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Date: 15-07 2022 Subject: Computers

Memory and Storage

Draw the Machine / Instruction cycle in NB.

Step 1: Fetch instructions from memory

Step 2: Decode instructions into commands
Step 3: Execute the commands
Step 4: Store result in Memory.
Pg.11 Question and Answers
1. A computer stores all its data and instructions in its storage space which is known as
Computer memory.
Random Access Memory Read Only Memory

It stores the information temporarily It stores the information permanently

The information stored in RAM is lost The information in ROM will not be lost
when you turn off your computer even after you turn off your computer

It is volatile memory It is non-volatile

3. Secondary memory also called as External memory is needed because the internal
storage of a computer is insufficient to store a large amount of data.

4. A compact disc is a portable optical storage medium that can be used to record, store,
and play back audio, video and other data in digital form. It can store up to 700 MB of data.

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