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Week No. 2 Date: ____________

Learning Competency & Code: Illustrate the importance of quantitative research across fields.

Name: ____________________________________ Section: ________________

Address: __________________________________ Contact No.: ________________

I -Content
Topic: Nature of Inquiry and Research

Importance of Quantitative Research Across Fields

Field is a particular branch of study, activity or interest.

Most fields have to deal with processes that involve experimentations, tests, and research. In these
situations, quantitative measures are more or less involved. In validating results or findings,
quantitative research can be useful. Whenever there are data or numbers to be surveyed, such as
prevailing behaviors, attitudes, patterns and trends, and other quantifiable aspects, quantitative
research serves as a multi-purpose method, that is, to test, to identify, to count, to assess, to
classify jobs, etc.

Education. Quantitative research can be used in measuring the level of academic performance of learners as
well as the teachers. It can be also be used to assess the effectiveness of the methods used, the different
programs conducted, and the satisfaction of all stakeholders in the educational sector including learners,
teachers, parents, school heads, the community, the government, and non-governmental organizations.
Through this research method, the interests of these groups can be advanced by implementing quantifiable
best practices.

Business. Quantitative research is a very valuable tool in business when it is used intelligently. It can improve
the overall marketing strategy; help the company make informed decisions on how to move forward with a
particular product or service; and even solicit consumer's opinions for productivity. This type of research is
largely utilized in product development and to create favorable marketing campaigns. Data that are often used
in this type of research are market size, demographics, and user-preferences.

Medical and Health Allied Services. Since health practitioners are concerned with human life, the discharge
of their duties is very critical. Thus, healthcare procedures, routines, and other systems must be based on the
result of scientific investigation. The statistics on the rate of recovery, the number of patients with illnesses
and sicknesses, the efficacy of medicines and drugs, among others, when analyzed, can become rich sources
of information and a basis of good practices in medical treatment and intervention. Experimental research on
effective medicines, vaccines and other drugs to cure illness like COVID 19 is conducted through quantitative
research. Data on the level of satisfaction of patients on services rendered by the employees in a hospital and
the patient's profile when treated statistically can be ideal groups for the distribution of health funds and

Science and Technology. The noted observation for a phenomenon, the rate of processing of certain
devices, and the time consumed for any procedure are factors to be considered. The data collected will lead
to a more responsible and accountable operation of the different components of technology. During
experiments on new devices, inventions, discoveries, and innovations, the recorded data are very vital for any
test of efficiency.
Research can help us in understanding and assessing the things and occurrences around us. It provides us
rationale and justification for our decisions and actions. It gives us various ways to discovers and identify
problems, find new ways of dealing life’s challenges and to come up with innovative materials and mechanism
that can improve the quality of our lives.

II - Activity: Give one field where quantitative research is used and discuss how it is applied. It must not be in
the discussion.

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