi-
tient groups by comparing results achieved by different gations, biochemical investigations should be requested
centres against pre-defined targets. to answer specific questions; if there is no question, the
Extensive biochemical investigations are usually car- result cannot provide an answer.
ried out during trials of drugs: these may be required as
part of the assessment of a drug’s efficacy but are also es- Further reading
sential for the detection of possible toxicity. Asher R. Richard Asher talking sense. A selection of his papers edited by
Investigations may also be performed for the benefit Sir Francis Avery Jones. London: Pitman Medical; 1972.
of the doctor rather than the patient. Few doctors have A collection of essays by a clear thinking physician; his observations on the
use of common sense in medicine, including the use of the laboratory.
not been guilty at some time, of requesting biochemical Fraser CG. Interpretation of clinical chemistry laboratory data. Oxford:
tests for reassurance. The supposition is that if the results Blackwell Scientific; 1986.
of a range of test results are within reference limits, then A concise but comprehensive account of the uses of laboratory data, their
the conditions in which abnormalities are known to occur acquisition and interpretation, relevant to this and the succeeding chapter,
cannot be present. As has been emphasized above, this which should be required reading for clinical biochemists.
NCBI. One size does not fit all: the promise of pharmacogenomics,
supposition is erroneous and any reassurance may be un-
founded. Biochemical investigations should be requested CGAP2/Pharmacogenomics%20Factsheet.htm; [Accessed 20.09.12].
for one of the reasons discussed in the relevant chapter A concise introduction to this topic.

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