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Freedom is something that everybody has heard of but if you ask for its meaning

then everyone will give you different meaning. This is so because everyone has a
different opinion about freedom. For some freedom means the freedom of going
anywhere they like, for some it means to speak up form themselves, and for
some, it is liberty of doing anything they like.

Meaning of Freedom

The real meaning of freedom according to books is. Freedom refers to a state of
independence where you can do what you like without any restriction by anyone.
Moreover, freedom can be called a state of mind where you have the right and
freedom of doing what you can think off. Also, you can feel freedom from within.

The Indian Freedom

Indian is a country which was earlier ruled by Britisher  and to get rid of these
rulers India fight back and earn their freedom. But during this long fight, many
people lost their lives and because of the sacrifice of those people and every
citizen of the country, India is a free country and the world largest democracy in
the world.
Moreover, after independence India become one of those countries who give his
citizen some freedom right without and restrictions.

The Indian Freedom Right

India drafted a constitution during the days of struggle with the Britishers and
after independence it became applicable. In this constitution, the Indian citizen
was given several fundaments right which is applicable to all citizen equally.
More importantly, these right are the freedom that the constitution has given to
every citizen.

These right are right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right
to freedom of religion¸ culture and educational right, right to constitutional
remedies, right to education. All these right give every freedom that they can’t get
in any other country.

Value of Freedom

The real value of anything can only be understood by those who have earned it or
who have sacrificed their lives for it. Freedom also means liberalization from
oppression. It also means the freedom from racism, from harm, from the
opposition, from discrimination and many more things.

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Freedom does not mean that you violate others right, it does not mean that you
disregard other rights. Moreover, freedom means enchanting the beauty of nature
and the environment around us.

The Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is the most common and prominent right that every citizen
enjoy. Also, it is important because it is essential for the all-over development of
the country.
Moreover, it gives way to open debates that helps in the discussion of thought and
ideas that are essential for the growth of society.

Besides, this is the only right that links with all the other rights closely. More
importantly, it is essential to express one’s view of his/her view about society and
other things.

To conclude, we can say that Freedom is not what we think it is. It is a

psychological concept everyone has different views on. Similarly, it has a
different value for different people. But freedom links with happiness in a

FAQs on Freedom

Q.1 What is the true meaning of freedom?

A.1  Freedom truly means giving equal opportunity to everyone for liberty and
pursuit of happiness.

Q.2 What is freedom of expression means?

A.2 Freedom of expression means the freedom to express one’s own ideas and
opinions through the medium of writing, speech, and other forms of
communication without causing any harm to someone’s reputation.

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